Caroline Gerardo

Caroline Gerardo


Caroline is a slam poet who has published several novels. Her latest novel, The Lucky Boy is releasing January 2, 2011

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p><span><span>Harold Godwineson, the Last Anglo-Saxon King, owed everything to his father. Who was this Godwine, first Earl of Wessex and known as the Kingmaker? Was he an unscrupulous schemer, using King and Witan to gain power? Or was he the greatest of all Saxon Earls, protector of the English against the hated Normans? The answer depends on who you ask. He was befriended by the Danes, raised up by Canute the Great, given an Earldom and a wife from the highest Danish ranks. He sired nine children, among them four Earls, a Queen and a future King. Along with his power came a struggle to keep his enemies at bay, and Godwine's best efforts were brought down by the misdeeds of his eldest son Swegn. Although he became father-in-law to a reluctant Edward the Confessor, his fortunes dwindled as the Normans gained prominence at court. Driven into exile, Godwine regathered his forces and came back even stronger, only to discover that his second son Harold was destined to surpass him in renown and glory.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book

Some parts of the story are based on real events but the characters are fictional. A real boy did stalk my sister in childhood from Philadelphia to California, but the story is not based on his actions. Another real event in my young life was the death of a friend in a swimming pool. The electric current from the pool light is not a negative reflection of what happened in real life but the haunting memory I used to symbolize re-birth.


<span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';font-size:14px;">&quot;A </span></span><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';font-size:14px;">contemporary killed mockingbird.&quot;<br /><br />&quot;The story of this crazy guy will suck the air out of your lungs.&quot;<br /><br />&quot;If having bad parents, being short, terrible acne, and something wrong with your eyes was not enough... read a day in this boy's stolen boots.&quot;</span></span>