Philip Harris

Philip Harris


I was born in Massachusetts and currently reside in Maine. I received my degree in Political Science from The American University in Washington, D.C. and worked at every level of government. I am currently employed in special education.



As Chairman of All Things That Matter Press, I will post excerpts for some of our books here on BookBuzzr.

I am co-author of the controversial novel WAKING GOD: Book I coined a “spiritual thriller,” which wasre-released in ’08. I am also co-author of THE SACRED ROTA, Book II, released in 2009. My second novel was, A MAINECHRISTMAS CAROL  My third book (non-fiction), JESUS TAUGHT IT, TOO: THE EARLY ROOTS OF THE LAW OF ATTRACTION was released by Avatar Publication 8’07 and the second edition is  with ATTMP.  My fourth book, RAPING LOUISIANA: A DIARY OF DECEIT, was released by Cambridge Books, 9/07. My fifth and sixth books, COLLECTED MESSAGES: GUIDES FOR PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION, BOOKS I AND II were re- released in 2008. POLARIZING YOUR LIFE TOWARDS PERFECTION is published by Cambridge Books. WAKING GOD BOOK II: THE SACRED ROTA was released All Things That Matter Press. WAKING GOD BOOK III: THE SECOND COMING OF HUMANITY was released in 2011 by ATTMPress. WAKING GOD: THE TRILOGY is now available and contains all three books.

I am a nationally syndicated and featured writer for The American Chronicle and I have ablog called ALL THINGS THAT MATTER.  I am listed as a spiritual growth expert on  Also visit

As a certified Holistic Life Coach, I offer guidance to those seeking to take control of their body, mind and spirit. Also visit ,


Learning to Breathe Fire: The Rise of CrossFit and the Primal Future of Fitness

Learning to Breathe Fire: The Rise of CrossFit and the Primal Future of Fitness

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<p><b>The absorbing, definitive account of CrossFit's origins, its explosive grassroots growth, and its emergence as a global phenomenon.</b><br /> <br />One of the most illuminating books ever on a sports subculture, <i>Learning to Breathe Fire </i>combines vivid sports writing with a thoughtful meditation on what it means to be human. In the book, veteran journalist J.C. Herz explains the science of maximum effort, why the modern gym fails an obese society, and the psychic rewards of ending up on the floor feeling as though you're about to die. <br /> <br />The story traces CrossFit’s rise, from a single underground gym in Santa Cruz to its adoption as the workout of choice for elite special forces, firefighters and cops, to its popularity as the go-to fitness routine for regular Joes and Janes. Especially riveting is Herz’s description of The CrossFit Games, which begin as an informal throw-down on a California ranch and evolve into a televised global proving ground for the fittest men and women on Earth, as well as hundreds of thousands of lesser mortals. <br /> <br />In her portrayal of the sport's star athletes, its passionate coaches and its “chief armorer,” Rogue Fitness, Herz powerfully evokes the uniqueness of a fitness culture that  cultivates primal fierceness in average people. And in the shared ordeal of an all-consuming workout, she unearths the ritual intensity that's been with us since humans invented sports, showing us how, on a deep level, we're all tribal hunters and first responders, waiting for the signal to go all-out. </p>

Story Behind The Book

The Second Coming picks up after the ‘end of the world’ in 2012. It shows how humanity has brought itself to the precipice where it must decide whether it survives or becomes a part of the current ‘6th great extinction.’ Further evidence and guidance of the ancient Tarot Code is revealed as the characters find themselves on their final journey to Jerusalem. Eli knows that the Battle of Armageddon has already begun, but not the one religion portrays as the End Times. Yet the trip must be made in order for the pieces of the Apocalypse to be revealed. Can Michael stop the physical birth of Adam? Do the forces of good and evil battle it out for humanity’s soul? Is Lucifer really the ‘great deceiver’ or is he humanity’s guardian? Who can truly save humanity, if indeed it needs saving? In The Second Coming of Humanity all that is hidden is revealed between the lines and beyond the words. Will the ‘dreamer’ awaken? You must decide! In these times of economic, political, social and religious upheaval, the TRILOGY is required reading, now more than ever!


<p>The last book in an epic trilogy, with a heavenly-high bar already established by books one and two, The Second Coming of Humanity does not disappoint--in fact, it yanks the bar off its stanchions and hurls it into the stratosphere. Eternal arch-enemies, Mantrella (aka `Lucifer,' `The Morning Star,' and `Christ,'--yes, you read that last one correctly) and Michael come angelically and mightily head-to-head and wing-to-wing in the battle for the future of earth and the fate of the human beings that inhabit it. In this gripping and status-quo-challenging trilogy, Lucifer is not your enemy, and angels are not your friends.<br /><br /> &quot;Is it not written in your law, I said, ye are gods?&quot;<br /><br /> That quote of Jesus, taken from the New Testament, is repeated thematically throughout The Second Coming. Because, and this is where `traditional' `Christians' and the organized church will shout, &quot;Heresy!&quot; and, &quot;Burn the authors at the stake!&quot;--Adam, who was `put into a deep sleep,' is about to awaken. The `dream,' all that we know--the Buddhists call it &quot;Samsara&quot;--the illusion of our reality, created by us all with our thoughts as part of Adam's dream, is about to come to an end. If Adam awakes, humanity is reunited with the godhead and, returns to its birthright--as gods, higher than the angels.<br /><br /> Michael doesn't like that idea. One bit. He uses all his power, magic, and influence to stop it. Mantrella is using all his power, magic and influence, to thwart Michael and facilitate the rise to godhood that is humanity's birthright. He knows the complete DNA--including the `god' seed--can be `reborn' in a divine child if he can successfully have main characters, Andrew and Mara, mate ... they both carrying each other's latent half of the necessary seed that activates upon conception. If that happens, &quot;The Fall&quot; of mankind is reversed, man is returned to the Garden, and Adam awakens as the whole god-being you and I and He, were originally created to be by the I Am That I Am.<br /><br /> A supernatural, spiritual/inspirational suspense thriller, The Second Coming of Humanity is loaded with twists and turns, highly developed and multi-faceted, fantastic characters from all levels being and non-being, and has an ending that ... no, I can't spoil it for you. You must find out, understand, and manifest the ending, for yourself.<br /><br /> Authors Phil Harris and Brian Doe spin this tale with crisp, compelling, no frills and gutsy prose, along with poetic and deep passages that transport you to other-worldly realms--then smacks you right back dab in the middle of `reality'--or is it? In the end, it is up to you, to us, to awaken and create our own reality. The book gets to you. It pervades and inundates you. And it makes you, as you compulsively turn each of the final pages, wonder ... just who you--and we--really are, for god's sake?<br /><br /> - Review by Marvin D Wilson, author of the novels, &quot;Beware the Devil's Hug&quot;, &quot;Owen Fiddler&quot;, and &quot;I Romanced the Stone (Memoirs of a Recovering Hippie)&quot;</p>