Rose Campion

Rose Campion


RoseCampion is the pen name of a journalist and writer who was lived from1898 to 1974. Author of several novel-length manuscripts, all weretyped by hand on an old Underwood manual typewriter using the huntand pick method. Mostly in the romantic suspense or detective genres,none were ever published and were thought to be lost until a sonfound a few in an old trunk. Written in the 1950s and 1960s, theyrepresent a unique and authentic look at life in small southern townsduring the era of tail fins and rock & roll. They make forfascinating reading from that standpoint, and even more important formodern readers, each of them tells an exciting and attention-grabbingstory with intricate plots and superb character development.Moonshine Cove Publishing, LLC plans to release several of them overthe next few years.

The first is NO TIME TO CRY:

Also available as a Kindle and other ebook formats.

Setin small town America, high school senior and fiery flame redheadSusan Munroe collects boys who have money like the other dollscollect Elvis records, but has she met her match when the handsomeAlex Lawson comes to town?

Suewants just two things from life, dough, lots of dough, and her veryown Prince Charming. With Walt Stanlee wrapped around her littlefinger, the son of the richest man in town, she's on her way togetting the dough. In the midst of fending off Walt's pleas to getmarried until he comes up with more cash, she falls for the suaveand debonaire Alex as hard as a load of bricks dropped from aneighty-story building. Running off with him to be married, thissmall-town mistress of the scam is soon left with nothing, includingher virginity. Vowing to recoup her losses and to get even, she landsherself in a situation involving blackmail and murder. Finally, sheis forced to decide whether Walt was her real Prince Charming allalong.



WalterStanlee drove his powerful Lincoln convertible behind a clump ofleafy saplings at the far end of Lover's Retreat and parked. Silverymoonlight flooding down seemed to make the brilliant white painteffervesce with an inner fire. The star-studded sky looked like ahuge pin cushion studded with millions of fiery-headed pins. LoversRetreat was the dead end road past the old rock quarry five milesfrom Wellsburg.

Waltwas a good looking, strapping boy of almost six feet with crew cutsandy hair and pale blue eyes who was always ready with a friendlysmile. His Pop was Preston Stanlee, the banker, insurance man andproperty owner who had more dough than any man in Wellsburg. Waltspent it like it grew on trees. Until a couple of years ago, beforehe graduated from Wellsburg High School, he used it to date any girlhe wanted. That is until he fell for me like a ton of bricks from aeighty-story building.

SusanMunroe, Sue the Fiery Flame, that's what they called me.

Waltcalled me his little Baby Bumble Bee.

Hespent half his time begging me to marry him. I'd hit him for dough,jewelry, clothes, a mink coat, gifts and loans. He let me keep anddrive the expensive Lincoln as if I owned it. It didn't seem tomatter that much to him because he had another car, a fast littletwo-seater with chrome wire wheels.

Onemight say that Walt was my monkey-on-a-chain. My love slave. The factthat I lived in the Hound Dog Hollow community outside Wellsburg in adilapidated, unpainted, rotting old house made no difference to Walt.His starched, pressed and dignified parents thought as much of me asthey did a man-eating tiger. They had begged, threatened andbeseeched Walt to give me up. But they threw snake eyes. They triedto bribe him to give up that "gold digger from Hound DogHollow," but like I said, Walt was so hot for me he didn't knowhis elbow from a fiddle bow.

Waltgot out his pocket flask, offered it to me. I merely wet my tongue. Ihad no idea of becoming an alcoholic. I frowned on drinking and thewhole school knew it. I wasn't one of those girls unsure of their sexappeal who drank float with the crowd. Not me. I had to fight theboys off. Cull them. Until Walt lassoed me and lifted me up onto hissaddle padded with dough.

Iwasn't the only girl in Wellsburg who was after Walt. Thelma Bicknerhad been trying to land him for a long time. What she had was a lotof money and that's about all. It was no contest.

Walttook another drink, then got out a pack of cigarettes.

Helit two, put one in my mouth.

"Sue,darling, why can't we get married now? We can keep it secret. I getso jealous the way the other guys look at you. Please, darling, let'sslip off and be married."

Isighed wearily.

"Walt,you know I like you better than anyone. Otherwise I wouldn't be goingsteady with you. But... but..."

"Butwhat? You put me off for months saying you had to take care of yourmother. Well, she's gone now. It hurts me and frightens me to thinkof you living in that tottering old shack by yourself. What if somebrute should break in some night and ... and..."

"Andrape me?" I smiled at his flushing face, visible even in themoon light. That was one of my talents, being able to make my facepink whenever I wanted. I'd practiced in front of a mirror. "Allmy doors are locked and bolted. The Bynums live just a few feet away.They were friends of my dear patents. Chessie Bynum is a huge big manand he keeps a loaded shotgun by his bedside. Just one scream from meand he would riddle my assailant with buckshot."

"Butwhy, darling? I can't understand why you put me off. I'll give youone of the finest homes in Wellsburg, a new car, bank account of yourown, servants, furs, jewelry and a honeymoon trip around the world.I'll give you anything you want."

Anythingbut love. None of those things can kiss you back. I liked Walt, hewas a nice fellow, but I didn't go for him. When I thought of beinghis bed and board wife, I shuddered. In fact, I had never as yet beenin love. Oh, I'd been fond of several boys. I was fond of Walt, butthe love bug had not bitten me. The other girls said I was a littlefool. I could marry Walt and become the Wellsburg, Kentucky Queen ofSheba. Rule over Wellsburg society. Light my cigarettes with dollarbills if I liked. What a leap it would be from a hovel in Hound DogHollow to a mansion on Security Row in Wellsburg.

Waltturned and gazed at my five foot, five figure and 110 pounds ofsensuous and curvaceous flesh. I had a figure so richly endowed byOld Mother Nature it made the fellows turn and whistle in E-flat.When I'd wriggle my hips on the street, the men would turn and stare.My flaming red hair cascaded to my shoulders but the color wasn't asignal for boys to stop. No no. By bosom was swelling, proud andblessed with a heavenly uptilt. My greenish-blue eyes held a babystare. They could flutter shyly in maidenly abashment, glow warmly,take part in my smile or fill with tears as the occasion demanded.The boys said I was the best looking doll in the entire history ofWellsburg High School.

Ifound it all to be such a great game, a fun game I loved playing, theflirting game. I guess I got such a kick out of it because it was agame I knew how to make pay.

Myfather had been a shiftless, lazy, drunkard of a man who wouldn'tkeep a regular job. He only worked when his liquor was out or heneeded fishing and hunting supplies. He worried less than any personI'd ever known. He'd gotten drunk one night, fell asleep on therailroad track and had been killed. Not a bad way to go actually.

Mymother had kept the family going. She 'd worked in hash joints, homesand stores to keep me in school. My older brother Charlie had knifeda fellow gambler one night at the Shadrick Tavern outside town.Thinking he'd killed the man, Charlie fled to parts unknown. Mybrother Jack, also older than me, had gotten a girl in trouble. Heran off and joined a carnival. I had never heard from either of themand had no idea where they were. And I didn't care.

Mymother had been weak and in poor health. Yet she had slaved andforced herself to keep on working to see me graduate. But she haddied just before my last semester, mostly because I was unable to seeher to a hospital. But I had given her a fine funeral. With WaltStanlee's financial help. He'd charged the whole bill to his pop.

Waltwasn't the only man in Wellsburg I was hitting for money.

Therewas Frederick Klegg, the moneyed storekeeper.

Hewas sixty and a skirt chaser. His wife was dumpy with a figurenothing but a barrel would fit. She was as suspicious of OldSappypappy Klegg as a fox is of a baying pack of hounds. He'd haddone everything but kidnap me. Honestly, he was in such a wanting fitfor me he would have signed over half his store just for a vacationtrip together. I never went into his store except when he was alone.When I'd get close to him, let him smell my perfume and look down myblouse, I'd put my hand on his arm and he would tremble like a violetin a typhoon, and turn as red as a white mouse swimming in jar of redink.

Hehad given me hosiery, lingerie, shoes, dresses, coats, sweaters, hatsand jewelry to name a few things. When I needed dough, I would lethim kiss me. He deserved something I thought. When he'd kiss me Icould feel his heart going like a woodpecker's bill on a tree trunk.I kept him on the hook. Kept him thinking I was going to sneak offsome week end and spend it with him. Or meet him somewhere on hisvacation for a full week. Excuse me while I laugh.

"Sue,where's your mind? What're you dreaming about?"

"What?Oh, I wasn't dreaming, Walt. I was just thinking what a lucky girl Iam to have a fellow like you in love with me."

Hispleased grin told me he had added the inflation sauce to his ego.Boys are like that. Stronger sex? Ha! Don't make me laugh. A prettydoll can make a boy lay his head down for her to wipe her feet on.Look how I'd cracked the whip at Walt. He would not only jump througha hoop, he'd swell with pride over having done it. Since my mother'sdeath I'd lost all interest in school. Had she lived I would havegraduated just to see the look of pride in her tired old eyes. Now Ididn't give a whoop. I could graduate if I wanted because I was nolonger failing math. My math teacher was good at figures but he wasjust another male. The figure that interested him most was mine. Hegave me passing grades hoping I would meet him some night somewhere.

Oneteacher, Mrs. Peterson, had knocked me off my high heels with badtest marks. I knew she would flunk me on my finals, but I had an aceshe'd didn't know about. Preston Stanlee dominated the school board.I'd cried on Walt's shoulder one night until he begged me to tell himwas was wrong. Sobbing bitterly, I told him Mrs. Testerson hated meand was going to flunk me. Walt said he'd take care of that. And hedid. I don't know what he did, but my grades jumped so high, theother girls were astounded.

"Yes,Walt, darling. I'm such a lucky little girl. Of course, I could haveany of the fellows I want, but you're the only fellow mature enoughto interest me. You're sophisticated and intelligent. You see throughthe silly, cackling, empty-headed dolls. You're a leader, Walt.Staunch, aggressive and sturdy. My type of fellow."

"Sue,my darling."

Hepulled me to him and kissed me so fiercely I became alarmed less I'dtriggered him too sharply. Still I put fire in my kiss, making hishand shoot to my bosom. I tensed and gasped appropriately. I pressedagainst him, crushing my breasts against his chest.

Iput on too hot an act.

Manytimes before I'd stopped his exploring hand as it went southward. Ithought he'd learned his lesson. Never before had I put so muchperfumed and fleshy temptation in his way.

BeforeI knew what was happening, he'd slid his hand under my dress. It slidup my thigh and before I could catch my breath, it was in my crotch.

"No,Walt! No!"

Ibroke away from his arms, forcing his hand down. "Surely youdon't think I'm just a common little slut. What do you take me for? Ithought you were a gentleman. If it's a floozy you want, you can goto Shadrick."

"I'msorry, Sue. But you're so beautiful, so sweet and so, I justlose all control when you snuggle against me like that. I want you tomarry me so bad. You've got to stop teasing me this way."

"Idon't meant to tease you, but how long would you love and respect meif I'd didn't stop you? You'd lose interest in me. You'd becomedisgusted with me for being a tramp. No, Walt. I'm going to keepmyself decent and clean for you. When I do become your wife, I'll beall that you'd hoped for and dreamed about."

Ihad to turn my head to hide my sly smile.

Iwas sick and fed up with school and had been doing a lot of schemingsince Mom died. Maybe some dolls needed a high school diploma. SueMunroe, The Fiery Flame, wasn't one of them. I knew I could walk tothe head of a long line of high school graduates waiting to beinterviewed for a job, wriggle my derriere, bring my bosom up to fulllife, lean low over the man doing the interviewing, smile athim...and get the job.

OldMother Nature had given me what it takes. I had oodles of malewould-be takers.

"Darling,you're so right. I love you more for it. But you're driving me crazy.I want you so badly I'm burning up. Please, let's get married."

Itoccurred to me that this was the right time to give him that one goodsound reason why I couldn't marry him. Like many others plans ... andcrops ... there must me a little preparation in advance if theharvest is to be bountiful.

So Iturned on the tears.

Asif I had suddenly thought of something very sorrowful. I laid my headagainst this shoulder and let a few tears roll down his coat. Atfirst, he was surprised and startled. he begged me to tell him whatwas the matter. This was the question I was waiting for.

"Oh,Walt. I do want to marry you. I do. But my poor parents left me somedebts. I could never think of getting married until I go to work andpay them off. I've got to find a job."

Hegobbled the bait like a ravenous trout.

"Darling,how much do you owe?"

"Justabout five thousand dollars, Walt. Think of it."

Hedid and it didn't take him long to come up with the answer.

"Sue,don't worry your pretty little head about those debts. I'll get holdof the money and give it to you. And then we'll get married, won'twe?"

"Ofcourse, Walt. Of course."

Itwas a good thing he didn't catch the meaning of my wry smile. I hadno more intention of marrying him than I did of starting a mail ordercourse in sword swallowing. Walt was like a fat bank account, anaccount that never ran out of money. A doll likes to have it alwaysnear, but she doesn't want to sleep with it. Hollywood actresses likeMarylyn Monroe and Ronda Fleming get well paid for acting. Whyshouldn't I? All persons do some acting. Old dames try to act likethey're twenty. The older a man gets the more he acts like he'staking a daily dip in the Fountain of Youth. Salesmen and politiciansare some of our best actors. Parents act in front of their children.All the world's a stage I've always heard.

Hepulled me to him and kissed me. Again, I put fire into my kiss--he'dhad his lesson for the night. He knew better than to try to get pastthe barrier again.

"Sue,it may take me a few days to get that much money for you."

"Don'tget it if it's going to get you in trouble. I don't want that tohappen."

"Itwon't," he said chuckling. "I'll have it for you."

A Shadow in Yucatan

A Shadow in Yucatan

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<p>A mythical jewel of a story… A true story told on a beach in Yucatan, A Shadow tells Stephanie's story but it was also the story of the golden time. Its nostalgia sings like cicadas in the heat.</p><p>An American ‘Under Milkwood’, this distilled novel of the Sixties evokes the sounds, music and optimism on the free-wheelin streets and parks of Coconut Grove. You can hear Bob Dylan still strumming acoustic; smoke a joint with Fred Neil; and Everybody’s Talkin is carried on the wind.</p><p>Stephanie, a young hairdresser living in lodgings finds herself pregnant. Refused help from her hard Catholic mother in New York, unable to abort her baby, she accepts the kindness of Miriam, her Jewish landlady, whose own barren life spills into compassionate assistance for the daughter she never had.</p><p>The poignancy of its ending, its generosity and acceptance, echoes the bitter disappointment of those of us who hoped for so much more, but who remember its joy, and its promise, as though untarnished by time.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Rose Campion is the pen name of a journalist and writer who was lived from 1898 to 1974. Author of several novel-length manuscripts, all were typed by hand on an old Underwood manual typewriter using the hunt and pick method. Mostly in the romantic suspense or detective genres, none were ever published and were thought to be lost until a son found a few in an old trunk. Written in the 1950s and 1960s, they represent a unique and authentic look at life in small southern towns during the era of tail fins and rock & roll. They make for fascinating reading from that standpoint, and even more important for modern readers, each of them tells an exciting and attention-grabbing story with intricate plots and superb character development. Moonshine Cove Publishing, LLC plans to release several of them over the next few years.


<p><strong><span style="font-family:Arial, serif;">&quot;</span><font face="Arial, serif"><font size="3">NO TIME TO CRY may be set in 1957 Kentucky , but it’s definitely not Richie Cunningham’s 'Happy Days.'  Sue Munroe, a small-town gold-digging Lolita, mistress of the con, wants two things—riches and her own Prince Charming—and she’ll go to extremes to get them.  Filled with intrigue, scandal, romance, betrayal and murder, this romantic suspense novel is a sizzling guilty pleasure read.”—</font></font><font face="Arial, serif"><font size="3"><em>Carole Bellacera, award-winning author of Tango's Edge and the upcoming Lily of the Springs</em></font></font></strong><br /></p> <p>“<strong><font face="Arial, serif"><font size="3"><span style="font-style:normal;">Rose Campion's fresh and engaging voice comes through loud and clear on every page of No Time to Cry. With its vivid descriptions and fascinating characters, this book grabs you from the start and won't let go.”—</span></font></font><font face="Arial, serif"><font size="3"><em>Heather Huffman, author of Ties That Bind and Suddenly A Spy</em></font></font></strong></p>