Olivia Duncan Craig

Olivia Duncan Craig


Indie author, dreamer, international woman of mystery

I’ve been writing in one form or another for more than fifteen years.  Enough kind people encouraged me that I decided to introduce my work to a wider audience.  On their heads be it.  Olivia Duncan Craig is not my real name.  For now, I prefer to keep my public and private lives separate.  That may change one day.  I’m based out of Washington, DC, but travel extensively for work and play.  I live with my adorable dog and long-suffering cat.  My apartment overlooks the water.  Life is good.

The Seekers: The Children of Darkness (Dystopian Sci-Fi - Book 1)

The Seekers: The Children of Darkness (Dystopian Sci-Fi - Book 1)

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<p>New from the author of the multiple award-winning fantasy saga, <em>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</em>, winner of the <strong>Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, Fall 2014 - Best Book in the Category of FANTASY</strong>....</p><h1><strong><em>The Children of Darkness</em> by David Litwack</strong></h1><p>Evolved Publishing presents the first book in the new dystopian series <em>The Seekers</em>. [DRM-Free]</p><h2><strong>[Dystopian, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic, Religion]</strong></h2><p><em>“But what are we without dreams?”</em></p><p>A thousand years ago the Darkness came—a terrible time of violence, fear, and social collapse when technology ran rampant. But the vicars of the Temple of Light brought peace, ushering in an era of blessed simplicity. For ten centuries they have kept the madness at bay with “temple magic,” and by eliminating forever the rush of progress that nearly caused the destruction of everything.</p><p>Childhood friends, Orah and Nathaniel, have always lived in the tiny village of Little Pond, longing for more from life but unwilling to challenge the rigid status quo. When their friend Thomas returns from the Temple after his “teaching”—the secret coming-of-age ritual that binds young men and women eternally to the Light—they barely recognize the broken and brooding young man the boy has become. Then when Orah is summoned as well, Nathaniel follows in a foolhardy attempt to save her.</p><p>In the prisons of Temple City, they discover a terrible secret that launches the three on a journey to find the forbidden keep, placing their lives in jeopardy, for a truth from the past awaits that threatens the foundation of the Temple. If they reveal that truth, they might once again release the potential of their people.</p><p>Yet they would also incur the Temple’s wrath as it is written: “If there comes among you a prophet saying, ‘Let us return to the darkness,’ you shall stone him, because he has sought to thrust you away from the Light.”</p><p><strong>Be sure to read the second book in this series, <em>The Stuff of Stars</em>, due to release November 30, 2015. And don't miss David's award-winning speculative saga, <em>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</em></strong></p>

Story Behind The Book

I'm interested in romances where there is an inherent difference in power between the two people involved. I'm not talking about a dom/sub kind of relationship (though Redemption does have elements of that), but more about there being a kind of tension present that has nothing to do with whatever outside forces also challenge the lovers' chance at happiness. I began writing Redemption in the midst of our current global recession. I happened to see a news feature about people selling their worldly possessions on Ebay so they could make the next month's rent. I remember wondering, 'What happens when there's nothing left to sell?' That's Jason's dilemma when Redemption begins. He's an average guy. He has a job and his lifestyle isn't extravagant. But there's rent to pay, school loans hanging over his head, and a bank account without a whole lot of zeros on the end of the balance. So when his family is in danger and he needs credits quickly, he doesn't have a lot of resources. It doesn't take long before he realizes his most valuable possession is his life. Luckily for him, Devin Blair is the man who buys it. Devin was born into very different circumstances. He has the means to purchase whatever catches his eye--high end real estate; the best clothes; not one, but two private spacecrafts. He's never known fear or need, at least when it came to money. But he's lonely in the wake of his divorce and unsure if he can ever trust enough to love again. He's looking for companionship and a little something extra. When Jason and he meet, their lives take a new and unexpected turn. The question is whether they will survive to make the journey together. I hope you enjoy Redemption ~ Livvie
