Oldman Brook

Oldman Brook


I was born in Burnley some time ago.  Educated in and around Lancashire, I then gained a degree in Arts and Media from Cheltenham University. 

Unsure as to what I wanted to become, I took a temporary placement with a well known retailer in Manchester, as an adminstrator, in the trading department.  Enjoying the work and wanting to progress I moved around the country gaining experience as a buyer. 

Comfortable with my progress I left my job to travel round the world, working for a good while in a good few places.  Now back in England I buy biscuits, a lot of biscuits, for an up and coming retailer in the East of England. 

Soon after returning from our jaunt around the world, my partner gave birth to a daughter.  Wanting to write my daughter a bedtime story, something from me that she could keep, I set about developing a tale about a wizard living in a crescent moon shaped mountain.  My imagination got the better of me and soon the bedtime story became a novel, and so 'The Wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain' was born.

I'm now in the process of writing an offshoot to 'The Wizard...', but am concentrating also on marketing my debut novel.

Dark Pursuit (Emily Stone Series Book 5)

Dark Pursuit (Emily Stone Series Book 5)

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<p>AWARD WINNER for ACTION - 2015 International Book Awards Readers' Favorite<br />SECOND PLACE AWARD WINNER - 2015 East Texas Writers Guild First Chapter Book Awards<br /><br />Vigilante detective Emily Stone has covertly hunted down killers and closed more serial cases than most seasoned homicide cops combined. Her exceptional profiling skills and forensic techniques, along with deductive crime scene investigations, have made her a compelling force that cannot be beat.<br />She has reached her ultimate breaking point and now must face her toughest opponent yet – her biggest fears.<br /><br />With preciseness, the Tick-Tock Killer has taken his next child victim and promised to dump the body precisely four days later, mocking police and the community. Stone struggles to balance her inner demons and ghosts from the past, against the wits of a brutal and cunning serial killer in an all-out battle of psychological warfare.<br /><br />Can Stone save the next child in time? Dark Pursuit is an action-packed cat and mouse game that will take you to dark places rarely explored.<br /><br /><br />From the Award-winning Emily Stone Thriller Series:<br /><br />“… a highly recommended pick!” The Midwest Book Review<br /><br />“Intriguing alpha female character… impressive action scenes.” Kirkus Reviews<br /><br />“The writing is impeccable and the story is fresh and tight.” Best Selling Author Gary Ponzo<br /> </p>

Story Behind The Book


<p>What a story this is! It's no exaggeration to say that whilst you're reading it you see it up on the big screen. The first part was perhaps a <em>little</em> slow for my tastes and would be slower for the target age group of the older tween and early teen boy. More showing rather than telling would have given this part more impact but that's actually quite a minor quibble once you get to the battles. At this point the story flies by and there were occasions when I felt as though I was being pulled along by the hair on my head. It's a good story overall, but splendid stuff once you get to the second half of the book.</p> <p>The characters are impressive. There are women in the story but it's the men who hog the limelight. The very different characters of the two elves are written with sensitivity and the leaders of the two armies - Greybeard and Warrior - have strengths as well as weaknesses. My favourite was Pengwellen, the elderly dragon, who brought tears to my eyes at one point. Considering that this is a <em>big</em> story there are not <em>too</em> many characters and most of them come off the page really well.</p> <p>It's a book which will be shelved in the 'great fun' section and will stand repeated readings. You might find it shelved near <a title="The Hidden World: The Remarkable Adventures of Tom Scatterhorn by Henry Chancellor" href="http://www.freado.com/reviews/index.php?title=The_Hidden_World:_The_Remarkable_Adventures_of_Tom_Scatterhorn_by_Henry_Chancellor"><font color="#0066cc">The Hidden World: The Remarkable Adventures of Tom Scatterhorn by Henry Chancellor</font></a> or <a title="Jack Flint and the Redthorn Sword by Joe Donnelly" href="http://www.freado.com/reviews/index.php?title=Jack_Flint_and_the_Redthorn_Sword_by_Joe_Donnelly"><font color="#0066cc">Jack Flint and the Redthorn Sword by Joe Donnelly</font></a> but we think that <em>The Wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain</em> will be read the most.  Thebookbag.co.uk<br /><br /><br /></p> <div><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><strong>The Wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain is very much a traditional tale and one that has a distinct child friendly, young adult edge with uncomplicated narrative and a positive, light-hearted feeling that extrudes from the pages and offers a comfortable, relaxing read… I liked the many colourful characters… they work well within the story and the interplay between them is often very effective including a pervasive humorous dynamic with a gentle humour which extends to much of the novel - at times providing a self-depreciating reflection which reminds the reader not to take things too seriously… the climax of the story is handled in a very effective manner and worth the wait.</strong></span></div> <div><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><strong></strong></span> </div> <div><span lang="en" xml:lang="en"><strong>Overall The Wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain is an enjoyable story, a traditional young adult fantasy tale full of simple, uncomplicated pleasures.  SF Book Reviews (4 stars)<br /><br /></strong>This has to be the most exciting book that I have encountered this year by a most accomplished author. I could hardly wait to read `the wizard of crescent moon mountain' as soon as I herd news of it being a first-reads giveaway that I had won, hence by the time it arrived I was delving strait in and sat engrossed within its pages for hours. Not wanting to put this remarkable story down I encountered the most fascinating and original storyline, being utterly unique within this genre and quite comparable to JRR Tolkien at his best or JK Rowling's Harry Potter. Magical creativity in abundance this story opens a window into your heart, igniting your imagination and letting it run with the most outlandish but also highly believable creation. Traveling into the future with two main characters called Finn and Beezle you are swept into the most enchanting world called Everlast, which I cannot compare to anything else I have encountered in literature; with its memorable and distinctive characters to its sheer brilliance and atmosphere that takes ones breath away. With the help of the wizard of crescent moon mountain named Greybeard, these three characters take you on a quest of a lifetime to save the world against the most deadly warrior. Glued to my seat with tense anticipation, I plunged into a story that was thrilling from page one and which kept me in suspense throughout.<br /><br />Similarly to other writers of this particular genre the author Oldman Brook has created something that his readers will find truly realistic and credible, where you connect to the characters and their stories. The concept also of the illusive weapon was also another twist within this detailed plot, which added even more drama and excitement to this already deeply complex but fascinating story which gets better and better with each passing chapter. The book is adorned with the most beautiful illustrations that bring the story to life, where the black and white words jump off the page and turn into vivid color. I felt a part of there tale and adventure as I began to learn more about each individual character, being thus able to relate to them and connect with their quirks and particular attributes. I am so excited by this author and can almost certainly predict great things to come, as even the thought of turning this tale into a film and placing it on the big screen has crossed my mind; it would be in league with `the hobbit' for sure. For those readers who devoured JK Rowling's highly commended series and who enjoys a story with all the elements of a great and memorable fantasy fictional tale, then look no further as here is a novel which will delight many readers. The fact that this also had the most dramatic climax and ended on a spine-chilling cliffhanger made it all the more brilliant as I finished reading with a rather large grin on my face.<br /><br />A highly enjoyable and enthralling read that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat throughout, and is something that I cannot enthuse about enough. With an absorbing plot that will keep you guessing, to remarkable and distinctive characters that you will fall in love with. This has to be my book of the year that is going strait to the top of the bookshelf, and something which I urge you to add to your to-read lists in a hurry! Lucinda - Goodreads Giveaway Winner - 5 stars<br /><br /><br />The Wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain is a children's fantasy adventure novel, funny, emotional, and with enough gore and darkness to hopefully lure pre-teens/early teens away from their video games in favour of good old-fashioned books. It might be advisable for parents to have a quick flick through the story before giving this to children who might not be comfortable with the scarier, bloodier scenes, which for those made more of &quot;snails and puppy dog tails&quot; might be what makes this an awesome read.<br /><br />The Wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain: Elven Resurrection<br /><br />The greatest strength of this book has to be the way the characters bring themselves to life-from the titular character, Greybeard, who alternates between being a grumpy old man and a fearsome wizard warrior, and comical dwarf, Wattlespalf, who amused me so much that he was by far my favourite character.<br /><br />The book opens with a dramatic pursuit through the woods as goblins chase cowardly thief turned writer, Connor Perrywinkle, before he is saved by the imposing wizard of Crescent Moon Mountain. The story then shifts to Greybeard entertaining his adventuring companions-three dwarfs and two shape-shifters. While they plan to rid the south of a mysterious warrior leading armies of goblins, their evening is interrupted as they rescue a pair of boys, lost and exposed in the snow.<br /><br />These boys turn out to be elves, accidental time travellers who discover that their race has been extinct for over three-thousand years. Finn, the older of the two, is noble, brave, and grows to be the archetypal hero, while his younger brother is naughty, petulant, and demonstrates a natural aptitude for magic. These characters will give young readers someone to identify with as the elves get caught up in Greybeard and friends' cause.<br /><br />Travelling through the world of Everlast, the adventurers battle monsters such as draugar and goblins, and discover that giants and dragons are not as beastly as they seem-although with dragons you never know when they might decide to gobble up a soldier, friend or foe! With strong messages about not judging a book by its cover and seeing the good and bad in everyone, this is probably the first story I've read where an insight into goblin minds has made me feel sympathetic for some-cultured Bobbucket trying to avoid the violence, and Pompucket, a more traditional goblin, complaining about being imprisoned in a clean and comfortable house even as he snuggles into a warm blankie.<br /><br />A steady build up while the group amasses a small army to prevent the destruction of Everlast, soon turns into a fast-paced battle, with thrills, plenty of spills, tears and laughter. Although the story concludes nicely, there is enough to keep you thinking, &quot;Is this really the end...or could there be more?&quot; I certainly came away with many theories about who the mysterious voice in the green light might be, and what really hides behind Warrior's mask. I won't be shy in saying that I would love to read a sequel, should one ever be written.  Leanne - Goodreads reader (5 stars)<br /></span></div>