Lynn Squire

Lynn Squire


I’m an author that loves history and the Lord Jesus Christ,my Saviour. Not too unusual for a Christian writer. However, what is unique isthat I grew up on a farm near Arrowwood, Alberta, Canada and now live inCalifornia with my husband and three kidsnot in New York, LosAngeles, San Francisco, or any other major North American city.

My own history as a Christian began as a child attendingVacation Bible School at the Arrowwood Gospel Mission. One of the take homepapers asked when the reader was saved. I couldn’t give an answer. I knew thatI believed in Jesus, but I didn’t know for sure if I was going to Heaven when Idie. The next day I couldn’t wait until VBS was over so I could talk with theteacher, Linda Brown, about how to be saved. After repenting and calling on thename of the Lord Jesus Christ for my salvation, I became a new creature and begana new journey through life.

Today I attend Calvary Baptist Church in American Canyon, CAwhere I fellowship with some of the most wonderful people I’ve ever known.

Because of my love for the Lord, I try my best to glorifyHim in my writing. I desire, through my work, to show Christ to those who donot know Him as their personal Saviour and to encourage and exhort those whodo.

Though I loved writing short stories as a child and throughmy youth, writing didn’t take a prominent place in my life until many yearslater when I started writing about horses and horse husbandry for magazines andbooks. That became the catalyst for me to seriously consider writing fiction .. . but not just any fictionfiction that would present Biblicaltruths through story. This led to me publishing Best of Faith, Fiction, Fun, and Fanciful,and writing more novels, including Joab’sFire which will be released in June 2011.

 I blog at Faith, Fiction, Fun, andFanciful about writing and my faith. I also share some short stories on theblog for FictionFriday. As a further ministry, I do AutographTea Parties for ladies groups where I read something I have written andgive my salvation testimony.

 You can also follow me on Twitter and visit my website:

 I hope you join me here and on Faith, Fiction, Fun, andFanciful to explore this journey of life.

 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

A Penny for Your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts

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<p>Have you ever loved, been loved, been confused about love, or suffered from loss of love? All these feelings have been captured and shared in the words of heartfelt poems, compiled over many years by a former teacher and award-winning author.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon now shares her thoughts in this book of feelings. &quot;As a teacher, I used poetry to help counsel many troubled teens and friends, and have continued this pattern throughout the years.&quot;</p><p>There are three sections in her book: Heads, Spinning, and Tails ... (Love &amp; Loss: Coin Toss?). The variety of lyrical poetry forms include free verse, blank verse, haiku, and sonnets. Some poems are simply plays on words.</p><p><strong>A Sign</strong></p><p>In the depths of my winter</p><p>I heard a small bird -</p><p>Braving the cold,</p><p>Bringing the word.</p><p>He gave my heart hope</p><p>As I heard him sing -</p><p>Three little notes</p><p>Promising spring.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon, a former teacher and grandmother of 10, is the author of nine acclaimed rhymed children's stories that have received 48 national and international book awards between 2011 and 2017. Also a playwright with seven published plays for elementary school children, her works have been performed internationally in over 20 countries. Most of her children's books try to teach something, such as good manners and caring for others. Married for 57 years, she and her spouse are now retired, live in Pennsylvania, and travel in their RV from coast to coast, spending time with their children and grandchildren.</p><p><strong>Publisher's website: </strong> http: //</p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book


<p class="MsoNormal">In <em>Joab’s Fire</em>, Lynn Squire tells the story of Job in a new setting—one that allowed me to relate to the story’s timeless themes in new ways. The accompanying discussion questions place the story firmly in context with the whole counsel of Scripture. <em>Joab’s Fire</em> eloquently displays the eternal truth that God’s light shines most brightly in darkness.</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent:.5in;"><strong><span style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Lynn Dean</span></strong><span style="font-size:10pt;font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">, author of <em><span style="font-family:Arial, 'sans-serif';">Discover Texas</span></em>, a history curriculum for Christian schools.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <em>Joab’s Fire</em> illustrates how God uses setbacks and tragedies to work in our lives. In the study, Lynn uses scripture to allow God’s healing truth to seep into the hearts and minds of her reader, drawing them closer to the One who leads us not only to the top of the mountain, but through the valleys as well.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>            </span><strong>Fay Lamb</strong>, author of <em>Tatted Angels, </em>Staff writer for <em>Wings of Hope Magazine</em>, and freelance editor.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Like Job in the Old Testament, we wonder how such a good man </span><span>as Joab Black </span><span>could suffer so much. Then, through the darkness, we see God’s abiding grace. </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>Lynn</span><span>’s writing </span><span>beautifully portrays how our Heavenly Father raises </span><span>H</span><span>is children from the ashes. </span><span></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span><span>            </span><strong>Linda Strawn</strong>, author of <em>Singing Winds.</em></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span> </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal">A compelling saga of faith in the midst of tragedy that will capture your heart and stir up new compassion for those who are suffering around you. I highly recommend this book!</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>            </span><strong>Lisa Jost</strong>, singer/songwriter/mother with The Josties, <a href=""></a>.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal">Lynn is a master storyteller who weaves her love of Jesus Christ and the truth of His scripture throughout all her writing. <em>Joab’s Fire</em> will ignite a flame of hope and faith within you as you journey with Joab, his wife, and friends through countless tragedies and unimaginable heartache. This book and accompanying Bible study will challenge and encourage you to seek God in the midst of every storm.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>            </span><strong>Debra Shirley</strong>, speaker, author, and Ladies Sunday School Teacher at Tannehill Baptist Church.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span> </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><em>Joab's Fire</em> will stir your heart and soul as the NWMP officer seeks to find God's will for his life without realizing that is what he is seeking. Lynn Squire is one of the finest writers I've ever come in contact with.  Her writing mirror's her life as she writes for the Christian readers, unafraid to show her love and trust in the God she serves.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span>            </span>K Sue Morgan, multi-published western historical romance author.<span></span></p>