Daniel Ogweno

Daniel Ogweno


Ogweno holds Bachelor of Education (Moi University, Kenya) and M.Phil. in Mass Communication and Media Studies (University of Bergen, Norway). He is the founder of Christ is Lord Ministries—Worldwide (Cilmin—Worldwide) and the author of a number of life-changing books including: Virtue that Counts; Lessons from the Road, A Life of an Enthusiastic Worship, The Secret Weapon Against Terrorism, The Pursuit of Commitment and many others.


He is an anointed international speaker. Ogweno maintains that he does not count on his training as a teacher and communicator to do what God has assigned him, but on the inspiration, favour and the Divine discretion.


His burning desire is to see a steady narrowing of the gap between theology and practice. His writings and teachings therefore focus on practical Christianity in everyday life. God has given him unique insights in areas like: leadership; communication; marriage and courtship; conflict resolution; worship; commitment; Stewardship, etc.


He is married to Laura Caroline Ogweno. They have three children—two boys: Victor Ogweno and Jim-Jif Ogweno and a girl: Baraka Norine Ogweno.


Ogweno and his family lives in Skien, Norway.

A Shadow in Yucatan

A Shadow in Yucatan

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<p>A mythical jewel of a story… A true story told on a beach in Yucatan, A Shadow tells Stephanie's story but it was also the story of the golden time. Its nostalgia sings like cicadas in the heat.</p><p>An American ‘Under Milkwood’, this distilled novel of the Sixties evokes the sounds, music and optimism on the free-wheelin streets and parks of Coconut Grove. You can hear Bob Dylan still strumming acoustic; smoke a joint with Fred Neil; and Everybody’s Talkin is carried on the wind.</p><p>Stephanie, a young hairdresser living in lodgings finds herself pregnant. Refused help from her hard Catholic mother in New York, unable to abort her baby, she accepts the kindness of Miriam, her Jewish landlady, whose own barren life spills into compassionate assistance for the daughter she never had.</p><p>The poignancy of its ending, its generosity and acceptance, echoes the bitter disappointment of those of us who hoped for so much more, but who remember its joy, and its promise, as though untarnished by time.</p>

Story Behind The Book

With a starting point that we were created to have a fellowship with God, the book explains how this fellowship is about worship. It reveals “secrets” of relating with God in ways that not only facilitate worshipping but also make it an everyday experience. With personal and general life experiences, the book is heavily illustrated, making it uniquely rich with captivating inspirational moments. This book clarifies the intention of “true” worship and renders the attention it deserves. It reveals that when we capture the spirit of the fellowship, we will understand that it is not the season in which we find ourselves but the reason for which we were created that ought to inspire our worship. The seasons change; the reason is constant. Welcome to venture into a worshipping adventure in the pages of “A Life of an Enthusiastic Worship.”


<div><strong>Title</strong>: A Life of an Enthusiastic Worship</div><div><strong>Author</strong>: Daniel Owino Ogweno</div><div><strong>Publisher</strong>: Xulon Press</div><div><strong>Copyright</strong>: 2005</div><div><strong>ISBN</strong>: 1-597810-77-0</div><div><strong>Genre</strong>: Worship</div><div><strong>Size: </strong>234 pages</div><div><strong>Reviewer</strong>: <a href="http://www.faithwriters.com/member-profile.php?id=4166">Linda Germain</a></div><br /><div>Available From:</div><div><a href="http://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781597810777&amp;HC_ISBN=9781597810784">Xulon Press</a> </div><div><a href="http://astore.amazon.com/christislordm-20">Amazon.com</a> </div><div><a href="http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/39871">E-Book</a></div><br /><div><em>&quot;Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.</em></div><div><em>Praise the LORD.&quot;</em></div><div>- Psalm 150:6</div><br /><div>Some books are akin to fast food: predictable, consumed in one sitting, and very little real meat.<em> A Life of an Enthusiastic Worship</em> is not one of those books.</div><br /><div>The author reveals what he calls the eleven steps to a fulfilling worship experience. In the preface, he encourages us to realize our most important mission is not merely to read for the sake of reading, but to <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">do</span></em> something with the information. </div><br /><div>Worshipping God is:</div><div>1. Giving Him time so that we can meditate on His precepts;</div><div>2. Telling Him we worship Him and calling His attention to His promises;</div><div>3. Giving Him the glory and ascribing greatness to Him;</div><div>4. Living a life of integrity and dedicating it to Him;</div><div>5. Acknowledging the mighty works of His hands;</div><div>6. Being single-mindedly devoted to His goodness;</div><div>7. Exalting Him above all names; </div><div>8. To make our hearts an altar -- not allowing anything else to compete;</div><div>9. To tell Him that He is perfect and righteous in all that He does;</div><div>10. Taking the responsibility to appreciate the things He has put in our custody and to treat His name with reverence at all times; and</div><div>11. To identify with Him and glorify Him by our behavior in obeying His will.</div><br /><div>In Chapter 1, we learn how the 'secret' to true worship of our God is to begin at the only possible starting point -- which is offering ourselves to Him wholly and without reservation. That makes us a <em>living sacrifice</em>. </div><br /><div>&quot;In the New Testament where we are called upon to offer <em>ourselves </em>as the <em>sacrifices </em>-- <em>living </em>sacrifices -- we are not just to offer ourselves in any way. We must be 'washed' by the Blood of the Lamb of God and have our sins forgiven…&quot;</div><br /><div>A serious hindrance to true worship is what the author calls our indifference to God's purpose of creation. Equally significant, he says, is the precedence of our personal priorities and interests which take over the clear will of God.</div><br /><div>The sponge-water relationship is a good way to picture the ideal response that would glorify our Maker. Picture God as water and His people as sponges. If we are thoroughly soaked, His presence would be manifest in what we do, and whether we are squeezed under pressure or if we swing with pleasure, we would produce love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control -- all the fruits of the Spirit.</div><br /><div>We were created to have a fellowship with God. After we obey in surrendering completely to Him, we can express our worship in countless ways by our speech and music and behavior.</div><br /><div>&quot;Just as we can't wait to breathe, so we shouldn't wait to breathe out praises unto God.&quot;</div><br /><div>The preface to <em>A Life of an Enthusiastic Worship</em> may seem a tad ponderous to some in explaining the conception of how the author was led to share these wonderful lessons. However, once you arrive at the first chapter and read, <em>WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO WORSHIP GOD</em>? you are in for a precious time of study and enlightenment.</div><br /><div>At the end of each section, under the title, <em>REFLECTIONS</em>, there are thought provoking questions to help us invest in some serious self-examination. This would make an excellent group study, as it certainly lends itself to sharing. At the same time, I would encourage a daily dose of personal reading in order to absorb and implement new understandings of just who we are, and more important, who our Father is, and what true worship means. </div><br /><div>There is so much wonderful material between the pages of this inspirational book it would be impossible to give more than a glimpse in a short review. </div><br /><div>Again, it does not offer a snack for a quick boost, but rather a life-infusing feast to be savored as the author serves up nourishment for your mind and spirit that will sustain you for eternity. </div>