Pete Koziar

Pete Koziar


I'm an author who specializes in science fiction stories from a Christian world view. They look at the intersection of science and spirituality with fresh insights.My "day job" is as Director of Engineering at a high-tech firm, and I'm also the pastor/rabbi/whatever of a Messianic congregation outside of Baltimore, Maryland, USA.I've been married for over 34 years, have one son in the marine corps, and three attitude-enhanced little dogs.

Heir to a Prophecy

Heir to a Prophecy

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<p><span><span>Shakespeare's Witches tell Banquo, &quot;Thou Shalt 'Get Kings Though Thou Be None&quot;. Though Banquo is murdered, his son Fleance gets away. What happened to Fleance? What Kings? As Shakespeare's audience apparently knew, Banquo was the ancestor of the royal Stewart line. But the road to kingship had a most inauspicious beginning, and we follow Fleance into exile and death, bestowing the Witches' prophecy on his illegitimate son Walter. Born in Wales and raised in disgrace, Walter's efforts to understand Banquo's murder and honor his lineage take him on a long and treacherous journey through England and France before facing his destiny in Scotland.</span></span></p>

Story Behind The Book
