Jennifer Chase

Jennifer Chase


Jennifer Chase holds a bachelor degree in police forensics and a master’s in criminology.  In addition, she holds certifications in serial crime and criminal profiling.  She’s a member of the International Association of Forensic Criminologists.
Jennifer is an author, freelance writer, and a criminologist.  She has authored four thriller novels and one screenwriting workbook.
Jennifer was born and raised in California where she currently resides with her husband, two dogs, and two incorrigible cats.   She developed a love for books and writing at an early age.  
She has an intense curiosity about crime and the varied connections between the actual crime and the criminal mind.  This propelled her to return to school and earn her master’s degree in 2008.  Her academic background has helped to prepare her to write in the thriller and true crime genres.

She Does Not Fear the Snow

She Does Not Fear the Snow

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<p><font color="#000000" face="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><span style="line-height:normal;">An Amazon #1 bestseller with 50+ glowing reviews. </span></font></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">Available in Kindle and print.</span></p><p><span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">From the very start of her faith autobiography, ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow’, author Bobbie Ann Cole reaches out across the page and endears herself to her reader. You will very quickly feel that you know her, and will be richer for the knowledge. </span></p><div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;height:auto;"><div>She comes to Israel, seeking meaning and purpose for her life, following breast cancer and the demise of her long-standing marriage. There, God claims her and lays a trail of miracles that lead her from her native England to a new husband of faith in Atlantic Canada. <br />Though she is upfront about her ending, you’ll find yourself longing to learn the next step in her discovery of new love and deeper faith journey. This is one of those books you just can’t put down. Potentially, you’ll be following the twists and turns of her journey into the wee small hours. <br />‘A mysterious rug with a life-changing message, a Ruth-type love story, fascinating interactions with other believers, poetic descriptions of landscapes many native Canadians take for granted—and a message of God’s love and salvation,’ writes critic Margaret Welwood. ‘Bobbie Ann Cole’s story is a little too strange and untidy to be fiction. As a true story, it will leave you satisfied, yet wanting to know more.’ <br />‘Often times, life will take us to the end of our rope, leaving us helpless and at our wit’s end. Yet, even in such dire situations, our God is not helpless. He will bring in plentiful harvest – a harvest of renewal, hope, joy and happiness in our life,’ says Khamneithang Vaiphei. ‘She Does Not Fear the Snow is an incredible testimony that will have a profound impact on you.’ <br />If mystery, romance, women’s faith issues, the Jewish roots of Christianity, Christian living or outreach appeal to you, you will find much to enjoy.</div><div> </div></div>

Story Behind The Book


<p>This book had me on the edge of my seat in fear and contains many twists and turns that I had not seen coming. I absolutely love a great mystery murder novel and could easily see this novel turned into a television series or motion picture movie. I highly recommend this book for all avid mystery readers and am greatly looking forward to the next novel written by Jennifer Chase. --Reviewed by Rita V for Readers Favorite</p> <p>Dark Mind is a strongly recommended pick for those who enjoy fast paced thrillers. --The Midwest Book Review</p> <p>Impressive action scenes... taut suspense. -- Kirkus Reviews</p>