Irene Kendig

Irene Kendig


Irene Kendig, M.A., is a bestselling author, speaker, workshop facilitator and soul-centered coach, whose mission is to inspire conscious, joyous living. She is a trained NLP Practitioner and certified Alchemical Hypnotherapist, with a B.A. cum laude in Psychology from UCLA and an M.A. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica.

Irene’s debut book, Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead: Seven compelling dialogues that will transform the way you think about dying . . . and living, has won multiple national and international awards. NY Times bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God), called the book “remarkable."

Dedicated to living and sharing the gifts of Spiritual Psychology, Irene is part of a team of graduate volunteers from the University of Santa Monica who have been bringing these principles and experiential practices to women inmates at one of the largest maximum-security women’s prisons in the world, Valley State Prison for Women. The program has been nominated for a national award that recognizes excellence in prison reform programs. “Freedom to Choose,” a moving, 22-minute documentary that conveys the power of this work, was a winner in the Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. You can watch the film at:

Irene’s soul-centered coaching begins with the premise that we don’t have souls; we are souls. We are souls who have bodies. She facilitates clients from around the world in becoming aware of themselves as souls having a temporary human experience . . . not as a theory, but as a moment-by-moment reality. The result: the ability to live heaven on earth now, from a place of unconditional love, joy and compassion, which is our true essence.

Irene is a contributing writer for and

She is the proud mother of two adult sons, David and Josh, and currently resides in northern Virginia with her husband Charles and their dog Scooter.

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Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God

Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God

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<p>“<em>We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”(</em>Teilhard de Chardin<em>)</em></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;"><em>Involution-An Odyssey Reconciling Science to God </em> is as layered as a French cassoulet, as diverting, satisfying and as rich. Each reader will spoon this book differently. On the surface it seems to be a simple and light-hearted poetic journey through the history of Western thought, dominantly scientific, but enriched with painting and music. Beneath that surface is the sauce of a new evolutionary idea, involution; the informing of all matter by consciousness, encoded and communicating throughout the natural world. A book about the cathedral of consciousness could have used any language to paint it, but science is perhaps most in need of new vision, and its chronology is already familiar.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">The author offers a bold alternative vision of both science and creation: she suggests that science has been incrementally the recovery of memory, the memory of evolution/involution</span><em style="line-height:1.6em;">.</em></p><p>“<em> Involution proposes that humans carry within them the history of the universe, which is (re)discovered by the individual genius when the time is ripe. All is stored within our DNA and awaits revelation. Such piecemeal revelations set our finite lives in an eternal chain of co-creation and these new leaps of discovery are compared to mystical experience</em>” (From a reviewer)</p><p>Each unique contributor served the collective and universal return to holism and unity. Thus the geniuses of the scientific journey, like the spiritual visionaries alongside, have threaded the rosary of science with the beads of inspiration, and through them returned Man to his spiritual nature and origin.</p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">The separation between experience and the rational intellect of science has, by modelling memory as theory, separated its understanding from the consciousness of all, and perceives mind and matter as separate, God and Man as distinct. This work is a dance towards their re-unification: Saints and scientists break the same bread.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">All of time and all the disciplines of science are needed for the evidence. Through swift (and sometimes sparring) Cantos of dialogue between Reason and Soul, Philippa Rees takes the reader on a monumental journey through the history of everything – with the evolution of man as one side of the coin and involution the other.  The poetic narrative is augmented by learned and extensive footnotes offering background knowledge which in themselves are fascinating. In effect there are two books, offering a right and left brain approach. The twin spirals of a DNA shaped book intertwine external and internal and find, between them, one journey, Man’s recovery of Himself., and (hopefully) the Creation’s recovery of a nobler Man.</span></p><p><span style="line-height:1.6em;">From the same review “</span><em style="line-height:1.6em;">The reader who finishes the book will not be the same as the one who began it. New ideas will expand the mind but more profoundly, the deep, moving power of the verse will affect the heart.</em></p><p><em>(Marianne Rankin: Director of Communications, Alister Hardy Trust)</em></p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book


<p>Grateful Press is proud to announce that Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead has been honored with multiple national and international awards. We are grateful for these honors, which will allow the book’s message to reach so many more readers.</p> <p><br /> *Winner, Death &amp; Dying, 2011 Int'l Book Awards</p> <p>*Winner, Death &amp; Dying, Best Book Awards, USA Book News</p> <p>*Silver Medal, Death &amp; Dying, Independent Publisher Awards</p> <p>*Finalist, New Age Non-Fiction, 2010 National Indie Excellence</p> <p>*Finalist, Death &amp; Dying, 2011 National Indie Excellence</p> <p>*Finalist, 2011 Global e-Book Awards   </p> <p><br />  Endorsements</p> <p><br /> “This remarkable book by Irene Kendig offers deep comfort and gentle peace to anyone grieving the death of a loved one.”-Neale Donald Walsch, NY Times Bestselling Author of Conversations with God</p> <p><br /> &quot;I have communicated with the deceased, had messages from them through mediums, had a near death experience and a past life experience. This book speaks truth. Consciousness is immortal and distinct from the body.&quot;-Bernie Siegel, M.D., NY Times Bestselling Author of Faith, Hope &amp; Healing and 365 Prescriptions for the Soul</p> <p><br /> &quot;This wonderful book, filled with love and wisdom, provides many answers about our 'deceased' loved ones. Highly recommended.&quot;-Robert Schwartz, Bestselling Author of Your Soul's Plan</p> <p><br /> “This amazing book of conversations with people from the 'other side' will be intriguing to skeptics, fascinating to the curious, and enthralling to believers in reincarnation and past life regression. Irene Kendig asks all the right questions, and gets answers that can help us all live better on 'this side.'&quot;-Jim Barnes, Editor, Independent Publisher Online</p> <p><br /> &quot;This simply delightful book is chock full of wisdom and healing. Irene has a gift of presenting complex spiritual concepts in a very easy to understand, common sense, and fun way. This is one of those rare books that is hard to stop reading. Highly recommended!&quot;-David H. Paul, M.D., Ph.D., Co-director, University of Santa Monica Prison Project</p> <p><br /> “I fully intend to use this life-affirming book to facilitate my grieving and dying clients in opening up to new ways of thinking. This is a delightful guide to our inner Spirit that diminishes death anxiety. Everything is in order and everything is for the greater good. This book will be a great contribution to so many!&quot;-Peg Armstrong, M.A., LPC Psychotherapist, How to Be with Someone Who is Dying (DVD)</p> <p><br /> &quot;This 'Work of Love' is a fascinating and intriguing read full of surprises, infinite possibilities, and assurances that there is indeed life after death. Irene permeates the conversations with her insights and learnings, enabling readers to experience the dialogues from their own level of Consciousness and Light. It is a privilege to offer words of support for this enchanting book.”-Sister Judian Breitenbach, PHJC (Poor Hand Maidens of Jesus Christ), Namaste Center  for Holistic Health and Education</p> <p><br /> &quot;Powerful, courageous and enlightening, Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead restores our conscious awareness to the continuity of life and our eternal nature as unconditional love. Irene opens our hearts and minds to a deeper understanding of the journey of our soul.&quot;-Harold W. Becker, Founder of The Love Foundation, Inc.</p> <p><br /> “I was uplifted by the wisdom and compassion of these dialogues. The perspective offered from the ‘other side’ does much more than clarify what dying and the afterlife are about. These dialogues address the fundamental philosophical questions of life in a very clear and loving way. Irene Kendig gently but consistently shows the reader how life always invites us to take responsibility and let go of judgment. I am grateful for this book.&quot;-Pamela Kribbe, Author of The Jeshua Channelings</p> <p><br /> &quot;As I read Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead, I began marking important passages. Then I began underlining passages of exceptional clarity. I soon realized I was marking nearly every page because nearly every page provided new and clear understandings. This is the best book I’ve ever read.”-Chaplain Dick Dinges, Fellowship of the Inner Light, Virginia Beach, VA</p> <p><br /> Reviews</p> <p><br /> “Author Irene Kendig strikes gold while digging for answers about life from those who have lived, died, and are now ‘living on.’ It is impossible not to learn something about life from this book. Some of the revelations are startling, some are simple, some are complex, some are transforming, and some are comforting, while others are controversial and difficult to fathom. Almost every page of this book has decidedly profound insights to offer. Kendig's interviewing skills are incredible. Her questions are direct and weighty. Her writing is concise and cohesive. The book not only presents the reader with specific details about our transformation in death, it is also brimming with suggestions that can transform us into happier, more loving and forgiving people in life.&quot;-Claudia Pemberton, US Review of Books</p> <p><br /> “This is a book rich in thought and wisdom that makes the concept of dying not only a process to not fear, but one to anticipate.&quot; (5 star Amazon rating) -Grady Harp, Top 10 Amazon Reviewer</p> <p><br /> “This page-turner will warm your heart and stimulate your mind; both personal and metaphysical, each conversation will turn your thoughts simultaneously outward and inward. Fair warning: you may have a hard time putting it down!&quot;-Julie Clayton, New Consciousness Review</p> <p><br /> &quot;A 256-page compendium that includes an informative introduction, a 'Notes to the Reader’ section, and an Epilogue, Conversations With Jerry And Other People I Thought Were Dead features extended 'conversations' that touch upon a wide range of issues and questions. Of special note for students of metaphysics is what happens to human beings when transitioning from a physical to a non-physical life. Offering a wealth of spiritual wisdom, insights, and perspectives, Conversations With Jerry And Other People I Thought Were Dead is a fascinating and informative read which is strongly recommended for both personal and community library collections.” (5/5 star rating) -Jim Cox, Midwest Book Review</p> <p><br /> “What does it feel like to take one’s last breath as a living person and one’s first in the world of spirit? Author Irene Kendig asks the ‘deceased’ this and other thought-provoking questions in her book, Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead. The answers she receives through gifted medium Jana Anna will surprise, delight, and comfort readers. -ForeWord Reviews</p> <p><br /> “This book brought a level of comfort that I didn’t know I even needed.”-Deanna Joseph, BellaOnline Inspiration Editor</p> <p><br /> &quot;By turns intensely personal and grandly philosophical, Kendig's renderings of her sessions with Anna are a joy to read.” -J. Blackmore, Allbooks Reviews</p> <p><br /> &quot;What you take away from this book isn’t so much the great and grand knowledge of what the afterlife will be like, but the great and grand knowledge of what our lives can be like while we are still living them.&quot;-Michelle Taylor, BellaOnline Spirituality Editor</p> <p> </p>