James Bailey

James Bailey


Jim Bailey retired from awell-paying tenured position at a major University at the young age of 57 topursue challenges which would hold his interest, including woodworking, missionarywork, historical research, and novel writing. Since he was trained as amanufacturing engineer, Jim loves to design things and then figure out how tomake them; the same thinking applies to his historical romance writing - havingquestions and seeking answers.

Jim loves historical events andhow they affect people's decisions - focusing, of course, on those made by theancestors of whom he writes.  Jim has alot of questions about family behavior and actions that have been answeredthrough what he has found in his research. He then weaves the story by filling in the gaps with creative,imaginative fictional spins on what might have been.

Bailey's passion is to write thenovels that tell these historic stories - having completed Bailey'sBlood aboutthe feuding family from Missouri and Honor O'Flynn about his seventh-great grandmotherkidnapped in 1700 Irelandand brought to Marylandto be sold as a bride. He is deep into writing about Anneliese Kapahnke, his  wife's mother, who was a single mother in Berlin as bombsdestroyed nearly all of that city. Jim is also passionate to write about Sambath Loy , his adopted Cambodian daughter - who ateight years of age was taken by the Khmer-Rouge with two younger siblings to are-education and forced labor camp.

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

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<p>What if you treated others the way you'd like to be treated? What if everyone did that? What kind of world could there be? Robert and Kait decide to look for the golden ruler that their Mom has told them about, only to find out that she meant RULE instead of ruler. What is this &quot;Golden Rule&quot; and what does it mean? Join in the children's quest to discover how to follow the Golden Rule and share it with others, as you meet many classroom friends from the author's previous books. This is the eighth rhyming children's book by award-winning author Sherrill S. Cannon, whose other bestselling books include Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My!, My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys and Santa's Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won thirty-six awards for her previous rhyming books and is also the author of seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called &quot;an absolute master of rhyming&quot; by Mother Daughter Book Reviews and &quot;a modern day Dr. Seuss&quot; by GMTA Review. She lives in New Hope, Pennsylvania. Now retired, she travels the country with her husband in an RV, going from coast to coast to visit their children and grandchildren, and sharing her books along the way. Publisher's website: http://sbpra.com/sherrillscannon</p>

Story Behind The Book

Honor O'Flynn, A Search for the True Will of God is James Bailey's answer to a burning question that would not lie quiet in his heart. Why was his seventh-great grandmother kidnapped in 1700 Ireland and brought to Maryland to be sold as a bride? The British crown has banned Catholicism in all of Britain leaving many of its people eager for revolution, rival nations are colonizing the New World, threatening England’s standing as a world power, and the population in Britain is putting stress on the food supply. To remain unified and strong, the crown needed a way to neutralize dissident Catholics and move a great many of its people to North America. Marylam]nds economy was based on Cotton, a valuable but labor intensive crop. In Maryland, the male to female ratio was ten to one and the men there wanted wives and families. That made it lucrative for merchant captains to kidnap young men and women and bring them to the Colonies... hence, the kidnapping of Honor O'Flynn and the historical fiction the author wrote to share her story with the world.


<p class="JAMBNORMAL">It's my privilege to have read the first novel, Bailey's Blood, and to have called Jim Bailey a friend. I was his pastor and he shared with me the vision and some of the stories he has compiled and to be sure they are the stuff from which great spell-binding novels in nature come. I've also read some of this new novel and it, too, has the quality of greatness. Thanks Jim for continuing to use your God given talents productively.</p> <p> </p> <p class="JAMBNORMAL">~ <em>Dr Robert Orr</em>, Vice President, Academic Development at CaliforniaStateChristianUniversity</p> <p> </p>