Delaney Rhodes

Delaney Rhodes


Of Irish and English descent, Romance Author Delaney Rhodes is a native Texan from birth. She is a Graduate with double Majors from The University of Houston, in Law and Writing. She has two teenage daughters, and is married to an entrepreneurial Husband. Three of her favorite people, are her three rescued Russian Blue cats; Sebastian, Sasha, and Sissy. The family would not be complete without "13", an adopted Bearded Dragon. 

Together they live life at a fast pace, enjoying each other and striving to help the world become a better place. Besides her writing and family - Ms. Rhodes is active in many charitable organizations that benefit animals and children, both through volunteering and fundraising. 

Ms. Rhodes' writing was prompted and inspired by many hours of research and study into her Irish and Celtic family lineage and heritage. Many of the stories you will find in the chapters of her writings were birthed while striving to connect with those that had walked these paths and lived before her. 

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Godwine Kingmaker: Part One of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p><span><span>Harold Godwineson, the Last Anglo-Saxon King, owed everything to his father. Who was this Godwine, first Earl of Wessex and known as the Kingmaker? Was he an unscrupulous schemer, using King and Witan to gain power? Or was he the greatest of all Saxon Earls, protector of the English against the hated Normans? The answer depends on who you ask. He was befriended by the Danes, raised up by Canute the Great, given an Earldom and a wife from the highest Danish ranks. He sired nine children, among them four Earls, a Queen and a future King. Along with his power came a struggle to keep his enemies at bay, and Godwine's best efforts were brought down by the misdeeds of his eldest son Swegn. Although he became father-in-law to a reluctant Edward the Confessor, his fortunes dwindled as the Normans gained prominence at court. Driven into exile, Godwine regathered his forces and came back even stronger, only to discover that his second son Harold was destined to surpass him in renown and glory.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book


<p><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Delaney Rhodes’ “Celtic Storms” is a fantasy book set in the fifteenth century that is sure to delight any reader who enjoys mystical stories with dynamic characters and a fast-paced plot and romance. The story follows Irish Celtic families that must struggle to survive in a land filled with magic. The two main families are the O’Malleys and the MacCahans. One of the things I love about the book is that Rhodes writes well-developed, strong female characters. Surprisingly, one of my favorite characters is Odetta Burke, the villain of the story. Although I don’t agree with her goals, I can’t help but admire her drive and desire to reach her goals. Marriage, love, and family politics play a large role in this book, adding another layer to the magic-laden story. The book had me engaged from the first page, and the twists and turns of the plot kept me reading eagerly to the end. Recommended! </span></p>