June Miller

June Miller


June is the published author of, This Game Has No Loyalty,an urban street fiction novel depicting real life on the streets and the loverelationships within those parameters.


His love of writing was first discovered in public schoolwhere he dazzled teachers with his creative short stories and intriguing poems.His writing was officially acknowledged locally when one of his stories wasfeatured in his class yearbook.


As June reached his teenage years, he abandoned his love ofwriting for the dangerous life on the streets of Brooklyn. Although he waseducated, the excitement of the street life interested him and he quickly tookpart in petty crimes, which soon elevated into the introduction to the infamousdrug trade where he became a major distributor of illegal drugs out of state.During his illicit activities he was apprehended and convicted then laterincarcerated. Once released on parole, he reclaimed his spot in the drug tradeand continued trafficking illegal drugs, the threat of violating parole afleeting thought. His youth and inexperience in life fueled his desire forillegal tender without the thought or regret of contributing to the destructionof his community. 


As time passed all of his relationships, social, personaland romantic, became strained due to the nature of his business. His lifelacked stability despite the illusion of financial comfort. He was responsiblefor himself so there was never any balance in his life until the birth of hisfirst daughter, who changed the way he viewed life…her life. June decided tomake changes in his life and immediately enrolled into college where herediscovered his love of writing, showcasing his literary abilities that wererecognized by his English professors.


While pursuing his degree, tragedy struck and one of hisclosest friends was brutally murdered. Overcome by anger and revenge hechanneled his emotions into something that came to him naturally, he wrote thestory. It didn’t heal the wound to his heart but was therapeutic in helping himexpress feelings no one knew about. The story was buried along with hisfeelings for 10 years until one day he came across it after coming from afuneral for yet another fallen youth to the same game he had given up. At thatmoment he decided to write a story, a true to life account of what happens inthe streets with hopes of reaching the youth by delivering vivid accounts ofthe pitfalls of the street life that is not taught to them and at the sametime, promote literacy in these communities because it’s the gateway tolearning and sparking mental creativity.  


June began penning his novel This Game Has No Loyalty andincorporated his own experiences into his writing to produce the “realness” hisstory needed to capture his audience.


June is also the author of This Game Has No Loyalty II –Hustle for Life and This Game Has No Loyalty III – Love is Pain published byFourShadough Publishing, a book publishing company that is rooted in thepromotion of literacy in urban neighborhoods here and abroad. 

Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p>In 1066, the rivalry between two brothers brought England to its knees. When Duke William of Normandy landed at Pevensey on September 28, 1066, no one was there to resist him. King Harold Godwineson was in the north, fighting his brother Tostig and a fierce Viking invasion. How could this have happened? Why would Tostig turn traitor to wreak revenge on his brother?<br />The Sons of Godwine were not always enemies. It took a massive Northumbrian uprising to tear them apart, making Tostig an exile and Harold his sworn enemy. And when 1066 came to an end, all the Godwinesons were dead except one: Wulfnoth, hostage in Normandy. For two generations, Godwine and his sons were a mighty force, but their power faded away as the Anglo-Saxon era came to a close.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Do you know someone who has been bullied? Were you ever bullied? What were your feelings? How did you deal with it? Have you ever had a secret and didn't know it was a secret until it came out? This story vividly tells how Jason Buchanan deals with bullying along with other issues surrounded around it. The secret is what blows the reader away in the end of this well crafted story that will have your emotions going up and down like a see saw.


<span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">What I liked most about this book was that it have a unique Urban plot from most,that will keep you turning pages.Held mystery and suspense,with a tornado of emotions,but was still easy to follow.Very well written with a steady flow of events.The descriptions and the plot weave a web that sets tension and the desire to know more.The characters are fully developed,the plots are intertwined,and the outcome remains a surprise.....</span><div><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div><div><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">Wooooowwwwwww! Where do I start?! This book was action packed and awesome from page one. June took us on a journey with twists, turns, ups, and downs. June had me thinking one thing, only to find out it was something totally different. I was hooked on this book from page one. If you are looking for this story to be like the This Game Has No Loyalty Series, think again! This was an absolute great read from start to finish. June touched on subjects that most authors in his genre would not touch. I was absolutely floored at the ending of the book. When I say I was not expecting the turn this book took, I was not expecting this turn! I gave this book five stars for the content, storyline, and the fact that I stayed glued to this book until I finished. A great read for me only takes me two hours and that's all it took for this book. Two Thumbs Up!</span> <span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;"><br /></span></div><br /><div><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">I LOVED this book! There are so many twists and turns that you won't want to put it down! I completed the book in one day because it's just that good! I became a big fan of June Miller after reading &quot;This Game Has No Loyalty&quot; (Parts 1-3) and he did NOT disappoint this time around! He wrote an amazing book, and I look forward to reading his future work!</span> <br /></div><br /><div><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">First I must say, June Miller is a very talented writer and one of my favorites. After reading the, This Game Has No Loyalty Series, I couldn't wait for his next project. And it was well worth the wait. I love mysteries and unexpected twists in stories and this book had one heck of a twist. I really didn't see it coming.</span><br /><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">Jason is a smart young man with a beautiful spirit, but he is a total wimp. I know that doesn't sound nice, and there are circumstances in his life that caused him to be this way, but it is none the less, true. He is bullied and picked on by so many people, you would think he had a sign on him that read 'Easy Prey'. I really wanted this guy to defend himself. I kept wondering if he was going to reach his boiling point and explode or if people were just going to keep coming to his rescue and then he'd never learn to defend himself. Well, both those questions are answered in this book, but you must read this book and take this journey to see how brilliantly June Miller crafts this story. How Jason, his mother, his uncle and his girl, Magic handle all that is about to befall them.</span><br /><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;line-height:normal;font-size:small;">Great Job June!</span> <br /></div>