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Escaping Destiny

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An ebony finger points skyward, emerging from the center of Node. Known simply as The Gate, it disappears into the clouds, massive spokes extending from the immense structure to stretch through the streets of the largest human city. No one knows who built the towering obelisk, but all are aware of those who have been entrusted as its caretakers.

They call themselves The Maat.

Otherworldly creatures, their humanoid forms move with an unholy speed and grace, their bodies little more than quicksilver fluid inside a malleable membrane. Pierce that membrane and they will die. Wielding a living crystalline blade, each warrior of The Maat is encased in patchwork leather armor, the suit carved piece by piece from their vanquished enemies. Once their membrane is shielded in the tanned flesh of their enemies, they become an unstoppable foe.

The Maat have simply observed the beings of the world Tapestry, watching as threads of fate are woven into patterns only The Maat can comprehend. A prophecy that thirteen mortals will change all of the worlds connected through The Gate has begun to unfold. As the armies of darkness and light struggle to claim the mortals as their own, The Maat begin to interfere with human affairs. One by one, the thirteen mortals are swayed or captured. The lines between good and evil are blurred in the name of power and righteousness.

Kai Oakman is one of the thirteen mortals that is spoken of in the prophecy. With his faerie lover, Ko'laru, he seeks a different way. He too gathers those spoken of in prophesy to his side, seeking to thwart fate and live their own lives freely in whatever manner they choose. As the noose around them tightens, as all of reality is swept up in the prophesied change, the mortals seek to escape their destiny but that choice may no longer be theirs to make.

Praise and Reviews Review average score: 5 out of 5 stars (10 reviews) Review average score: 5 out of 5 stars (5 reviews) Review average score: 5 out of 5 stars (7 reviews)

Excellent Debut!, March 9, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

Escaping Destiny is a fantastic debut by Jeffrey Pierce. The story grips you from the first chapter. The characters are extremely well crafted, I started to care so much about them that I had to actually put the book down and take a few deep breaths when they were in danger. Not only does the book have every element of a great fantasy/sci-fi story it redefines the genre.

This book will make you feel, you will cry, you will laugh, you will grip the edge of your seat.

There is hidden wisdom in the book that applies to our current world situation. The story may be set in an alternate world but many of its matters and issues are relevant to our own concerns. This brilliant, complex story has become one of my top ten books and I can't wait for the next one.

Escaping Destiny is an OUTSTANDING READ!, March 9, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

Outstanding book!!! I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves sci-fi fantasy! It was a fast, easy read. Characters were well thought out, as was the plot. Looking forward to the sequel!

Great work by the author, Jeffrey Pierce! Understand he has several more books in the works. Looking forward to reading them all!

Couldn't Get Enough!, March 7, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

Escaping Destiny is an extremely impressive first novel! I was transported to another amazing world and found it difficult to pull myself away from this story! From the depth of each character to the mesmerizing description of their world, I was truly swept away. Jeffery Pierce is an up and coming author you'll want to keep your eye on! This is one of the few novels I have read that I would dearly love see in movie form, it would be a block buster without a doubt!!!! Five stars really isn't enough to rate this one.

Untitled, March 6, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

I read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi and I haven't found a book that excited me like this one in a very long time. I picked it up as a curiosity (it was a free promotion) but once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I stayed up way too late and read the entire book straight through. I'm paying for it by being tired today, but it was worth it - the book equivalent of a really good movie. I highly recommend it.

I highly suggest Escaping Destiny! Read it even before it becomes the cool thing to do.

A beautiful first novel!, March 6, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

You'll forget early on that this is Pierce's first novel, and you'll soon find yourself ancy for the next in the series. The characters are accessible and have depth without being overwhelming (part of the reason I usually steer clear of fantasy genre writing). From the first page, I found myself inside the story but without having to suspend disbelief, because this tale is told in a way that makes it all feel plausible.

I highly suggest Escaping Destiny! Read it even before it becomes the cool thing to do.

Wonderfully absorbing, March 6, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

I found this book to be so absorbing that I couldn't put it down. Finally had to just pace myself or nothing would get done in the house, plus I wanted to savor it. It holds you spell bound. I would go oh I will just finish this chapter, and next thing I knew I was on another chapter.

I have purchased this for both my Kindle and one for me to hold. If you like fantasy, you will love this book.

Untitled, March 5, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

Crazy good! I don't typically love most books, but this was one of the best I've read in a long time. Characters were believable and well-developed, the plot was both emotional and suspenseful, and the writing style was very smooth and colorful. The author seemed to say quite a lot in fewer words than it takes most writers, and left me wanting more.

I noticed this author has several more books queued up for publication; I am very much looking forward to reading them!

Up all night, February 25, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

Being an avid bibliophile it's unusual for me to come across a book that will keep me up all night. "Escaping Destiny" By Jeffery Pierce, did just that. I found myself completely absorbed by each character as they struggled to over come their personal and collective trials. I used to say that science fiction was not my forte in choosing my books, I can no longer say that. I give "Escaping Destiny" five stars and am anxiously waiting for the next one in this series.

Make sure you can sleep in!, February 23, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

I read a lot of novels, and I find many story lines to be regurgitation of the same old themes. This book however is completely different, and SO good! You absolutely will not believe that this is a first novel. The characters are well fleshed out, the world is rich and beautifully described, and the plot will have you turning pages until you finish it. If you start this book in the evening make sure you can sleep in the next morning because I guarantee you that you will be up all night! The only downside will be the wait until the next book comes out, because you will be dying to find out what happens next. I've never reviewed a book before, but this was good enough for me to want to encourage people to give this new author a try.

Spellbinding, February 22, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

From the very first page, you are swept away into a land of beliveable fantasy. Jeffrey's characters draw you to them, pulling you to them like warriors to a fight. The lands they inhabit are richly drawn, full of contrast, light to dark, beauty to stark brutal reality, love and hate, and glory to despair. Until you read the final page, you will keep this book close, sneaking a page or two at every opportunity, sleep is optional once you begin! I cannot wait for the 2nd book of the trilogy!

Untitled, February 21, 2011
From GoodReads (5 out of 5 stars)

From the first sentence, I was hooked and I knew this book was something special. Instantly, you feel for the plight of the first character introduced and despite the fact her world appears massive she's nearly incarcerated. From that point on, buckle up because this ride through the realms of imagination is filled with such strife and turbulence that you can't help but share the characters' emotions.

The characters are very well drawn out, even the "bit players" are depicted with vibrant personalities. From boisterous brawlers to children, townsfolk to vagabonds, even the Earth's children, the fae, each character introduced has a personality so easily related to, you could probably point at one of your friends and be reasonably accurate when you say they were the basis for the character.

Every scene in the book is laid out in such a way that if you close your eyes for a moment, you can easily envision their world and yourself in the middle of it.

My only complaint is the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring movie ("I'm so glad you're with me, Samwise.") style "ending". However, I know this to be but a piece of the "Tapestry" and with the next installment being released next year, this single complaint is minimal.

I don't give glowing praise for just any book, and the fact that the author is a dear friend bears no weight. If he wrote something terrible, I'd be just as honest. If you consider yourself a lover of fiction, or even if you're just looking for a wonderful place to dive into the realm of fantasy, you owe it to yourself to read "Escaping Destiny".

Escape into 'Escaping Destiny'!!, February 12, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

I cannot say enough about this first novel by Jeffrey Pierce. From the first sentence, you are transported into a world completely unlike our own and, yet, strangely familiar. Lush visual landscapes and well-developed characters fill this story and you become a part of it. You willingly join their journey, sharing their glimpses into a dark and unsettling future. Your heart will race with fear, as you frantically turn the pages to see what happens next, and you will laugh out loud at some of their foibles. Is everything truly set before them or can they escape destiny? Pick up this book, settle into a very comfortable chair, and step into Escaping Destiny to find out!

Great fantasy read; 1st book by new author. Worth it!!, February 11, 2011
From (5 out of 5 stars)

I recently finished a marvelous fantasy novel - Escaping Destiny, by Jeffrey Pierce. Having been an avid reader for many, many years (especially in the fantasy/sci-fi genres), I am pretty selective about what I will recommend to others. This story was truly exceptional. I was hooked within moments, and am now itching with anticipation for the next book in the series!

Escaping Destiny is the first in the Tapestry series, and is set in a richly detailed universe with multiple worlds. The main characters of the book are all part of an ancient prophecy, and struggle to find their own identities while trying to figure out how to thwart fate. The characters are colorful, believable, and consistent, and their journey through the book is riveting! I would consider this to be a good choice for both general reading and for deeper discussion, as it mirrors often the personal challenges, religious differences and societal prejudices that we often face in our own world.

The author speaks in a clear, descriptive voice, using a minimum of words to convey complex and subtle details. While I virtually skim most books, I actually had to slow down and read this one word-for-word! At various points throughout the book, I found myself in tears or laughing out loud. Many of the passages are incredibly beautiful, such as this one:

"... The mer tilted his head back and began to softly sing. Sovay closed her eyes, holding back her tears as the beauty of the wordless song washed over her. It was as if the sound of the gentle wind and lullaby of the waves had been set to music. There were no words, only the purity of tone and intent that rose and fell from Beltross's thin lips. The sound held the deep emotion of the sea, the power of an unchained storm, transmuted into the gentle lapping of the waves that danced around a child's bare toes."

This book easily earns 5 stars from me, and makes my "Favorite Books of All Time" list!

Untitled, February 10, 2011
From GoodReads (5 out of 5 stars)

I have a visual defect that makes reading quite a bit of work, so I take on new material very selectively, prefering to retain books I've read and loved to read again and again rather than gamble with my time and money on unknowns.

Escaping Destiny is a gamble I'm glad I made. Deep, believable characters, an expansive setting that sucks you in, and a plotline that has you biting your lip, waiting for the next twist- I look forward to the sequal more than I have for any other series before it.

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