Lisa Mills

Lisa Mills


Lisa Mills spent ten years working as a freelance writer, penning devotions, book reviews, a biography, and much more. Her articles have appeared in magazines such as “Today’s Christian Woman” and “Brio.” She’s also contributed short stories to several anthologies aimed at encouraging families of special-needs children. "Holding On" is her debut novel and the realization of a dream to write fiction.

She lives in the Michiana area with her husband and their blended family of five kids, three cats, and a large dog with an over-abundance of personality.



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<p>It’s hard to be committed to anyone when you don’t know whom to trust.</p><p>Alexis Toles, a former FBI agent turned undercover CIA agent, is quickly finding that out in Nancy Ann Healy’s newest political thriller, <i>Commitment</i>.</p><p>Alex embeds in a secret organization of intelligence operatives known as The Collaborative. Its partners include operatives from the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI, US Department of Defense, and an entanglement of foreign intelligence agencies.</p><p>It’s about half a year after the death of President John Merrow, a friend and someone she respected. But she remains committed to overthrowing The Collaborative as she works with a onetime adversary who believes the organization’s involved in the president’s death.</p><p>Meanwhile Alex; her wife, Cassidy O’Brien; and Cassidy’s son try hard to live as a family but must first overcome personal struggles, including a nasty custody battle with Cassidy’s ex-husband, Congressman Christopher O’Brien. The family has their own share of secrets that, if unleashed, could affect their hopes for the future.</p><p>There’s no place to turn without discovering people who are not who they claim to be. That can’t stop Alex. She must remain committed to the cause, both at home and as she works against The Collaborative.</p>

Story Behind The Book

This novel covers a subject that has been close to my heart for many years. When my own son began experiencing developmental delays and health problems, I learned firsthand what families of special-needs children go through. Parents who are struggling to ensure that their ailing children get the care they need often experience severe strain on their time, their finances, and their emotions. Those who have not walked that path would find it difficult to imagine the stress involved. When we went to Riley Hospital for Children for my son’s heart surgery, he spent several days in the ICU alongside children undergoing various treatments. From talking to their parents, I discovered that some of them were in the final stages of leukemia or other forms of cancer, being made as comfortable as possible until the end came. To see the heartbreak in those parents’ eyes, knowing they might have only days left with their children, and yet to witness their courage as day after day, they dried their tears and went to sit at their children’s bedsides to love and comfort them with smiles and soft words was an experience I will never forget. Their strength in the midst of adversity amazed me. My own son recovered from his surgeries and grew into a strong and healthy young man. Many children are not so fortunate. I wanted to do something to aid those children who continue to suffer, and the families who valiantly support them. So a portion of the proceeds from this book are being donated to several children’s hospitals to aid families who cannot afford the costly treatments without help from generous people like you and me. In buying a copy for yourself or a friend, you too are making a difference in the life of a sick child. If Trevor and Danielle’s story has inspired you and you wish to do more, I hope you will make a donation to a children’s hospital or the Children’s Cancer Research Fund. God bless and be well!


<p>&quot;If I read a book, it has to catch me right in the beginning or I won't finish reading it. This book &quot;caught&quot; me within the first page. Wow!&quot; Jen Moore, Indiana</p><p>#</p> <p>&quot;In HOLDING ON, Lisa weaves her magic flawlessly, drawing the reader in with deeply wounded, realistically lovable characters that make you root for their victory and hold on tight until the tearful, mega-satisfying end. This is one of the most beautiful stories of redemption I've had the honor of reading. Keep a box of tissues nearby. Trust me, you'll need it.&quot; ~Award winning author <a href="" class="mainlink">Karen Wiesner</a></p>