Jonell Kirby Cash

Jonell Kirby Cash


 Jonell Kirby Cash - BIO    

Jonell  Kirby Cash grew up in Georgia where she graduated from Franklin County, Georgia, high school, in 1947; Reinhardt Junior College, Waleska, Georgia, 1949; University of Georgia, BS.HEC, 1952; MS  Degree in Education, 1957; (PHD)  EdD (in Education,) Counseling Psychology, 1964. She performed herpost Doctoral work included a summer session at Carnegie Melon University.

She taught in the public schools of Georgia for twelve years and was a full-time teacher at UGA while she was a full-time doctoral student.  Her first college position was at Augusta College as Directory of the Counseling Center and later served as Director of Instruction Director of Instruction with Georgia’s 9th District Services Center.  She taught at the graduate level at University of Georgia, Syracuse University and West Virginia University, in Morgantown, WV.  She moved to Kanawha Valley Graduate Center in Charleston, WV as Coordinator of Instruction with West Virginia University and later, was an Assoc. Dean for Program development, and she was involved in developing an accredited graduate college (WVCOGS) in Charleston, West Virginia.

Professionally, Dr. Jonell Kirby Cash served on the editorial board of the Journal for Specialists in Group Work and as an advisory editor for The Individual Psychologist; she was a member of the Commission on Higher Education of the North Central Accreditation Association, and a consultant to overseas workshops in Portugal, Australia, Brazil, Egypt and England. 

Dr. Jonell Kirby Cash has authored four books in the field of psychology and counseling and since retiring has written her first novel, A Ring, A Dance, A Second Change.  With her busy schedule Jonell has found time to attend workshops in writing, create a writing group, and read widely. Since retiring her volunteer work has included CASA, working with couple under stress and with disruptive children and troubled families.  

Outta Time

Outta Time

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<p> </p><p>Sophie is a psychic medium and animal communicator. She runs a small crystal shop called, Outta Time. The shop</p><p>Is located in a small district called Lents in Portland, Oregon.</p><p>Nick is a man who if you can't touch it, feel it or see it then it doesn't exist. He is sure she is a phony psychic who is bilking money out of his mother and he intends to expose her.</p><p>Sophie sees him as a non-believer, someone who could never understand her or her way of life. She is attracted to him but knows there can be no future for them unless he can be made to understand what her world is all about.</p><p>Their Guardian Angels get into the act to guide the two to a better understanding of each other.</p><p>Nick's Guardians help his deceased Father get through to Nick and help him to understand that death is not the end. He soon learns there can be communication between the living and the dead.</p>

Story Behind The Book

A. Setting (time period and location): In 1998, in her sixties, Katie lives alone in the same home where she and her husband moved as a couple; they raised a family and planned their retirement and then suddenly her husband died. Katie is upset, and in the midst of frantically hunting her wedding band, the one she’d worn for over thirty years, when out of the blue, Taylor, her high school sweetheart, calls. Taylor tells Katie he is traveling through Georgia, on his way to a family gathering, and stops to call, hoping to locate her. Katie learns Taylor is also widowed and lives in Clermont, NC, about a four-hour drive north Taylor’s voice stirs up memories of 1947 when they fell in love, and fills Katie with fantasies of what might have been. Taylor checks out the territory, questioning Katie if she is married or involved with someone and, though he hangs up abruptly, he intends to pursue Katie, and this time not let other concerns get in his way. Katie worries that if she sees Taylor her settled life will be disrupted. What do you want people to take from your book? First, I hope the reader enjoys the story and feels uplifted. If the reader is an older person and considering changing one’s living situation that involves another person, I hope he/she will learn from the story and think about the advantages and difficulties of marriage later in life, while at the same time understands some of the issues that should be discussed and perhaps resolved with one’s partner before they marry.


<span style="font-size:12px;">Jonell Kirby Cash writes with great feeling and insight into family relationships in her debut novel<em>, <strong>A Ring, A Dance, A Chance</strong></em>. Readers, especially those who are wondering if marriage after sixty can be a part of their future, will identify with and root for Cashs Katie and will come away with a positive belief in love at any age.  </span> <p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>-Donny Bailey Seagraves, author of <em>Gone from These Woods</em>-</strong> <br /></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:110%;"><font size="4"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em>“A Real Love Story” </em></strong><strong><em>I read A Ring, A Dance, A Second Chance, and found it to be quite an enjoyable book. The characters are well developed, and readers can imagine themselves in a situation like Katie and Taylor's. After decades apart, each had spouses and children, then Katie and Taylor fell in love again. As they re-kindled their romance, they were faced with many life-altering decisions, knowing that the choices they made would affect the lives of their children and their extended families. I felt the emotions of the characters as they worked their way through those very difficult choices. “I recommend this book to readers of all ages.” </em></strong></span></font></span></p> <p><span class="readable"><strong><em><span style="font-size:110%;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><br />“The author is very creative and reaches back into her high school days in bringing out the characters in her story. From Spousal’s death to a new beginning in marrying her high school boyfriend, solving family disgruntles, kids interactions and grandkids, is able to show the marriage brought happiness in the later years. A book you don’t want to put down.”</span></span></em></strong></span></p> <p><span class="readable"><strong><em><span style="font-size:110%;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><br />“A second chance at first love? Why not? Cash has created an incredibly sweet novel about two widowers who get to rekindle their passion which began decades ago. Lovers of all ages will not be disappointed in this southern gem stuffed with unforgettable characters which promises room for a sequel. A delightful page-turner!”</span></span></em></strong></span></p> <p><span class="readable"><strong><em><span style="font-size:110%;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><br />“The author said it was based on her own true story. I admire her for writing her first book when she is an older person. But, in doing this, she fulfilled a dream she had.”</span></span></em></strong></span></p> <p><span class="readable"><strong><em><span style="font-size:110%;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><br />“I truly enjoyed this story of first love that did not last, but was rekindled late in life after both people lost their spouses due to death.”</span></span></em></strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size:110%;"><font size="4"><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em><br />“A Ring, A Dance, A Second Chance was a great read. You read the description and expect a very sweet and simple love story but the book is so much more. It weaves a tale of many lives that cross paths and trials and tribulations that are so familiar. You will relate to one if not many of the characters.”</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong></span></font></span></p>