Regina Griffin

Regina Griffin


Regina Griffin is the author of “Ish - Getting the ‘Ish out in theOpen,” and its spicy follow up, “ISHues – A Second Helping of Del’ishciousIsh.” Originally inspired by a stenciled phrase on a wall, Regina used herin your face personality and life’s follies to craft this engaging series.The explosive culmination is two books of page-turning, gut-busting,make-you-wanna-say…uuuuum expressions.

Regina Griffin is a native of Atlanta, Georgia who holds a bachelor’sdegree in Broadcast Journalism. Her former writing credentials includeeditor’s choice blogger, contributing writer for The Atlanta Journal& Constitution’s Intown newspaper and speech writer for a formerCommissioner of Public Safety.

This entrepreneur has recently added the titles of author and publisherto her long list of professional credentials. A working author, Reginaenjoys connecting with readers. She spends the majority of her time travelingthe country, dishin’ the ‘Ish at book signings, speaking engagements andmedia venues.

Through the Eyes of Maria: Consequences

Through the Eyes of Maria: Consequences

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<p>Maria’s life shifts course when destiny brings her into the arms of Christian. His earnest kindness and generosity offer the potential for a future she never imagined possible. Afraid of pushing Christian away, Maria changes her identity and buries her sordid past.<br /><br />But when the truth threatens to expose her calculated deception, will Maria find the courage to face her demons and salvage all that's at stake?<br /><br />Or will Maria be forced to accept that she simply cannot outrun the shadows that chase her?</p>

Story Behind The Book

I was shopping one day and saw a stenciled phrase on the wall of a clothing store that read: “Don’t leave your house until your hair is right,” and “cross your legs knee over knee”. I instinctively thought to myself, I could write a crap load of thoughtful, provocative and humorous sayings like that. From that night, over the next 3-6 months, I began journaling phrases inspired by that wall and fueled by my life’s happenings.


<div><strong style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;">Amazon Readers Rated 'Ish Vol I  *****5 out of 5 Stars</strong><br /></div><div><strong style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:12pt;"><br /></strong></div><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;"> “The best book you will read this year!!!”<br /> I love this book! It is a juicy, coed conversation piece that emotes a variety of feelings. Ladies will absolutely adore it! Guys, it is such an easy read, and will put you in the good graces of the ladies. 'Ish is truly worthy to be the selection of the month for any book club, coffee table display, bookshelf collectable or e-reader download. Wow, kudos to the author!</span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman', serif;"><span style="line-height:19px;"><br /></span></span>---A Newly Converted Ishaholic<div><br />*****5 out of 5 Stars “LOVED IT!!!”<br />Don't let the girly cover fool you. This book isn't just for the ladies but an excellent read for men too! A great conversation starter that's super funny yet thought provoking. It'll make you smile. It'll make you chuckle and it'll make you say, hmmm. It's an easy read and a great book club selection. Highly recommended!!!  'Ish #81 is one of my favs -&quot; least once.&quot;<br />--LTCizzle<br /><div><p class="MsoNormal"> <br /> *****5 out of 5 Stars “Tellin 'Ish like it is!”<br /> Not since &quot;The Book of Awesome,&quot; have I enjoyed reading something so entertaining, poignant &amp; down right FUNNY! Author Regina Griffin, makes you Laugh Out Loud &amp; reevaluate your actions - page after page. You find yourself quoting the quibs, as if they are the word of the day. Remember ‘Ish #19 “If your diet soda has zero calories, zero sugar &amp;<br /> zero fat, what the hell are you drinking?&quot;<br /> ---sdMCxian</p><p></p></div></div>