Rebecca Hamilton

Rebecca Hamilton


Rebecca Hamilton writes Paranormal Fantasy, Horror, and Literary Fiction. She lives in Florida with her husband and three kids, along with multiple writing personalities that range from morbid to literary. She enjoys dancing with her kids to television show theme songs and would love the beach if it weren’t for the sand. Having a child diagnosed with autism has inspired her to illuminate the world through the eyes of characters who see things differently.

To learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder, please visit the website below.

Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist

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Laura Hoopes takes you along as she tries to enter science in the 1960's in the post-Sputnik science education frenzy, only to find doors closed to women.  She persists, makes a career of molecular gerontology and insists on making space for marriage and children in her life.  This inspiring read says, "Yes, you can," to women who have dreams of their own.

Story Behind The Book


<span style="font-family:verdana, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">HarperCollins wrote...<br />&quot;I was really drawn in by the writing from the first instance. The voice is clear and easy-to-read; it's rare to see such natural flow and tempo from a debut author.&quot;</span>