Amanda M. Thrasher

Amanda M. Thrasher


Born in England, moved to Fort Worth, Texas, as a teen and reside there still. I'm the Author of the 'The Mischief Series' 'Mischief in the Mushroom Patch' and 'A Fairy Match in the Mushroom Patch' the third installment of this series is underway. 

'The Ghost of Whispering Willow' is a ghost mystery targeted toward 5th-7th grade readers, and is my most recent release. I really enjoyed writing this piece and hope that my readers relate to at least one of the characters in the book, without question, my favorite character is Margaret Rose. My latest novel 'The Greenlee Project' will be released in 2013, as will 'Sadie's Fairy Tea Party.'

I wrote a graphic novel for the Texas Municipal Education Center, about teen driving safety. Its part of the DRSR (Driving on the Right Side of the Road), titled - What If... A Story of Shattered Lives. It was adapted into a Reader's Theater. This script is about the consequences of drinking alcohol and driving and offers middle school students an opportunity to perform and use their voices to depict characters in this tragedy. Suitable for youth groups and clubs, as well as classroom instruction. Download: or For printed copies of the script please email:



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<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"></span><p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNoSpacing"><span style="font-size:12pt;"><font face="Calibri">JamesAlexander’s nickname was Gimme-Jimmy because he was a greedy and selfish bully.<span>  </span>Imagine Jimmy’s concern when he discoveredthat every time he said the word “Gimme”, his hand grew larger. <span> </span>Jimmy was happy to discover that when he waspolite and said “Please” and “Thank you”, his hand began to shrink.<span>  </span>He started practicing his new “Polite Rule”and found out that it was much more fun to share.<span style="color:#000000;"></span></font></span></p><p></p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"></span><p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNoSpacing"><span style="font-size:12pt;"></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Calibri;"></span> </p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"></span>

Story Behind The Book

This story was written for three beautiful girls and a beautiful little side-kick: Ally Collinsworth, Kendall Lipscomb, Krista and Lauren Thrasher. Enjoy, Amanda M. Thrasher


<div class="mt4 ttl"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span>5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> <a class="txtlarge gl3 gr4 reviewTitle valignMiddle" href=";ASIN=0615683525&amp;channel=detail-glance&amp;nodeID=283155&amp;store=books"><strong><font color="#0066cc">Ghostly Fun!</font></strong></a><span class="gry valignMiddle"> <span class="inlineblock txtsmall">July 24, 2012</span> </span></div> <div class="mt4 ath"><span class="gr10"><span class="txtsmall"><span class="gry">By</span> <a class="noTextDecoration" href=""><font color="#0066cc">Dellani Oakes</font></a></span> </span></div> <div class="txtsmall mt4 fvavp"><span class="inlineblock formatVariation"><span class="gr3 gry formatKey">Format:</span><span class="formatValue">Hardcover</span></span></div> <div class="mt9 reviewText"> <div class="drkgry">There's something in the Whispering Willows. Andy, Stewart and Zach are sure it's a ghost. Amateur ghost hunters, they set up equipment hoping to get pictures and videos of the elusive spirit. Finally, luck is with them and they see a boy about their age, obviously a ghost. Imagine their surprise when Ally, Kendall, Maggie and Krista quietly announce that they've seen a ghost too, only their ghost is a little girl! Together, the children figure out how to contact the ghosts and find out their story.<br /><br /> This well crafted ghost story is intended for middle range YA readers, but has enough mild chills for older readers too. Even I got a tingle when the ghost first appears and talks to the children. It's not too spooky for timid readers and is a great adventure tale too.<br /><br /> The Ghost of Whispering Willow is a story of love, mystery, family and friendship. Readers enjoy the ride as the children do their best to help Elias, the ghost, and his little sister, Margaret-Rose. Who knew ghosts even need help? But they do and it's a dangerous situation for all involved.<br /><br /> The characters in novel are wonderfully crafted preteens who are very lifelike in their speech and actions. Thrasher captures their courage and naivete well. The ghosts are also incredibly well delineated. They sound as if they are from a different time. Even though they've existed through the years, their thoughts and perceptions are those of less modern people.<br /><br /> I really enjoyed The Ghost of Whispering Willow and I highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good, well crafted, warmhearted, exciting ghost story. Five Golden Acorns<br /><br /> © 2012 Dellani Oakes<br />   <div class="mt4 ttl"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span>5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> <a class="txtlarge gl3 gr4 reviewTitle valignMiddle" href=";ASIN=0615683525&amp;channel=detail-glance&amp;nodeID=283155&amp;store=books"><strong><font color="#0066cc">A Wonderful New Ghost Story!</font></strong></a><span class="gry valignMiddle"> <span class="inlineblock txtsmall">June 28, 2012</span> </span></div> <div class="mt4 ath"><span class="gr10"><span class="txtsmall"><span class="gry">By</span> <a class="noTextDecoration" href=""><font color="#0066cc">Sherrill S. Cannon</font></a></span> </span></div> <div class="txtsmall mt4 fvavp"><span class="inlineblock formatVariation"><span class="gr3 gry formatKey">Format:</span><span class="formatValue">Paperback</span><span class="gl7 gr7 gry">|</span></span><span class="inlineblock avpOrVine"><span class="orange strong avp">Amazon Verified Purchase</span></span></div> <div class="mt9 reviewText"> <div class="drkgry">Amanda M Thrasher has developed a new genre for her books, providing her readers with a suspenseful creative story about several school children who discover that there are ghosts living in the woods behind their homes. Using technically advanced, sensitive ghost-detection devices, the children are able to sense the existence of these spirits and eventually make contact with them. The story of their involvement and interaction with them is a wonderful one, and well worth the read. Margaret Rose will steal your heart!<br /><br /> I have really enjoyed her previous stories about her mystical mushroom patch fairies, and now she has demonstrated her ability to tell ghost stories as well!</div> </div> </div> </div>