Shaun Messick

Shaun Messick


Shaun Messick currently lives in Shelley, Idaho with his beautiful wife and four wonderful children.
Mr. Messick earned his Bachelor's of Science degree from Idaho State University in Secondary Education in 2001. In 2007, he went back to school and earned a Master's of Arts degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Phoenix.
His passions include his family, writing and reading, and sports. Besides writing, Mr. Messick teaches American Government and United States History at Shelley High School.
He is the author of the successful Worlds Without End series. His first book in the series, The Mission, has experienced wide success, especially in the LDS fiction market. Aftermath, the second book in the series is scheduled for release in the Summer of 2012.
In 2011, he founded Empyrean Publications his own imprint to publish his books and future projects.

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

The DarkSide of the Paranormal

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<p>Have you ever wondered about the dark side of the paranormal? This book contains information on demons, shadow people and negative earthbound spirits. It covers how to recognize the difference between each of these creatures, weaknesses, fears, appearances, abilities and how to get rid of them if possible. There is also information on what really works to protect you and what doesn't.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Worlds Without End: The Mission is the first book of a 4 book series that I am in the process of writing. I am currently writing the second book, Aftermath, due for completion sometime during the summer of 2012. The original idea for this series came to me while I was traveling back-and-forth from my home in Shelley, Idaho to Salt Lake City, Utah in the Fall of 2003. It was as this time, that my oldest daughter was being treated for Leukemia. I owe much of my inspiration to my daughter for her courage and resiliency during this trying time for our family. Today, my daughter is in complete remission and has a clean bill of health. As I have been writing the Worlds Without End series, I have received many positive reviews about the first book in the series, as well as many questions as to when the second book will be completed. My intent with the series is to open the mind to the possibilities of our Heavenly Father's creations in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a fictional saga that not only explores the possible destiny of our planet but other planets within our galaxy as well. Even though the book is written for a Latter-day Saint (Mormon) audience, it is a story that I believe all audiences will enjoy. I hope you enjoy reading the Worlds Without End series.


<a href=";showViewpoints=1&amp;sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending">5 out of 5 Stars</a>.<br />One of the best books I have ever read!<br />Shaun Messick has redefined the science fiction genre. He wonderfully mixes LDS doctrine with science fiction into a page turner that I could not put down. I bought this book on a Monday and finished it the next day. I am surprised that this author hasn't been signed by a traditional publishing house yet. His writing style is fast paced and action packed. He left me hanging at the end of each chapter, so I had to keep reading. I highly recommend this book for readers of every age! Shaun Messick is my new favorite author and I can't wait for the next book to come out in the series.  (<a href=";showViewpoints=1&amp;sortBy=bySubmissionDateDescending"> Customer Review</a>)<br /><br /><a href=";showViewpoints=1">5 out of 5 Stars</a><br /><span class="-a">What an Adventure . . . </span><br />Shaun F. Messick has written an excellent story (book 1 of 4) that includes fantastic character development and thrilling narrative. His descriptive storytelling makes one feel as if they were truly present. <br /><br />The family bond that exists between Adrian Palmer and his son Jake after a few decades of separation from Adrian's errant Mars expedition, was refreshing nonetheless. The book also demonstrates the need for individual and collective faith in moments of nearly insurmountable circumstances. I sure felt the emotional rainbow, so to speak, throughout the entire book... sadness, greed, fear, pain, helplessness, love, happiness, humor, courage, etc. <br /><br />Mr. Messick also creatively uses a tangent from John 10:16 to set up the framework of his &quot;Beyond Mars&quot; saga. In this Bible verse, Jesus Christ states, &quot;And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd.&quot; This book creates another viewpoint of this commonly-misunderstood verse. <br /><br />I read the book in one day, while on a business trip in Mexico, and am not sure how I can wait until the next one is released in 2007. Thrilling, yet faith inspiring, &quot;Beyond Mars&quot; is both an easy buy and an excellent read. (<a href=";showViewpoints=1"> Customer Review</a>)<br /><br /><a href=";itm=1&amp;usri=beyond%2Bmars%2Bby%2Bshaun%2Bf%2Bmessick">5 out of 5 Stars</a><br />Amazingly Written!<br />Shaun F. Messick has really turned the genre of Science Fiction around. I'm not much of a schi-fi reader, but when I picked this book up, it really drew my in. The complexity of the writing is well done. Every paragraph is littered with excellency, powerful words, and capturing lyrics. The way another race and planet like ours was created was unique, drawing upon what someone like this man could only imagine. I rate it five out of five stars. I can't wait for the next three to come out.  (<a href=";itm=1&amp;usri=beyond%2Bmars%2Bby%2Bshaun%2Bf%2Bmessick">Barnes&amp; Customer Review</a>)<br /><br /><a href="">4 out of 5 Stars</a><br />If you enjoy science fiction, expanding your imagination and well-developed characters, this is definitely a series you want to put on your reading list. Definitely looking forward to the rest of the series! (<a href="">Goodreads Review</a>)