Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst


Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, rescue two shelter dogs, and get pregnant again. Currently holding a practical BS in Business Management, she decided to pursue her passion and completed her MA in English Literature during her “down” time. Now she is writing again.

Her first book, Heart of Steel, was published by LionHearted Publishing, and her novella, “Masquerade” appeared in Red Sage Secrets Volume 11. Her first children’s book was co-written with her 12 year old niece, entitled, Buffy and the Carrot.   Her new release, “The Tantric Principle” issued in April 2011 by Red Sage Publishing.  Her popular blog tackles issues such as parenthood and writing and can be found at:

She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her three and five year old sons keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean. 

Dark Pursuit (Emily Stone Series Book 5)

Dark Pursuit (Emily Stone Series Book 5)

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<p>AWARD WINNER for ACTION - 2015 International Book Awards Readers' Favorite<br />SECOND PLACE AWARD WINNER - 2015 East Texas Writers Guild First Chapter Book Awards<br /><br />Vigilante detective Emily Stone has covertly hunted down killers and closed more serial cases than most seasoned homicide cops combined. Her exceptional profiling skills and forensic techniques, along with deductive crime scene investigations, have made her a compelling force that cannot be beat.<br />She has reached her ultimate breaking point and now must face her toughest opponent yet – her biggest fears.<br /><br />With preciseness, the Tick-Tock Killer has taken his next child victim and promised to dump the body precisely four days later, mocking police and the community. Stone struggles to balance her inner demons and ghosts from the past, against the wits of a brutal and cunning serial killer in an all-out battle of psychological warfare.<br /><br />Can Stone save the next child in time? Dark Pursuit is an action-packed cat and mouse game that will take you to dark places rarely explored.<br /><br /><br />From the Award-winning Emily Stone Thriller Series:<br /><br />“… a highly recommended pick!” The Midwest Book Review<br /><br />“Intriguing alpha female character… impressive action scenes.” Kirkus Reviews<br /><br />“The writing is impeccable and the story is fresh and tight.” Best Selling Author Gary Ponzo<br /> </p>

Story Behind The Book

To My Reader: I have always been a sucker for a good love story. Let’s begin with a modern day warrior working her way up the corporate ladder. She’s smart, sexy and knows what she wants. Enter a man who bases his life upon his yoga practices, where control is released in the yoga studio, but tightly commanded in the bedroom and his personal life. Completely different, they embark on a secret affair. Lust turns to love, but choices must be made. Does she give up her entire career for the possibility of love? Does he let go of his past and take a chance by releasing his control on a woman who may leave? Let’s find out. I loved writing the Tantric Principle and hope you enjoy it!


<font size="3"><span>Judy &amp; Marianne - The Long and Short of It - 5 Stars!!!!<br /><br />Hard-working advertising professional, Arianna, has been taking Yoga classes to help deal with her busy, career oriented and stress-filled lifestyle. Hoping to bring balance to her mental state, she finds herself increasingly challenged by the hands-on approach of her sexy, attentive male teacher. Her hungry response to his carved, lean body is a distraction from the very peace she is there to achieve. <br /><br />Grant Madison is having some personal trials of his own when it comes to Arianna. Despite the strict rule he has about not getting involved with his students, Grant finds his attraction for the curvy, delicious Arianna too much to deny. It takes a woman who knows what she wants to interest this intense, focused man. Arianna fits that description perfectly. She is a confident, down-to-earth, committed business woman who is not interested in complicating her life. But one thing is for sure: she wants Grant Madison, even if the only reasonable solution is a casual affair. Unable to stop her ongoing fantasies, Arianna takes the direct approach. She wastes no time in letting the luscious, masculine yogi know that she desires him. However, sticking to his convictions, Grant gently turns her down. <br /><br />Karma. There is an important teaching conference in Boston for the weekend and Grant, needing an assistant, finds that the only student in his classes who qualifies is Arianna. Of course, she accepts. But when Arianna directly challenges Grant's rule by asking him why he doesn't want to sleep with her, it's more than the hot-blooded, sensual man can take. It turns out that this dominant, controlled man has a lot more to teach Arianna than her Yoga poses. The teacher in class becomes the master in the bedroom. The result is a hot affair beyond belief and a revealed hunger between them that goes far beyond what either had ever planned. They find that their feelings have turned from overwhelming desire into love. But, it turns out that fate has a challenge of her own when the promotion that Arianna has been working for her whole career is finally won. The problem is, she will have to move to Chicago. <br /><br />The author has a way of making you believe and care for her characters. She is gifted in her ability to bring life to the page, cleverly painting the moods, as well as the people and scenes with fluent colors. An example of this comes to mind. This is my favorite quote in the story. Arianna, who is reeling with joy over her unexpected and newfound love with Grant, has just realized the painful decision that she'll have to make about her career, turning her celebration to dust: “The truth struck hard and deep while she watched the bubbles lie flat in her glass.” <br /><br />This raging hot story is guaranteed to steam the reader up with it's exquisitely told graphic sex scenes. The author is competent and a true artist with words. I very much enjoyed this story and hope to read much more of Jennifer Probst's work. <br />originally posted at <font color="#666600"><a href=""></a></font></span> <br /><br /><br />Kris from Bitten by Paranormal Romance - 5 Stars!!!!<br />I absolutely loved this book!!! I should not have picked this book up right before bed thinking I could read a few pages, sleep, and read the rest tomorrow. No! I could not go to bed until I finished it. I absolutely had to know what was going to happen next. This was a simple story of boy &amp; girl meet &amp; fall in love but have some issues they have to work through before they can spend their lives together. However, it was done perfectly. The writing was so smooth and the words just flowed across the pages making me lose myself in the story. <br /><br />There was a ton of great dialogue! I felt like I really got to know the characters. I liked both of the characters. They were both nice, hard working, caring people. With the exception of their emotional issues, they were pretty straight-forward people and didn't play any intentional games with each other. He was also very romantic and sweet. <br /><br />They had smoking-hot sex!!! I was concerned with the title and the yoga instructor that they would pull some acrobatic moves that I couldn't follow, but that didnd't happen. It was pure steam described perfectly. <br /><br />I loved how the story ended!! It was exactly what I was hoping for and seemed very realistic. <br /><br />This is a keeper to be read again! </font><a href=""><font size="3"></font></a><br /><br /><font size="3">Shameless Romance Reviews - 4 Stars!!!!<br /></font><a href=""><font size="3"></font></a><br /><font size="3">This is a road to overcoming the past for Grant Madison. He has been through the ringer in his personal and professional life. Now, someone threatens the control he has obtained. That person is Arianna Devlin. She pushes his buttons like no other, but the risks are to great…Until his legendary control is put to the test one weekend when he needed Arianna as his assistant and wound up with her bound in his bed. <br /><br />Professional success is what drives Arianna. Moving up the corporate latter is what drives her to get up in the morning. Having a deep meaning personal life is the last thing Arianna wants, especially now with her career about to take off. Yet, when she and Grant give in to their darkest desires, Arianna realizes she may want more out of her life. <br /><br />Steamy, hot novella! Reading the progression of each character was intriguing. Each had their own obstacles to overcome which were very different from one another. I liked the fact the characters had an established yet professional relationship, before taking it further. Which fit the characters and their past perfectly. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></font>