Bill See

Bill See


I am a longtime indie rock musician and lead singer for Divine Weeks who put our three records.  The journals I kept on tour are the source of my new book, "33 Days: Touring In A Van. Sleeping on Floors.  Chasing A Dream." 



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<p>HIDDEN DOORS, SECRET ROOMS - a paranormal suspense:<br />&quot;Superbly crafted and flawlessly executed, Eubanks doles out both plot and back-story in small doses, expertly keeping readers turning page after page...This is a phenomenal first novel; an excellent read for anyone who loves mystery, and would-be writers who want to learn exactly how it’s done.&quot; - KIRKUS REVIEWS<br /><br />Jillian Braedon possesses a secret so explosive that she must be silenced. On the run with her five-year-old daughter, stranded in the middle of a blizzard and critically injured, Jill sends little Valerie off into the raging storm alone. The child stumbles onto the property of retired musician-turned-recluse, John Mills, begging for help. John soon finds himself caught up in their torment, and face-to-face with the pursuing covert agents, who will do anything to destroy the secret, and silence everyone involved.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I wanted to capture a now or never moment in our lives. Take a shot at making the band work or leave it all behind and go your separate ways. And I think every one of us has that moment at our own personal crossroads where we have to decide to either live our dreams or give up and regret it for the rest of our lives. I wanted to write a book that made you sit up in the middle of your life and ask yourself, you know, 'did I fire my shot?' Hopefully the answer is yes. And if it is, be gentle on yourself and don't get hung up on whether you 'made it' but how much taking the shot is worth because so many of us have to reconcile we played it safe. Instead of reaching for the sweetest fruit that's at the top of the tallest tree, we clutched the trunk of the tree and never moved. It's like that moment when you just get out of college and you're trying to decide whether to take your buddy up on his offer to go backpacking in Europe or do you take that job at your uncle's insurance company. 33 Days, at its core, is a cautionary tale about the perils of sitting on your dreams. Now is the time, because if not now, then when -- ever?


<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;font-family:'yui-tmp';"><span style="font-size:12px;font-family:'Times New Roman';">“Bill gives you a good picture of what it was like to be in a band, on tour, loving music and hanging out in LA in the ’80s. I was there as well, and I can tell you that it’s all true — this was our life, our reality. It certainly takes me back and reminds me of why it all mattered so much at the time.”<span>  </span>– <strong>Steve Wynn, The Dream Syndicate</strong></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;font-family:'yui-tmp';"><span style="font-size:12px;font-family:'Times New Roman';">“What Bill See articulates so perfectly in <em>33 Days</em> is the realization that life moves at light speed, and there’s never a better time than the present to turn dreams into reality.<span>  </span>The circumstances may be tough and the window of opportunity small, but See appreciates that if rock ’n roll is the gateway to happiness, then let the music play.”<span>  </span>– <strong>Stuart Levine, Variety </strong></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align:justify;font-family:'yui-tmp';"><span style="font-size:12px;font-family:'Times New Roman';">“Bill See thoughtfully and effectively captures the pathos and promise that fuels a young musician’s dreams and punctuates the grit and grandeur of life on the road with his poignant and nuanced memoir.” – <strong>Spencer Proffer, Music Producer and Media Architect.</strong></span></p><pre style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-align:justify;font-family:'yui-tmp';"><span style="font-size:12px;font-family:'Times New Roman';">“At once universal and deeply personal, this is a coming-of-age story for the D.I.Y. <br />generation. Read this and know what “indie” was when it still meant &quot;independent.&quot;<br /> – <strong>Conrad Heiney, Substitute Live Journal</strong></span></pre>