Margaret Ethridge

Margaret Ethridge


Margaret Ethridge lives with a sweet-talking Southern gentleman who claims to be her lawfully-wedded husband. She is the (not-so-wicked-but-she-has-her-moments) step-mother to their two children, the adoring mistress of three spoiled dogs, the food purveyor to eleven hungry goldfish, and the comic foil for one rather impertinent house rabbit who thinks he rules the roost.

When she isn't tapping away at her keyboard, Margaret engages in an epic battle against her never-ending laundry hampers, cajoles the flowers in her yard, sings into her hairbrush, and has been known to hold entire conversations speaking only in movie quotes.

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Divided against Yourselves (Spell Weaver)

Divided against Yourselves (Spell Weaver)

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<h2>Taliesin Weaver thought that he had saved himself and his friends when he defeated the witch Ceridwen. He was wrong.</h2><h3><i>He always thought of evil as embodied in external threats that he could overcome in combat. Soon he will discover that the worst evil has been inside of him all along....</i></h3><p>Tal’s girlfriend is in a coma for which he holds himself responsible. A close friend, suffering from a past-life memory trauma similar to Tal's, is getting worse, not better. Morgan Le Fay is still lurking around and has an agenda Tal can’t figure out. Supernatural interruptions in his life are becoming more frequent, not less so, despite his expectations. In fact, Tal learns that something about his unique nature amplifies otherworldly forces in ways he never imagined were possible, ways that place at risk everyone close to him.</p><p>Tal and his allies must face everything from dead armies to dragons. As soon as they overcome one menace, another one is waiting for them. More people are depending on Tal than ever; he carries burdens few adults could face, let alone a sixteen-year-old like himself. Yet somehow Tal at first manages to handle everything the universe throws at him.</p><p>What Tal can’t handle is the discovery that a best friend, almost a brother, betrayed him, damaging Tal’s life beyond repair. For the first time, Tal feels a darkness within him, a darkness which he can only barely control...assuming he wants to. He’s no longer sure. Maybe there is something to be said for revenge, and even more to be said for taking what he wants. After all, he has the power...</p><p> </p><h2><u>Can Tal stop himself before he destroys everyone he has sworn he will protect? Scroll up to buy a copy and find out!</u></h2>

Story Behind The Book


<span style="font-size:12px;">&quot;</span>Everything about <em>Paramour</em>–the setting, the dialogue, the pacing, the hot, sexy scenes, and most of all, three of the most interesting characters you could want to meet plus a surprise ending–will keep this story in your mind long after the final page is turned. I guarantee you won’t be able to put this book down. Ms. Ethridge is an accomplished writer, and this is a stunning novel.&quot;<br /><br /><strong>Rated 5 Books - The Long and Short of It<br />Voted LASR Book of the Week</strong><br /><span style="font-size:12px;"><br />&quot;Paramour is that story prolific readers search for that only happens once every now and then. Ms. Ethridge made something completely magical and I feel thrilled and humbled to read something as great as this story. Frank, Cam and Brad's story sang to me in such a way that I lost myself for awhile in the imaginary world and characters of Paramour. I laughed with them, I cried with them, and my stomach flip-flopped with them because I understood these characters in so much depth that I felt they were real. </span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:12px;">Simply put: Paramour blows the roof off the house! I believe this new author is someone to watch. She's going to make waves, especially if she can continually produce stories like Paramour.&quot; -- <strong>BookingIt rated Paramour 5 stars</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><br /><br />“<strong><span style="font-weight:normal;">There are so many wonderful things about this book. I highly recommend it.&quot; --<strong></strong></span></strong></span><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Everybody Needs A Little Romance rated 4 ½ Flaming Hearts.</span> </strong><span style="font-size:13pt;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';"><span style="font-size:13px;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><br /><br />&quot;</span></span><span style="font-size:12px;">Paramour is so well done! I loved this one (and yes, I cried at parts).” – <strong>Sizzling Hot book Reviews rated 5 Hearts. </strong><br /><br />Voted Sizzling Hot Read of the Month February 2011.</span></span>