Kahlen Aymes

Kahlen Aymes


Kahlen Aymes grew up in the Mid-Western United States and was educated at a private university. She is divorced with one daughter, has a B.S.B.A. degree in business/marketing and began writing as a way to network a business venture. Soon, writing turned into her passion and morphed all other career goals.  Her readers have told her they want to read angsty, passionate love stories that put them into the pages.  She does her best to deliver!  Her work was described by her publisher as "...A female fantasy - the intersection of perfect love, tragedy and raging intimacy."   

Nominated for numerous writing awards in the second largest derivative fiction community in the world, she has won several, including Best Author, Best Angst, Best Love Scene, Best Indie Fiction & Best Series.   Kahlen enjoys communicating with her readers far and near, and encourages them to contact her personally!  

Find Kahlen on Facebook, email to kahlenaymesauthor@gmail.com or follow her twitter accounts; @kahlenaymes & @oliviamk1218 & blog: http://kahlen-aymes.blogspot.com/

A Dime Is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss (Feelings Into Words)

A Dime Is a Sign: Poems of Love and Loss (Feelings Into Words)

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<p>A psychic medium once said that if you find a random dime, it is a sign that someone that you have loved and lost is thinking of you.</p><p><strong>A Dime is a Sign Through Time</strong></p><p><em>If you find a dime, </em></p><p><em>You will know that I'm</em></p><p><em>Sending thoughts of love</em></p><p><em>Through the veil of time.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Ten cents with a silver shine, </em></p><p><em>A sense sent you to help remind</em></p><p><em>That someone who left you behind</em></p><p><em>Is always living in your mind.</em></p><p> </p><p><em>Sending love and vibes, </em></p><p><em>Felt as psychic sighs ...</em></p><p><em>The ones that you miss, </em></p><p><em>Send you a kiss ...</em></p><p> </p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon's second book of poetry contains messages written through the years in poetic form that put feelings into words. As a teacher, many of her poems helped counsel troubled teens and friends.</p><p>There are three sections in the book: Heads, Spinning, and Tails ... (Love &amp; Loss: Coin Toss?). The variety of lyrical poetry forms include free verse, blank verse, haiku, and sonnets, while some are just playing with words!</p><p>Hopefully, this is also a book of healing.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon, a former teacher and grandmother of ten, is the author of nine acclaimed rhymed children's books, plus a recent award-winning book of poetry <em>(A Penny for Your Thoughts), </em>which together have received 63 national and international book awards since 2011. She also wrote seven published plays for elementary school children that have been performed in over 25 countries. Most of her children's books emphasize consideration for others. Married for 58 years, she and her spouse are now retired, live in Pennsylvania, and travel in their RV from coast to coast, spending time with their children and grandchildren, and sharing her books along the way!</p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

This series began as the title to the second book; Don't Forget to Remember Me, and I built the story around that. I don't even know how it came to me, it just showed up in my head one day. :-) The original story evolved into what is now the first two books in the series. I never intended to publish my writing. I began writing fan fiction in the second largest genre in the world and it were the readers who encouraged me to publish a novel. They are, and have always been, the inspiration and motivation behind my work. Nothing makes me happier than hearing that I've been successful in transporting someone into a world that I created with words, where they can truly live within the pages right along with my characters.


<div>&quot;The author brings this couple together in a way I've never read in a story, deeply passionate and moving. The love between the two characters left me breathless and begging for more. I'm anxiously awaiting the next book.&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;A new-to-me-author who was highly recommended....An absolutely breathtaking and unforgettable love story. Leaves you speechless, makes your heart race, puts sunshine in your heart while at the same time tears are rolling down your cheeks. I couldn't stop reading from the time I started until I finished...For me, this book was magical and no matter when it's available, I'll be reading this trilogy to the end. Kudos to Kahlen Aymes for a stunning debut to this trilogy.&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;The Future of Our Past is fantastic, beautiful intense love story and one that I couldn't put down! I actually read this book in 2 hours and was totally captivated. Kahlen Aymes pens her characters and scenes so believable that you feel your right there with them. It's a love story that grabs your heart from the very beginning, and I can't wait for the sequel. I would recommend this to everyone that loves romance.&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;First, I have to say that I'm a real bookworm. I read all the time and I like different kinds of books (biography, thriller, romance, classics, etc.).</div><div>When I first read this heartbreaking love story, I completely fell in love with the 2 main characters but also with the way the writer makes us feel what they are going through: love, longing, desire, angst and so many more emotions. I read the story many times and each time I was transported by her words. I got attached to Julia and Ryan so much that I felt sad each time I was finished with the book. And the way that the author ends the first book of the trilogy will make you long for the second book! I know that I do!!! I strongly recommend that you read this book!&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;*****5 STARS*****  A LOVE STORY FELT SO DEEPLY, IT LEAVES YOU FULFILLED AND ACHING AT THE SAME TIME!&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;Holy moly! This was absolutely a stunningly, beautiful book that leaves me wanting more from this amazing author. This is a debut author, and in light of the 50 Shades books and the fact that I loved them so well, I absolutely love the way this author put this book together. It's complex and intriguing, and yet it's real...Watching these two beautifully created characters was both heartbreaking and beautiful. I say heartbreaking because I literally feel each and every emotion that both Ryan and Julia felt. It tore my heart in two more than once! I say beautiful because the passion that is so evident when these two are together is amazing...And the bedroom scenes with these two.....oh la la! Oh but to be Julia for a time......I definitely recommend that you grab a copy of this beyond 5* Book worthy novel to every romance lover out there!&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;This story was, in a word, beautiful.'</div><br /><div>&quot;Wow! Seriously, after I finished with the last page, I immediately wanted more...This was an absolutely wonderful read; it was really beyond words. 5 Stars!&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;This book is amazing! Well-written and so romantic! I couldn't stop reading!&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;This was a very beautiful story that will sweep you off your feet until the very last sentence!&quot;</div><br /><div>&quot;I really don't want to share this novel with ANYONE right now! It's so beautiful and precious. It's just absolutely amazing. </div><br /><div>This has been the best book I've ever read and I will compare every book I read to it. Forever. The characters were so brilliantly written I couldn't help but fall in love with them and as I turned the last page a little tiny piece of my heart broke. &quot;</div>