Mandy Ward

Mandy Ward


Mandy thought she was a Teacher, until Life pointed out toher that she is actually a writer. As her Cats, Kids and Partner approved, shedecided to agree with Life.

Currently she is working on a five book  Sword & Sorcery Novella Series and a Children's Book series collaboration with an Illustrator  as a number of other projects. As If that weren’tenough, she spends a week or two a month putting together “Welcome toWherever”, along with trying to juggle Cats, Kids, Partner.

She does all this from a body in South Wales, UK. Where hermind is, she hasn’t yet worked out...



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<p>It’s hard to be committed to anyone when you don’t know whom to trust.</p><p>Alexis Toles, a former FBI agent turned undercover CIA agent, is quickly finding that out in Nancy Ann Healy’s newest political thriller, <i>Commitment</i>.</p><p>Alex embeds in a secret organization of intelligence operatives known as The Collaborative. Its partners include operatives from the CIA, National Security Agency, FBI, US Department of Defense, and an entanglement of foreign intelligence agencies.</p><p>It’s about half a year after the death of President John Merrow, a friend and someone she respected. But she remains committed to overthrowing The Collaborative as she works with a onetime adversary who believes the organization’s involved in the president’s death.</p><p>Meanwhile Alex; her wife, Cassidy O’Brien; and Cassidy’s son try hard to live as a family but must first overcome personal struggles, including a nasty custody battle with Cassidy’s ex-husband, Congressman Christopher O’Brien. The family has their own share of secrets that, if unleashed, could affect their hopes for the future.</p><p>There’s no place to turn without discovering people who are not who they claim to be. That can’t stop Alex. She must remain committed to the cause, both at home and as she works against The Collaborative.</p>

Story Behind The Book

This is my first full length novel and is the first book in a new series. “The Secret of Arking Down” came from my 2009 NaNoWriMo entry. That year I wrote the first 50,000 words of the book and almost overnight, a series came flooding out of the world that I created. “The Angel’s Crown” introduces all the major players of the series as well as the world they live in; an alternate universe where it is possible to move between dimensions and visit alternate universes. So far, there are two finished books and one in progress and I am planning the fourth book now – NaNoWriMo starts Nov 1st and I am writing book 4 for it!
