Matthew Underwood

Matthew Underwood


I am a new science fiction author with an active imagination. My first book focuses on time travel (Time and disPLACEment).

My second novel (Glimpse) features a man whose dreams foretell future events, a gift that he is thrust into using to save hundreds of lives in the centre of London.

My third novel (Solution-Earth: The Rash) is due out this summer (2012) and is the first in a trilogy featuring two species of aliens who visit earth. They have interlinked reasons for visiting earth, but their efforts act against each other, while humans are caught in the middle.

An ebook exclusive project has begun and should be out in 2012. It will feature a police detective with an odd alter-ego.

More books are planned for the future, including further detective stories, the completion of the trilogy, and more time-bending adventures.

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

Christianity, the Law of Attraction and the One Command: Bible Principles Revealed and Applied to Every Day Living

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<p>The Bible spells out in God's terms what &quot;The Secret&quot; said in human terms. &quot;Christianity, The Law of Attraction and The One Command &quot; is the bridge between God's word, His universal laws, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy and you.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I've always enjoyed science fiction and watching films like Back to the Future and programmes like Doctor Who inspired me to finally put pen to paper. I have a lot of ideas for stories and just never got around to writing. But, when I had an image in my mind of a man appearing in the middle of a room in a capsule of fiery light, hardly knowing himself what has just happened, I knew that my first novel was brewing in my thoughts. I wrote the first six chapters. Then, bizarrely, while actually trying to back up my work, I lost it. It was actually unrecoverable. I then resolved to re-write those chapters, which I did as best as I could (and possibly improved upon the original). I then carried on writing with a renewed zeal and urgency. No way was I going to lose my work again (how I managed to lose it is a mystery, because I am not a technophobe). My book was then finished, edited, proofed and published. It is available at various retailers in paperback (such as amazon) and is also available from the ibookstore and on amazon's kindle (+ other readers). I am working on my next book for an early 2012 release!
