Brandon Gene Petit

Brandon Gene Petit


Brandon Gene Petit is an underground poet who writes about everything from past lives to romance, gothic to contemporary… refusing to be bound to any one subject or mood. Already an artist, business owner, and the author of two poetry collections, he is continuously working on multiple projects… including more poetry, a full-length novel, a collection of short stories and even a collection of children’s poetry.


In the words of Petit himself:


“I completed my first collection of poems, “Intrinsic Desires”, after I moved to New York in the year 2006. Years later, I expanded my emotions and abilities with “Ab Antiquo, Ab Aeterno”, which includes my newfound love of prose-poetry. To me, the obscure but catchy Latin phrase (which means “from the ancient, from the eternal”) represents the “old soul” in me, as well as the person I am and always will be. After delving into my heady prose, some may feel that I am merely prodding at the obscure dreams of a man who is sick of reality. But to me, I am merely saying what is on my mind… and I insist that every poem is backed by a wealth of complex (though very authentic) human emotions. To my surprise, I have discovered many who find an anchor in my writing that they can relate to… and I continue to seek them out by spreading my craft to the world.”




Destiny's Purpose

Destiny's Purpose

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This books provides information and strategies for those who are seeking to discover more about their purpose and destiny in life. Each chapter includes  practical and inspirational ideas that are designed to help its readers to to identify and effectively engage in purposeful living.

Story Behind The Book


<p>&quot;Petit has a way of choosing and using words that depict the most perfect visions and replicas of his imagination... I feel as if I've been bestowed with one of literature's best-kept secrets after having been introduced to Petit.&quot;<br /><br /><span><span>-</span></span>Sarah Ann, <i>Dreamworld Book Reviews</i><br /><br /> &quot;These are vivid poems, bright in their use of images and the way they inflect the reality of their stories with new light, new ways of seeing things... We're able to see how so much of what we 'briefly glimpse' can really affect us powerfully.&quot;<br /><br /><span><span>-</span></span>Judge, <i>Writer's Digest 21st Annual Self-Published Book Awards</i><br /><br /> &quot;In <i>Dreams in the Womb</i>, author Brandon Gene Petit takes us on a sensuous journey. Bursts of passion fill the pages and invoke images within the mind's eye. It will fill your imagination with delectable images and enticing possibilities.&quot;<br /><br /><span><span>-</span></span>Nicole Morgan, <i>erotic romance author</i><br /><br /> &quot;A wonderful collection...sultry and smooth... it filled my mind with vivid images, provoking thousands of thoughts. &quot;<br /><br /><span><span>-</span></span>Courtney Breazile, <i>romance author</i><br />  </p>