Victoria Twead

Victoria Twead


About Victoria Twead:


Victoria Twead nagged her long-suffering partner, Joe, into moving from England to Spain in 2004. They settled into a tiny mountain village in Andalucía, became reluctant chicken farmers and ended up owning probably the most dangerous cockerel in Spain. 

Woven into the chapters are a number of Spanish recipes given to Vicky by the village ladies.

Victoria’s hilarious record of their culture shock and life with the villagers is told in her two books, Chickens, Mules and Two Old Fools and Two Old Fools - Olé!  These charming, beautifully written books will have you laughing one minute, holding back tears the next, and finally reaching for your saucepan.

Awarded the HarperCollins Authonomy 'Gold Star'.

HarperCollins wrote: ‘laugh-out-loud funny...especially the Spanish women heckling over eggs from “The English”...hilarious...engaging... the interspersion of recipes is charming’. 

Karen Wheeler, author of 'Tout Sweet: Hanging Up My Heels For A New Life In France' wrote: “Andalucía as it’s never been done before - a very quirky, funny and enjoyable tale - loved the subtle humour, Olé!”

Justin Aldridge, Eye on Spain, wrote: "I absolutely loved it! Funny, honest and impossible to put down." 


A Penny for Your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts

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<p>Have you ever loved, been loved, been confused about love, or suffered from loss of love? All these feelings have been captured and shared in the words of heartfelt poems, compiled over many years by a former teacher and award-winning author.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon now shares her thoughts in this book of feelings. &quot;As a teacher, I used poetry to help counsel many troubled teens and friends, and have continued this pattern throughout the years.&quot;</p><p>There are three sections in her book: Heads, Spinning, and Tails ... (Love &amp; Loss: Coin Toss?). The variety of lyrical poetry forms include free verse, blank verse, haiku, and sonnets. Some poems are simply plays on words.</p><p><strong>A Sign</strong></p><p>In the depths of my winter</p><p>I heard a small bird -</p><p>Braving the cold,</p><p>Bringing the word.</p><p>He gave my heart hope</p><p>As I heard him sing -</p><p>Three little notes</p><p>Promising spring.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon, a former teacher and grandmother of 10, is the author of nine acclaimed rhymed children's stories that have received 48 national and international book awards between 2011 and 2017. Also a playwright with seven published plays for elementary school children, her works have been performed internationally in over 20 countries. Most of her children's books try to teach something, such as good manners and caring for others. Married for 57 years, she and her spouse are now retired, live in Pennsylvania, and travel in their RV from coast to coast, spending time with their children and grandchildren.</p><p><strong>Publisher's website: </strong> http: //</p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

Archibald Edmund Filby, proclaimed “the World’s most travelled motorist”, was my uncle. He died before I was born and my father, naturally taciturn, rarely discussed his older brother. My parents died in 1993, and I inherited a strange-looking and aged manuscript. Without looking inside, I filed it away for future consideration. I had, after all, my own young family to raise and it would be another 20 years (80 since the expedition) before the manuscript would again see the light of day. "Look what I found!" I said excitedly to Joe, brandishing the manuscript. We’d already collaborated in other books I’d written; Chickens, Mules and Two Old Fools and its sequels. “I guess I’d better start typing,” muttered Joe. Three months later, he had transcribed the four hundred-page document.  The result is a book that reveals a bygone age. The British Empire was in decline but remnants remained. The ‘All-Red’ route, to which Archie frequently refers, indicates the red colour cartographers used to denote British-controlled countries on maps. Attitudes in those days were very different and often shocking. For instance, big game hunting was popular. Archie refers to adult Africans as 'boys' or 'natives'. On one occasion an Egyptian guard is treated with unconscionable thoughtlessness, which would horrify us today. Despite this, Archie’s affection and respect for the indigenous populace cannot be disputed. He is clearly fascinated by the languages, customs and cultures of the African tribes he encountered - from pygmies in the Congo to the Masai in Central Africa. We changed nothing of the original manuscript. It is exactly as Archie typed it in 1938, undoubtedly at the behest of his newly-wedded wife, Miss Fay Taylor, also a writer, whom he met following a radio broadcast he made from London. Sadly, their marriage was to become a tragic love story, described in the last pages of this book.
