Blue Knight

Blue Knight


Blue Knight, author of Monet Love, An Erotic Love Story and Chocolate Comes to Harlem, is an editorial consultant. She indulges her love of fiction by spinning yarns about strong female characters, the men who vex them, and the complicated situations that give them hell but make life worth living. Knight earned her master's degree University of Texas in the 1990s.

New Alpha Rising: Ascension Part I

New Alpha Rising: Ascension Part I

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<p>Countless years ago, measured in thousands, the Gods came first. Monstrous creations were born of their frivolity. Like the Gods, some of the creations were peaceful, others not. Their duty to preserve the earth completed once more, however, the day came that the Gods had to leave earth. Unleashed and with loose regulation, the abominable creations left behind multiplied. In their midst, another conception came to be, and his kind would exist absolutely outside of the God’s purview.<br />Unmated, alone, and untrusting of others, Chatran was charged to go to a place and protect the father of a great child, yet unborn. This duty, however, was unknown to the most cognizant part of Chatran. Only the Beast, who resided within him, knew. As a result, the Beast led Chatran to Walhalla, North Dakota. Although his initial charge was to protect the father he found there, Chatran also gained a mate and Pack. With them, Chatran also found a new way forward, and started on a course that would lead to – New Alpha Rising: Ascension.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Monet Love is a story for women. Sure, men can and should read it to gain insight about how we women think, but I created Monet to shine a light a less common situation; where it's the woman, and not the man, who is torn between two lovers. And both men are good, fairly decent guys, which makes the dilemma much less cut and dry, much more intense and ultimately very interesting to watch unfold. I give the reader basic physical description, like she's a fleshy woman or he's got a nice build, but I leave my characters sketchy on purpose, because I really want readers to dive into this sexy, sultry world and fill in the blanks. Ideally, Monet Love readers should be picturing the sexiest people they can think of when they're reading it. Are the characters in Monet Love racially ambiguous? The story's universal, anyone can relate. The main character, Monet, is a black woman, independent and confident as she is, she's stuck in a love triangle with two men. Her family are also black folks, love interest number one, Dwanye, is a Caribbean blend of cultures and love interest number two, Miguel, a man who exerts an incredible amount of influence over Monet is Latino. So, as John Leguizamo once quipped, this story's got it covered in terms of ethnicities. It also takes place in Washington D. C. and St. Thomas. Both the locations are very diverse, and romantic relationships among the various cultures are not uncommon. Monet Love fits into several genres. One is the urban genre, which is basically books by new black authors, many of whom are indie, writing about very "now" subjects like hip hop, crime stories, and there's a lot of erotica in that genre as well. This story also falls under romance, general erotica and short fiction. There's a good bit of steamy sex in the story. The genre demands it. You may see a little smoke and sparks flying out of your eReader or smartphone (smile/wink).


&quot;...a new name to watch in African American fiction. Knight's descriptive writing keeps the reader engaged from start to finish...and leaves you wanting more.&quot; --Black Beauty Express