Chiara Prezzavento

Chiara Prezzavento


Editor, scrittrice, traduttrice occasionale, mi piace pensare a me stessa come a una "forgiatrice di parole". Autrice di Somnium Hannibalis, Gl'Insorti di Strada Nuova, Lo Specchio Convesso.

Italian editor, writer, occasional translator... wordsmith.
Author of three historical novels about Renaissance Mantua, XIXth Century Pavia, and the II Punic War.

Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

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Laura Hoopes takes you along as she tries to enter science in the 1960's in the post-Sputnik science education frenzy, only to find doors closed to women.  She persists, makes a career of molecular gerontology and insists on making space for marriage and children in her life.  This inspiring read says, "Yes, you can," to women who have dreams of their own.

Story Behind The Book
