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1780, South Carolina: While Loyalist Meriwether Steele recovers from illness in the stately home of her beloved guardian, Jeremiah Jordan, she senses the haunting presence of his late wife. When she learns that Jeremiah is a Patriot spy and shoots Captain Vaughan, the British officer sent to arrest him, she is caught up on a wild ride into Carolina back country, pursued both by the impassioned captain and the vindictive ghost. 

Will she remain loyal to her king and Tory twin brother or risk a traitor's death fighting for Jeremiah? If Captain Vaughan snatches her away, he won't give her a choice.

The Story Behind This Book

Mysterious old homes, shrouded mountains and valleys hidden between misty ridges; the lure of Eastern Woodland Indians and Scots-Irish settlers in colonial American…this is what I know and love. But in writing Enemy of the King I spread beyond my Virginia home base and journeyed into the Carolinas at the height of the Revolution. Enemy of the King is my version of The Patriot with flavors of Daphne Dumaurier’s Rebecca. Pleasant Grove, the home featured in Enemy of the King, was drawn from Drayton Hall, the oldest preserved plantation in America that’s open to the public, located outside the city of Charleston, SC: I also incorporated elements of my ancestral Virginia home, circa 1816, located outside the historic town of Staunton. Called Chapel Hill(pictured above) this Georgian style brick house has been in the family for going on eight generations. The old kitchen, a separate building from the main house, no longer stands but I remember it from my childhood. Some outbuildings still remain; among them the smokehouse and stable. The house itself is filled with a wonderful collection of heirlooms. The miniature china dogs I played with as a child turn up in Enemy of the King. The ‘snake thing’ in Chapter One is drawn from an incident that happened to me at Chapel Hill when I was a girl. Back in my contest circuit days, more than one judge told me a snake couldn’t possibly get into a house and wind around the antlers of a buck mounted up on the wall. They can and one did; a rather horrifying discovery for a child to make in the wee hours on her way to the bathroom. And then there’s the fact that I always suspected the house was haunted, not sure by whom… Years ago as I was researching my early American Scots-Irish forebears I often came across references to a battle fought during the Revolution called King’s Mountain. The name alone drew me. I vowed to go back later and research it more in depth and uncovered fascinating fodder for the imagination. I learned about the gallant, ill-fated British Major Patrick Ferguson who lost his life and Loyalist army atop that Carolina Mountain called King’s back in the fall of 1780. Ferguson is buried there beneath a stone cairn, possibly along with his mistress who also fell that day. He had two, both called Virginia. But it’s believed one mistress made her escape on a horse by betraying his whereabouts to the advancing Patriots. Speaking of which, I discovered the hardy, sometimes downright mean Overmountain men of Scots heritage didn’t take kindly to Ferguson’s warning that they desist from rebellion or he’d bring fire and sword upon them and hang all their leaders––all these enemies of the King! ‘Book title,’ I said to self. And Enemy of the King sounds much cooler than The Patriot. So I began what came to be my version of that famous movie, though I started my novel before it even came out. I’ve invested years of research into the high drama and romance of the Revolution. I don’t regret a moment and am seeking like-minded persons to share in this passion with me. That has an unfortunate e-Harmony ring to it. But I digress, (often). Needless to say, the Battle of King’s Mountain, a mega conflict that altered the course of a nation, plays a prominent role in this fast-paced Historical Romance. And, being drawn to mysterious old homes and the notion that those who’ve gone before us are not always gone, I included a paranormal element. As part of my research for Enemy of the King, my mom and I took a road trip to the Carolinas. It was January but a mild winter and still quite a lot of hardy flowers in bloom. We toured historic Charleston, SC to take in the wonderful old homes, live oaks, and plantations. Enemy of the King opens in the summer of 1780 on a plantation in Low Country SC outside the city of then ‘Charles Town.’ I fashioned my gracious home, Pleasant Grove, after Drayton Hall, the oldest preserved plantation in America that’s open to the public. Middleton Place is a carefully preserved 18th century plantation with spectacular gardens. We had lunch in their charming restaurant: Onto the magnificent Congaree Swamp in the Congaree National Park: “The largest remnant of old-growth floodplain forest remaining on the continent.” The trees are immense in this unique blend of woods and wetland. We toured on the walkway that runs above the forest floor, enjoying the scenery and birds, until we paused to take a picture of an ancient cypress. Right where we would have been standing, an enormous branch crashed down from a rotted tree towering overhead. Feeling Providence had intervened in our behalf, we decided to visit the very interesting museum/gift shop. I featured the Congaree Swamp in Enemy of the King. Frances Marion, ‘the swamp fox,’ is said to have hidden out there at some point during the war. For more about this unique wetland visit: Fascinating. I loved visiting the Carolinas. Parts of them are almost as lovely as the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia (state rivalry here

Praise and Reviews

"Enemy of the King is an amazing and vibrant look into the American Revolutionary War and tells the story through the eyes of a remarkable woman. While Jeremiah Jordan himself is a strong soldier and heroic patriot, it is Meriwether Steele who makes such a great impression in this epic novel. Her dedication to the man she loves, the lengths she must go to defend herself and others, and the unstoppable force that she is makes Meriwether one heck of a heroine. Ms. Trissel brings the countryside and its people alive with her fascinating and at times gory details. This sexy historical book is a must read!"

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More


Reviewed by: Bella Wolfe, You Gotta Read Reviews

"1780, South Carolina: While Loyalist Meriwether Steele recovers from illness in the stately home of her beloved guardian, Jeremiah Jordan, she senses the haunting presence of his late wife. When she learns that Jeremiah is a Patriot spy and shoots Captain Vaughan, the British officer sent to arrest him, she is caught up on a wild ride into Carolina back country, pursued both by the impassioned captain and the vindictive ghost. Will she remain loyal to her king and Tory twin brother or risk a traitor’s death fighting for Jeremiah? If Captain Vaughan snatches her away, he won’t give her a choice.

I love historical romances. They are one of my favorites and anymore when I think of a historical I think of Beth Trissel. She is an author who has proved herself over time. She is a beautiful storyteller. Ms. Trissel can take a story line and make it a work of art. And she did just that with Enemy of the King. This tale was so wonderful; it really was a magical read. As soon as I started reading I felt like I was in the pages. The author has a way of pulling you into the story; this is your story. I could see the characters and the images Ms. Trissel described as if I were there or watching a film on TV. It’s a classic read for the ages and I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to read a true fairy-tale. Thank you Beth Trissel for providing your readers with another amazing read! I cannot wait for your next release."

Enemy of the King by Beth Trissel
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Historical, Action/Adventure
Length: Full (322 pages)
Heat: Spicy
Rating: 5 Books

1780, South Carolina: While Loyalist Meriwether Steele recovers from illness in the stately home of her beloved guardian, Jeremiah Jordan, she senses the haunting presence of his late wife. When she learns that Jeremiah is a Patriot spy and shoots Captain Vaughan, the British officer sent to arrest him, she is caught up on a wild ride into Carolina back country, pursued both by the impassioned captain and the vindictive ghost. Will she remain loyal to her king and Tory twin brother or risk a traitor’s death fighting for Jeremiah? If Captain Vaughan snatches her away, he won’t give her a choice.

Meri’s twin brother is a Tory. The love of her life is a Patriot. Meri’s loyalties lay somewhere in the middle.

Meriwether Steele has been in love with Jeremiah Jordan since she was a girl. With her father dead and her twin brother off fighting for the British, Jeremiah becomes Meri’s guardian while she recovers from an illness. After she recovers, Meri relishes the time spent with Jeremiah, but fears for his safety when she discovers he is a Patriot spy. Even more troubling, Meri learns that Jeremiah’s dead wife, Rachel, has a hold over him that Meri might not be able to break.

Finally, Jeremiah confesses his love for Meri, but her joy is short lived. British troops arrive at Jeremiah’s doorstep with the intention of arresting him as a spy. Determined to keep Jeremiah out of British hands, Meri shoots and wounds Captain Vaughn, the officer sent to arrest Jeremiah. Branded a traitor to the crown, she is forced to flee into Carolina back country with Jeremiah and his band of Patriots. Unfortunately, Meri has captured the attention of Captain Vaughn. Once he recovers from his wound he’s determined to see Jeremiah hanged, and keep Meri for himself.

Meriwether is certainly a remarkable heroine. At first, the age difference between her and Jeremiah is very apparent. He is fourteen years older then her and her childlike stubbornness clearly illustrates this. However, as the story progresses, Meri develops into quite an extraordinary woman. Travelling through Carolina back country with Jeremiah teaches her more about love, life, and loss then she ever could have imagined as she fights to protect those she cares for.

Jeremiah is the classic haunted hero. His marriage to Rachel seemed ideal on the outside, but in reality was far from perfect. Even though Rachel is long gone, Jeremiah is still atoning for a wrong he committed against her years ago. As much as he wants to love Meri, the memory of his wife keeps him from moving on and committing to Meri completely.

Not only were the hero and heroine of the story compelling, but Captain Vaughn was one of the most intriguing villains I’ve read in a long time, which sets Enemy of the King a notch above some other books that I’ve read. At first Vaughn appears to be nothing more then the tyrant trying to tear Jeremiah and Meri apart. However, as I read the story, I discovered that Vaughn isn’t quite as evil as he first appeared. He too has a sense of honor and duty. He also genuinely cares for Meri and has the opportunity to prove the true depth of his character by the end.

In addition to creating memorable characters, Ms. Trissel makes wonderful use of descriptive language. “Dreadful screeching, like the cries of an enraged cat, tore through the muggy night and into Meriwether’s chamber…The sweetness of jasmine wafted from the trellised vine as she peered down through moss-draped branches.” Description like this can be found throughout Enemy of the Kingand really pulled me into the story so that I felt as if I were actually there.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Enemy of the King. Not only are the characters memorable and the setting beautifully described, but the action is riveting and the romance between Meri and Jeremiah is tender. I highly recommend Enemy of the King to anyone who loves a well crafted historical romance.

Enemy of the King explores two sides of one story and takes the reader behind the pages of history and into the hearts of those who lived it.
 ~ Carol Spradling, historical author, Cost of Freedom

I was drawn into Enemy of the King right away. Loved the dialogue between Jeremiah and Meriwether and the underlying tension there!  Well done.  
~ C. J. Redwine, 2008 Golden Heart®Finalist

Enemy of the King is very entertaining and vivid––it pulled me right in! I agree with CJ on the dialogue and existing tension. The setting is very appealing too.
~ Emily Dennis, 2008 Golden Heart®Finalist

Beth Trissel has a great sense of description and I love the undercurrent of tension between her characters. I definitely want to read more of her work.
~ Becky Clark, 2008 Golden Heart®Finalist

Beth Trissel really knows how to paint a scene. From a brief excerpt of Enemy of the King, I can imagine myself inhaling the sweet, yet tangy fragrance of rosemary mingled with lavender. I gaze past those moss-hung branches and lay eyes on the elegant master of Pleasant Grove, my heart quickening right along with Meriwether's as I drink in Jeremiah’s trim form. I'm there with her as the tension builds, ready for a wonderful journey back in time to the days when men put love of country before all else as they battled to break free of British control.
~ Keli Gwyn, 2008 Golden Heart®Finalist

 This is the way historical fiction should to be written. Beth Trissel’s Enemy of the King promises to be a Revolutionary War era romance not to be missed. With vivid description, exciting drama, and rich characters, she’ll take you away to another time—another place and you won’t want to come back.
~ Cindy K. Green, multi-published historical and suspense author

A gripping romance set in Revolutionary war era South Carolina where loyalties are challenged and passions ignite.  Loyalist Meriwether Steele discovers that Jeremiah Jordan—the man she loves—may be aligned with the rebels, making him an enemy of her heart.  Will she choose love or honor?
~ Lisa Wilkinson, multi-contest finalist, historical romance author Medallion Press

Beth Trissel is a skilled storyteller and scene-builder. She immediately plunges the reader into action and excitement with a vivid sense of time and place.  Very excited to read more!
~ Kris Kennedy, Double Golden Heart® finalist, THE CONQUEROR, Kensington, Spring, 2009 *Hot, Sweeping Historical Romance

I'm a South Carolinian born and raised.  My hero was Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox.  American history is Ms. Trissel's forte.  The hero and heroine are unforgettable.  The voice of the time rings clear throughout.  If you enjoyed the Patriot, tomorrow and tomorrow, you'll find yourself thinking back to Enemy of the King
~ Linda Nightingale, paranormal author

Extensive research transports the reader to a time when the courage to reach for a dream made you an Enemy of the King, and two people with opposing politics who find love in the midst of conflict.
~ Kathy Otten, multipublished historical romance author

5.0 out of 5 stars Enchanting!, June 27, 2009
By Marcy - 
Great book! I loved reading Enemy of the King while on vacation in PA. I sensed the echoes of the struggles and split loyalies of the Revolution all around me, and this book brought it all to life. I am looking forward to reading more of Beth Trissel's work now that I have discovered her!

5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome!, May 9, 2009
By Elizabeth M. Shelley (Gibson, NC USA) 
This is a truly awesome read! Beth has a way of describing things to the point that you actually feel like you are there. This book will grab your attention from the very beginning and hold it to the very end. She is truly an amazing author. This is the third book I have read by her, and just ordered my fourth!

5.0 out of 5 stars a new era in romance !, June 22, 2009
By Debbie Sypeck "EasyReader" (east elmhurst, New York United States) - 
Another fantastic read from Beth Trissel. It's not often you find a historical romance geared towards the American Colonial era and this one makes a person wonder WHY?? The manner in Ms. Trissels' writing not only brought back the historical importance of that time period, but did so with flavor.. a richness in her writing that made it both exciting and romantic. Kudos to YOU Ms. Trissel!

5.0 out of 5 stars Beth Trissel does it again!, May 24, 2009
By Beth Liveringhouse - 
Enemy of the King is yet another fabulous book written by Beth Trissel.

From the very beginning you will experence every sight, sound and smell as she takes you on a non stop, whirlwind adventure set in the late 1700's.

My heart pounded as I followed Meriwether and Jeremiah on their perilous journey to free a very young America from the British. I felt as if I was there, living through their struggles and reveling in their triumphs.

This book is packed with humor, sadness and anger but most of all a deep, unrelenting love. And some characters will undoubtedly surprise you.

Beth has a wonderful way of bringing her stories to life using her love of history and knowledge of herbs. She describes everything in such rich, vivid detail that she immerses you in the world she creates. Once you start reading you won't want to put the book down.

This is the third book of Beth's that I have read and I have not been disappointed. I am very much looking forward to reading her other new release, Through the Fire.

Once again my words do not do this book justice. You will have to read it for yourself. DO NOT pass this book up and be sure to go back and get her other books as well. This author is a MUST read.

5.0 out of 5 stars One of my favorites!!, May 28, 2009
By touchofwhimsy - 
Enemy of the King is truly one of my favorite all time books...impossible to put down! 

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars [5 of 5 Stars]
by Semet Torres Date Added: 06/07/2009
I really enjoyed this goes into great detail, you feel like you were there. Beth is a wonderful writer!

Reviewed by Poinsettia, Long and Short Reviews

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