Deborah Winter-Blood

Deborah Winter-Blood


I'm a writer, a witch, and an animal rights advocate.  Originally from San Diego, I currently reside in the Midwest with my partner (author Mickey Mills) and our two terribly spoiled dogs.

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

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<p>The Bible spells out in God's terms what &quot;The Secret&quot; said in human terms. &quot;Christianity, The Law of Attraction and The One Command &quot; is the bridge between God's word, His universal laws, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy and you.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Seventeen-year-old Celeste must use her newly discovered magical powers to save her ancestors from an ancient demon as environmental catastrophe hangs in the balance. Luckily, she has a pet iguana and a lovestruck Satyr to show her the way as she battles through strange elemental worlds, breaking hearts and casting spells as she goes. The only child of adoptive parents, Celeste McAllister leads a somewhat sheltered life in Glendale, California, but events take a bizarre turn on the night her pet iguana starts talking. The reptile reveals that Celeste’s name is actually Celestial Star Needfyre and that she’s the last in an ancient line of witches. Known as The Guardians, these powerful women stood for thousands of years between our world and environmental havoc until they all suddenly vanished. With the help of a theatrical fortuneteller, a passionate Satyr and the garage band from downstairs, Celeste must journey through strange, elemental worlds to save everything she loves and to free The Guardians from the dark creature holding them captive. In a final magical confrontation, she must choose between the fate of our planet and the unexpected bond she feels for the demon who, like Celeste, has spent a lifetime searching for love and acceptance. Mysterious caretakers of magical realms, underworld ferrymen, unrequited love and impossible choices embellish this tale of a young woman coming to terms with her unwilling role in a global battle against evil. Poignant environmental issues faced by our world today make this story as timely as it is entertaining.


<span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">&quot;This book has everything I like in a good story. It's believable fiction. There's a smidgen of romance, harrowing adventure, dangerous environments, and the ending rose to a crescendo that made me want to stand up and cheer!&quot; - <strong>Mickey Mills</strong> - Author of <em>Haunting Injustice</em></span>