Teresa Joyce

Teresa Joyce


I would firstly like to introduce myself, and secondly give you some insight as to my work. Up until February 1998 I was employed within two sectors. I had a full time job within an accounts department, also a part time job teaching aerobics and weights. After an accident in which I injured my back, I was ill health retired. I now live alone with my small dog. This has given me the time and dedication to put pen to paper. My life was no longer full, and I found myself with an abundance of alone time, to sit and reflect everything I had tried so hard to bury. Although this has been extremely difficult for me, my hope is that anyone finding themselves in the same type of situation may take some strength from its content. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Whilst writing, I was forced down a road that I never really wanted to walk again. This is a true story which at its peak, resulted in me tying to take my own life. It’s an insight to the lengths someone will go to achieve their goal. To say this person was very unhinged would be an understatement. Teetering on the edge of insanity, and crossing over more times than I can count. Where everyone else involved just became fall out. It became for me a living hell. 

At times I have had to walk away to deal with the emotions that it invoked. But if I am able to help only one person that recognises its content, then it will have been worth all the pain inflicted. The story spans over a period of ten years, and during those years I felt as if I were being pursued by the devil himself. Overly more, there seemed to be nothing I could do to stop him and the destruction he left in his wake. 

The facts within are very hard to believe, but believe it I must because I was there. It’s still incredible to me to think that I came out of it the other side. That said only just. I have spent many years under the mental health care umbrella, while trying to deal with the enormous sociological and psychological residue it has left behind.


A Penny for Your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts

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<p>Have you ever loved, been loved, been confused about love, or suffered from loss of love? All these feelings have been captured and shared in the words of heartfelt poems, compiled over many years by a former teacher and award-winning author.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon now shares her thoughts in this book of feelings. &quot;As a teacher, I used poetry to help counsel many troubled teens and friends, and have continued this pattern throughout the years.&quot;</p><p>There are three sections in her book: Heads, Spinning, and Tails ... (Love &amp; Loss: Coin Toss?). The variety of lyrical poetry forms include free verse, blank verse, haiku, and sonnets. Some poems are simply plays on words.</p><p><strong>A Sign</strong></p><p>In the depths of my winter</p><p>I heard a small bird -</p><p>Braving the cold,</p><p>Bringing the word.</p><p>He gave my heart hope</p><p>As I heard him sing -</p><p>Three little notes</p><p>Promising spring.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon, a former teacher and grandmother of 10, is the author of nine acclaimed rhymed children's stories that have received 48 national and international book awards between 2011 and 2017. Also a playwright with seven published plays for elementary school children, her works have been performed internationally in over 20 countries. Most of her children's books try to teach something, such as good manners and caring for others. Married for 57 years, she and her spouse are now retired, live in Pennsylvania, and travel in their RV from coast to coast, spending time with their children and grandchildren.</p><p><strong>Publisher's website: </strong> http: //sbprabooks.com/SherrillSCannon</p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

I have been asked many times as to my motivation for writing this book. The answer is twofold. I had to find a way to deal with my demons, which even after all these years, seemed so reluctant to leave. Secondly and I believe just as important, was to reach out to others. It’s easy to think that you are alone in your pain I know I did. You convince yourself, that you’re the only person in the world this could ever have happened to. That in some manner you’re a bad person, only receiving what you are due. My dearest hope, that this book goes some way to dispelling that misconception. I also hope that in sharing my story, people with similar experiences may find some peace within its pages and courage to heal. I would like to think that my book somehow imparts to others, the hope it gave me on its conclusion. I still struggle to find some kind of insight as how to heal the child within me. But it’s long past time that I did so she has suffered enough. Together we can make head way in our healing process, learn how to forgive our self’s for the involvement we unjustly feel. The other side of the coin is learning to forgive your abuser, forgiven is not forgetting.........


<a href="http://crazy-bookworm.blogspot.com/2010/09/theres-fine-line-by-teresa-joyce.html">http://crazy-bookworm.blogspot.com/2010/09/theres-fine-line-by-teresa-joyce.html</a>