Stacy Cooper

Stacy Cooper


My name is Stacy Cooper. I was born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. I attended the Newark Public School system and later was fortunate enough to attend a private school. After receiving my high school diploma, I then relocated to East Orange, New Jersey where I had my first child. I now reside in the Tri-State area with my four children as a single parent. My first book exemplifies the struggles and the power of a head strong woman and her life lessons. Gaining back my dignity has truly been an accomplishment as well as a milestone in my life. It’s been an experience that has exceeded my expectations beyond anything that I could have ever imagined.    My motivation to a write a book was inspired by my own demons. I have raised the bar by speaking out against Domestic Violence. My book is scheduled to be released in the very near future to the public. My goal is to reach as many women as possible that have had the misfortunes of experiencing some type of domestic violence (physical, mental or both) in their lives.

As we all know, domestic violence is a very serious issue that affects women of all economical statuses. It destroys lives and loved ones are often stolen away too soon because of it. Layer by layer, it tears down your self-esteem, leaving the victim feeling worthless, inadequate and all alone. More often than not, there is “denial” which enables the abuser to become more violent. Abuse can range from a bruise on the arm to the extreme circumstance of  homicide. Domestic violence is a silent killer that often goes unheard, a cry that goes unnoticed or a bruise that is just simply ignored. It has reached epidemic proportions. I am a survivor of domestic violence. When I think of my past it seems like only yesterday, it was truly a nightmare that just would not end. I experienced both physical and mental abuse. I wanted someone to wake me but I quickly realized that it wasn’t a dream, it was my reality.

After having many conversations with the Lord and finding myself, I begin to learn and know myself worth (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13).

I have decided to set my standards high because I now know who I am in Christ. No more settling for anything and falling for everything. I have grown from my past experiences (a few good but mostly bad), my mistakes, failures, disappointments and all of the pain and shame. It can  no longer paralyze or consume me because my past does not dictate my future. It’s about my Lord and Savior elevating me in all aspects of my life and my children’s lives. I know that strength overpowers weakness and when we are weak he (the Lord) is made strong. “Be ye transformed in your mind” I became fearless mentally “if God be for me then who can be against me” and for first the time I saw this beautiful butterfly emerge and I realized that it was me. “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” The answer is, NO.

I know that God has blessed my life so that I may be a blessing to others. My test was design specifically for me so that it would be a testimony to someone else. God has placed this seed in my spirit (to write about my life experiences with men) and the book was conceived in my belly (because of my trials and tribulations) and now it’s time for the birthing process. My prayer is that, it will minister to many souls and bless all those who read it. I would like for women to know that, “God is able and he won’t fail” no matter what your situation looks like. He will make a way of escape for you. There is a saying, “What the devil meant for bad God can turn that situation around for your good.”

Quote, “Change is always uncomfortable, but without transformation, there can be no growth.”

Mice & Spiders & Webs...Oh My!

Mice & Spiders & Webs...Oh My!

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<p>Mice &amp; Spiders &amp; Webs...Oh My! Is your child a good listener? Rosemary is a little girl who is worried about returning to school after her teacher warns the class that they would soon have some mice, spiders, and webs in the classroom. Could Rosemary have misunderstood something? How can mice and spiders and webs belong at school? Full of &quot;Computer Speak,&quot; this story introduces young readers to basic computer terms in a delightful way! See if your child can discover the mystery of the misunderstood words, and learn about the fun of computers with Rosemary. This is the seventh rhyming children's book by this award-winning author, whose other bestselling books include My Fingerpaint Masterpiece, Manner-Man, Gimme-Jimmy, The Magic Word, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys, and Santa's Birthday Gift. Former teacher Sherrill S. Cannon has won twenty-eight awards for her six previous rhyming books, and is also the author of seven published and internationally performed plays for elementary school children. She has been called &quot;a modern day Dr. Seuss&quot; by GTMA Review. &quot;I love to teach, and this book teaches basic computer terms in a fun way. I am retired and spend six months of the year with my husband of 55 years, traveling from coast to coast and sharing books along the way. I grew up in The Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. , where my father was the manager. I'm the original Eloise!&quot; Publisher's website:</p>

Story Behind The Book
