Bob Frey

Bob Frey



Bob Frey loves to entertain, make people laugh and think, and, perhaps, shake them up a little. He was a copywriter for several top Los Angeles advertising agencies and received several awards for his creative work. When he turned to writing fiction, he found it was a whole new ballgame and he had a lot to learn. He has since published a couple of mysteries, The DVD Murders and The Bashful Vampire Murder & Comic Book Murders, and Catawampus Tales, a book of short stories, a mixed-bag of fast food for the mind.

Also an actor, he has appeared in some forty independent films and stage plays. He now lives in Sandy, Oregon, with his wife, Susan.

New Moon Rising

New Moon Rising

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The Pacific Plate is one of the most geological active areas in the world, and the site of constant volcanic and earthquake activity.  The Ring of Fire, in the Pacific Ocean, will soon escalate its impact on mankind.  Two brothers, one a geologist and one a surfer are at the center of and event that will change the Earth, forever.

Story Behind The Book

For me, writing books is more than a business. I write for pleasure. Critics say if you want to build a career, you should stick to one genre because that’s what your readers expect and they will be disappointed if you don’t. They are probably right. Having been an actor, to me it’s a little bit like type casting. Look what happened to poor Tony Perkins and Vincent Price. I write what interests me, and if people pay to read what I’ve written, well, that’s frosting on the cake.


<strong>Deliciously Eclectic<br /></strong>Known for his satirical style, Bob Frey does not disappoint in &quot;Catawampus Tales,&quot; a collection of short stories that range from humorous to outrageous, and can be categorized as &quot;deliciously eclectic.&quot; Just when you feel like you know what's going to happen next, Frey jolts you with a twist. The arrangement of short stories is such that they bounce from science fiction to a romantic fantasy, and everything in between--there's definitely something for the avid and casual reader. The memorable stories of the collection are &quot;Zombie Fight Song,&quot; and &quot;Supermale's Gone and Left Us.&quot; Simply put, if you like books where the flow is nearly impeccable, easy to read--without losing any of the substance--and a sense of humor, this is it.--J.R. Shah, Amazon review