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The Turn of the Karmic Wheel

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"What goes around, comes around."

Truer words were never spoken, as evidenced by the complex interactions and fates of the characters in "The Turn of The Karmic Wheel."

When the residents of Raleigh begin to hear music and voices that aren't "there", and to receive frightening messages from no discernable source, it soon becomes apparent that changes must - and will - be made:

to their everyday lives, to their relationships, to their bodies, and, most importantly, to their souls.

The Story Behind This Book

What if one weekend a small rural college town found itself under the scrutiny of universal law, karma? The greedy as well as the humanitarians finding their true self or soul open for all to view. Nowhere to hide from what lies deep inside as the karmic wheel turns. One woman holds the key to unleashing the power, one town feels its rath. Enter if you dare

Praise and Reviews

Readers Favorites Book Review
The Turn of the Karmic Wheel
Monica M Brinkman
***** 5 Star Review
Book Review
The setting is the small town Raleigh, Missouri. This book begins by introducing the readers to a diverse group of characters at first they seem to have no connection except, they all live in the same town. As the plot develops the reader watches as their lives cross paths. The main characters are average every day people. Angela, Karman and Euclid are the “good” people. The bad people are Joshua, Monty and Rosie. Their sins are gluttony, covetousness and disregard for others. The sins are about to catch up with the bad guys. Some of the things that happen to them will turn your stomach (You just might want to check out your facial cream and toothpaste before using it). There were visions, voices and odd happenings in the town.

The Turn of the Karmic Wheel takes a look at Karma, a more frightening look. The premise of this book is that we all have decisions to make and each decision has consequences. There is a depth to the plot. When you read between the lines the reader will take a look at today’s culture, greed, lust, envy rules. However, there is always hope, in the few selfless individuals that exist.

Author Monica Brinkman is talented. She has created a unique plot and vibrant characters. The genre is a cross between thriller and horror. This is the first book in the new Karmic Wheel Series. I look forward to reading the next one.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Book Review: Turn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica Brinkman

The Turn of the Karmic WheelTurn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica Brinkman
Publisher: All Things That Matter Press
Publish Date: August 13, 2010
204 pages
Fiction, Suspense, Supernatural

My Review:
Why I read this: It sounded interesting when I received information about the tour with Pump Up Your Book so I signed on.

How is the novel driven: Primarily character-driven because really this book is all about character.

My thoughts: I don't know exactly what I thought I was going to read when I picked up Turn of the Karmic Wheel, but after the first few page I went back and read the description and realized that I didn't quite get the premise of the book until I started reading. I don't mean that as a criticism at all, because I think I liked this book better than what I thought it would be. I know that is confusing. Let me elaborate. I thought this book was a cozy feel-good novel about Karma and character. Trust me it's not. It's much more than that - it has a line of suspense, a touch of horror, and a lot of supernatural that makes the book tick. It's very interesting from the beginning. You have good characters and bad characters. They are fleshed out as the book goes. And the bad characters really have horrible character. They are pretty much selfish, uncaring people. Then this group of characters from all over Raleigh, Missouri begin to hear voices, some hear good ones, other hear scary things. It's a great supernatural thriller.

I found it hard to put down and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's an intriguing storyline that revolves around character and how it affects life and others. It has a great message to not hurt others. The supernatural being was vague so don't think you are looking at a Christian book. I truly think the supernatural on the good side in this book can be interpreted over many religions and the message is one for all of us - do good in life, don't hurt others and take care of each other. Hurting others can lead to bad consequences.

I loved the book and think Ms. Brinkman did a great job developing the characters and the plot, I truly enjoyed getting to know Angela, Euclid and Karman. There are a few typos in the book, but they are easily overlooked with a good story. Want to try out a new author who's not with one of the major presses? If so I suggest you give Ms. Brinkman a try - her book is fascinating and it's the first one in a series. I'm anxiously waiting for the next installment, The Wheel's Final Turn.

My Rating: 4.5/5.0

Review From Here 

My Review

I have always been a strong believer in Karma. I have had some things happen in my lifetime that I have wished Karma to come back on those people and give them a dose of their own medicine. I know, that doesn’t sound very nice but I have to be honest.

This was a fascinating story about what can happen to a group of people when they are faced with decisions – decisions that can strongly effect their future. A fascinating take on the good vs evil aspect, this book really held my interest. Each of the characters seems to have a storyline of their own, but they intersect weaving a great tale. Each has their own issues that they must overcome to try and live a good life. Another thing that led to the strong appeal was the fact that deep down these were people that you could relate to…some of them like people you may even know in your own life. I know that I know people whose vanity runs so deep it breaks my heart. But, to balance that I also know people who truly do whatever they can to help others (my husband is one of those such people).

I would highly recommend this novel to anyone looking for a great read and a story you can easily relate to. Who knows, it may make you start to live your life a little differently.

Books For Moms Review

The Turn of the Karmic Wheel is a story based in a small town in Missouri, where paranormal events bring about Karmic change for several of the residents. This is a classic story about good and evil getting exactly what each deserves. Almost a collection of short stories on each of the characters, they are brought together by Karma and their geographical proximity to each other.

This is a very interesting book. The first several chapters introduce you to each of the characters on their own, slowly bringing each of them together one at a time to show you their relationships to each other, the world around them and the paranormal events that Karma has caused to happen in their lives. Though at times the story unfolds a little slowly, each of the characters are interesting enough to keep you reading through the entire book.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal, mysterious, esoterical type of books or stories. Monica M Brinkman does justice to her characters and bring them to life for the reader. These are ordinary people that you can empathize with and get to know in a very real way. I think anyone would like this book!

Rating by admin: 4.0 stars
starfull The Turn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica M Brinkmanstarfull The Turn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica M Brinkmanstarfull The Turn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica M Brinkmanstarfull The Turn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica M Brinkmanstarempty The Turn of the Karmic Wheel by Monica M Brinkman

Larry Bowens Readers Corner
It's difficult to limit Brinkman's writing style to just one genre. Like a well made gumbo, her
work isn't limited to one single flavor ... blends the tastes of horror, suspense, mystery, and
fantasy in a rue of "you get what you give". Thankfully, we haven't seen the last of Monica
Brinkman's Karmic Wheel series ... I want another helping!
-Larry Bowen, Owner, The Reader's Corner Bookstore

Martha Cheves rated it 5 of 5 stars
The Turn of the Karmic Wheel – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat

‘Harry had owned his shop for many years, seen some come in and go out in a sea of police gunfire, but, hell, he couldn’t worry about every customer who purchased a weapon. Fact was, he had given up trying to figure out man‘s nature years ago. Course, Euclid wasn’t one to carry arms of any sort. He didn’t remember him ever going hunting or even showing interest in the sport. Perhaps now that h
The Turn of the Karmic Wheel – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat

‘Harry had owned his shop for many years, seen some come in and go out in a sea of police gunfire, but, hell, he couldn’t worry about every customer who purchased a weapon. Fact was, he had given up trying to figure out man‘s nature years ago. Course, Euclid wasn’t one to carry arms of any sort. He didn’t remember him ever going hunting or even showing interest in the sport. Perhaps now that he was alone in life, with much time on his hands, he had decided to take it up and save some money by providing his own meat for the table. In any event, Harry knew Euclid to be a solid citizens of Raleigh, a man with a pure heart. Yes, he was a good man and a great friend.

Harry went to the window and watched his friend walk down the street. He wondered if he should be concerned. For some reason, he felt a bit of uneasiness; just couldn’t put his finger on the why or wherefore. Aw, hell, he reasoned, it ain’t none of my business. Yet there was something eating at his mind, a voice telling him to go no further with this transaction. It was a gut feeling he couldn’t shake, a feeling that his friend and neighbor of over 30 years was not ‘quite right’. There was definitely something ‘off the scale’ about Euclid today. A vivid image entered his mind. A vision so unfathomable he had to let it go. Harry shivered as he moved to slowly close the store’s door, continuing to watch the retreating figure kicking stones along the road, unable to shake his feeling of dread.’

Euclid is one of the most easy going people around but he just hasn’t been himself since his wife died and he was laid off from the car plant. Even so, it just isn’t like him to buy a hunting rifle. Especially one as powerful as a 243 Winchester Super Shot Magnum. And his request that Harry speed up the paperwork is even more out of character. Problem was, Euclid had started hearing voices and music in his head.

Karman Shelton is a nurse at the Out Patient Psychiatric Clinic. Karman has spent her life helping others both through her work at the clinic as well as volunteering for just about any cause that needed her help. She too has started hearing music and voices.

Angela Frank will soon find out that she has something in common with both Euclid and Karman. The only difference is that she has been hearing the music and voices for years and their meaning is finally coming together to make sense. The voices have told Angela that she will soon be on a mission and Euclid and Karman are the missing pieces that are needed to complete this mission.

In The Turn of the Karmic Wheel, Author Monica Brinkman takes you through the minds of those that are good as well as those that are bad as they are given a choice to change their ways and join the forces that can and will make life better for themselves and others around them. Some will chose to take life into the right direction and some will not. It’s interesting to see which characters live by greed and which don’t. The Turn of the Karmic Wheel was an enjoyable read from beginning to end. 

Aug 18, 2010
Jen Knox rated it 5 of 5 stars
The title of this book pretty much sums up the revelation within, but what caught me off-guard was the way Monica M. Brinkman develops her myriad of unexpected and dynamic characters. I loved the voices, the down-to-earth feel of the characters (which, I admit, I didn't expect from this book for some reason). Brinkman ties all of her characters' lives together, in a singular way, showing how given the same or similar experiences, it is up to them to make the right decisions, the responsible deci...moreThe title of this book pretty much sums up the revelation within, but what caught me off-guard was the way Monica M. Brinkman develops her myriad of unexpected and dynamic characters. I loved the voices, the down-to-earth feel of the characters (which, I admit, I didn't expect from this book for some reason). Brinkman ties all of her characters' lives together, in a singular way, showing how given the same or similar experiences, it is up to them to make the right decisions, the responsible decisions. Some do, some don't, but all of the decisions come back to this town. This book takes a unique look at a town with a cumulative, single consciousness, and how it is up to the decisions of individuals to seal their fate. There's no hiding from Karma!

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