Joyce Anthony

Joyce Anthony


Writer, photographer and homeschooling mother, I am involved in animal rescue and advocacy for children with bipolar disorder and Asperger's. 

Vital Temptations: A Heart's Betrayal

Vital Temptations: A Heart's Betrayal

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<p>Dr. Bethany McNeal is living her dream as a pediatric resident in one of the most sought-after medical centers in Seattle. Beautiful and intelligent, she’s missing only one thing—love, which she put on hold to focus on her career after ending a tumultuous relationship. Everything changes when she meets Dr. Brent Anderson, a charming and handsome fellow resident. Despite her reservations, Bethany falls for Brent—hard. When she learns Brent is married several months into their relationship, she immediately breaks it off. After graduating residency and going their separate ways, Bethany tries to move on with another man—real estate broker and personal trainer Charles Blakely. But just when things get serious with Charles, she realizes she’s still in love with Brent, and she finds herself caught between the two men, facing a series of difficult decisions and harrowing events that will change her life forever. Will she be able to recover from the vital temptations that turned her perfect life upside down?</p>

Story Behind The Book


<font face="Verdana">What a breath of fresh air this book is! In an age when “God” has become a four letter word, and in a contemporary society that by and large considers all things Biblical to be babble, author Joyce Anthony brings us home to all things spiritual and meaningful with this charming and insightful story. Her boldness of faith is evident throughout and admirable. Also impressive as I read “Storm” was her depth of understanding of human nature, psychology and spiritual condition.</font> <p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Verdana" color="#000000" size="4"> As a literary work “Storm” is well crafted; Anthony is definitely a gifted writer who can capture you and transport you into the sights, sounds, smells, feelings and aura of a different world and make you feel as if you really know the characters involved. I don’t want to spoil the fun for potential readers, so I will not divulge the plot. However, I will tease you with this: it is the greatest true story ever re-told before it comes true.</font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" color="#000000" size="4">Plan on a few hours of uninterrupted trance-like reading, you won’t want to do anything else except keep turning the pages once you’ve started. Get ready to examine yourself, our society, and our world as it relates to its’ creator. There are many sad truths in this book. But in the end, the truth will set you free.</font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'Times New Roman';"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><font size="4"><font color="#000000">Review written by: Marvin D. Wilson, author of “I Romanced the Stone” <span class="a"><a href=""><font color="#336666"></font></a></span></font></font></font></span></p>