Nancy Wait

Nancy Wait


Nancy Wait was born in Chicago and grew up inNew York City. She studied acting at the High School of Performing Arts andCarnegie-Mellon in Pittsburgh. In 1969 she went to London to study at the RoyalAcademy of Dramatic Art and had a career in England during the 1970s, appearingin film, television and theater, under the name Nancie Wait. Whenshe had a spiritual awakening in 1976, she decided it was time to return home.

 Back in New York she studied at the ArtStudents League and began a second career as a free-lance artist doing architecturalrenderings and portraits. She also painted from her imagination, and it wasafter her series of drowned people, and a second, even more powerful spiritualawakening in 1987, that she began to think of writing about her life. She wentback to school to study writing, earning a B.A. from The New School and goingon to Goddard College for an MFA in Creative Non-Fiction. However, it would bemany more years before Nancy would complete her memoir, as new “clues” keptsurfacing.

Nancy has taught creative writing and art. Shehas worked for the Center for Peace Through Culture and was one of the foundersof a group of artists called Brooklyn Visions. Since June, 2009, Nancy has beenhosting a weekly Blog Talk Radio show on Internet Radio called “Art andAscension” where she interviews writers, artists and musicians. She reads fromher own work as well as that of others. She believes that art can take us toplaces in the psyche that are inaccessible in any other way, and that we growand expand in consciousness when we can express our deepest selves through art.For it is there we dispel the shadows and bring through the light ofunderstanding to those hidden areas. Her slogan is, “Betrayal is sacred whenthe heart can encompass the whole,” because she has found through personalexperience that there is always a reason why things happen if we look deepenough. Sometimes we may have to go back to a previous life, or even a previousdeath, to discover the meaning of our lives. The seeking is what is important.The quest that beckoned Nancy, how to keep the heart open even when you’ve beenbetrayed, has allowed her to keep trusting.

Nancy discovered the answer to her own mystery.She hopes that others will be inspired by her story, and perhaps begin to lookat their own lives a bit differently. For it is not so much what happens to us,as how we deal with it. And if we can keep our hearts open, we are already halfway there.

She is currently working on a second memoircalled, My Journey Through Art to Ascension.

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book

It wasn’t until I was well into the process of writing down my life that I became aware that there was a force working through me. I felt this force as an energy, as a spirit of soul consciousness. This was because of the depths I traversed. Not all memoirists wish to turn their lives inside out to find hidden meanings or through lines or plumb lines to the depths of their subconscious, nor is it required. Yet if we do choose this kind of delving, the benefits are immeasurable. For we are doing nothing less than putting our lives in order—our psyches, really. In the myth of Psyche and Eros, Psyche’s first task was to make order out of the pile of seeds and sort them all out. Sorting out our experience is soul work. It means taking the time to step out of the hurly-burly and look back at where we have been. I can’t think of a better way to know the way forward than to step back and look at where I have been. The writing creates a map of sorts. Where was I and when was I there? Why was I there? The way forward then is in the looking back. The stepping back. The reader may find my story interesting or not, but for me it is fascinating. For I have unearthed stories that I may have hidden from myself until now. And aside from sorting out “what happened when,” I may have found the underlying reasoning. I may have made connections, this feeling to that event. Truth is always interesting. We first write for ourselves, and then we write for others to read, and with each revision the story becomes richer and more vibrant and more real. And so we become more real as we become more aware of who we truly are inside. Yet it is in the sharing of our stories that we really take off. In making them public, in reading them aloud, we are honoring our experience. We are also empowering others to take that leap of faith into their own lives. We don’t know what we might touch off in another, what trigger or spark we might ignite in another. And it may only be on a subconscious level. But truth is catching. When one can open up, another sees that it is possible. And so we all move forward. We all grow.
