Susan Barrett Price

Susan Barrett Price


I sketched scenes for "Passion & Peril on the Silk Road during my own gonzo road trip throughCentral Asia. With my future husband, I endured landslides, village lockdowns, andcold-water shangri-las... bought ancient beads and carpets fromrefugees... survived being conned and being arrested. I discovered thattraveling the borderline between wonder and insanity creates the mostanxious characters and the most chilling plots.

I have also been a close observer of the art and antiquities markets and love exploring how antiquities get from tombs and archeological sites to museum displays.

Through the Eyes of Maria: Choices

Through the Eyes of Maria: Choices

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<p>Maria hits the streets of New York in search of the love denied by her alcoholic father and indifferent mother. When Sergio, a dark, worldly stranger, lures her with diamonds, brand-name clothing, and undivided attention, Maria sees a way out of her dysfunctional home. Seduced by Sergio’s charm and the promise of wealth and recognition, Maria ignores her panicked intuition and wanders into his lair.<br /><br />But in a world where ambition and deception go hand in hand, where dreams are shattered and innocence crushed, Maria discovers she’s trapped in a hell much worse than the one she left. And now, there is no escape. The price for betrayal is blood.<br /><br />Destiny intervenes when Maria meets Christian, a handsome law student haunted by a dark family secret. With her life at risk and time running out, will Maria find the strength to save herself and convince Christian to go against all reason and risk everything to help her?</p>

Story Behind The Book


<strong>A thriller you can't put down: love, danger, and intrigue!!</strong> What a great story. Jackson and Nellie! What happened to their love 10 years ago? What will happen to them now? Jackson has barely recovered from the horrible murder of his wife, Catherine -- apparently in an art deal gone bad. And his old flame Nellie shows up. Will her spirited attempt to help her beloved Jackson &quot;solve the case&quot; succeed? Or will Jackson cure his sorrows by going back on the road, back in business with the new woman Anna?... The author's knowledge of these faraway countries and their culture was impressive. She tucked details into every situation, making this mysterious part of the world and the twisted business of art dealing come alive... [Pat Drum, Florida]<br /><br />The author has woven <strong>a compelling tale of mystery and suspense</strong>.... The international dealing in legal and illicit Asian antiquities is as much a part of the story as the characters themselves. <p>The characters are all very human: some evil, some loyal and courageous, and some vain and self-centered. Each character engages and holds the reader's interest, but not always the reader's sympathy, through the twists and turns of international intrigue. The action is fast-paced and compelling with surprising revelations about the strengths, weaknesses, and background of the characters as the story develops. The ending is satisfying, but unexpected, with surprises until the final page. Any fan of mystery and suspense will enjoy this compelling novel by a talented writer. [Donald R. Hayworth, Florida]</p><p><strong>A GREAT READ!</strong> I am a book snob! I usually read mystery, suspense, etc. written by established authors. A friend suggusted this book and I thought OK I'll give a try. I am sure glad I did as I now have another great writer to add to my list. I was captivated from start to finish, it was refreshing to read a book different from what I have read lately.... [Joy Rogers, Florida]</p>