Michael Ellah

Michael Ellah


After The Judas Factor wasaccepted for publication by Spectrum Books Ltd in 1987 and contracts enteredinto between the author and the publisher, delays and cancellation were thefirst obstacles faced by the novel on its journey to publication. Thereafter inthe course of twenty five years from 1987 to 2012 the publication of this novelwas impeded by the loss of the only existing copy of this exciting novel andother works of fiction by the author including The Cross and the Crescent(whichis still lost).It's recent discovery by the authors children who had not beenborn at the time it was written dictated its immediate publication in order toallow a wider audience the appreciation of a compelling unique story set inmodern Nigeria and reflecting a unique insight into the intrigues of a cast ofcharacters destined  to pay for their actions in the a story steeped inbetrayal and retribution. Michael Elemchukwu Ellah is a lawyer born in 1962 inEnugu Nigeria to Francis John and Patricia Ireju Ellah. He is the youngest oftheir three sons. He was educated at Mayfield College, Mayfield East SussexEngland and The University of Kent at Canterbury England where he graduatedwith a first degree in law in 1983, he was called to the bar and enrolled as a solicitorof the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 1984.He is married to Patricia ChinyereEllah and they have three daughters. He lives in Port-Harcourt, practices law and writes fiction.

The Maker of Worlds

The Maker of Worlds

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<p style="padding:0px;margin:0px 0px 14px;color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><span class="a-text-bold a-text-italic" style="font-weight:700;font-style:italic;">If you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?</span></p><p style="padding:0px;margin:-4px 0px 14px;color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><span>When tragedy strikes Lucas Mack's young life, he desperately yearns to escape its sorrow, and takes an improbable leap through the mythical maelstrom. Rather than splashing down on the far side like his neighbors, he's transported to a magical realm where he has the power to redefine not only who he is, but the world in which he resides.</span></p><p style="padding:0px;margin:-4px 0px 14px;color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><span>As he stumbles about trying to find his way, he meets Mia, an equally troubled fellow pilgrim. With the help of a mystical guide and an aging wizard, they navigate the enchanted land while learning to control their newfound powers. Yet this realm is more complex than they expected, with seasoned sorcerers who've been corrupted by the sinister side of magic.</span></p><p style="padding:0px;margin:-4px 0px 14px;color:rgb(15,17,17);font-family:'Amazon Ember', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px;"><span>Limited by natural law and seduced by magic's power, they are tested as never before. Will the gift of magic bring renewed hope or drive them to the edge of the void?</span></p>

Story Behind The Book

This is a first novel accepted for publication twenty five years ago by a local publisher in Nigeria, Spectrum Books Nigeria Ltd. After several re writes and adjustments having been made by the author in conjunction with the publisher as a precursor to publication, budgetary rationalization by the publisher led to its not being published and all contracts ere not fulfilled. The only manuscript of this novel was lost for several years ion the course of moving homes a few times during the intervening years. The 'lost' book was then discovered by the authors children who then read it as a discovery of the word of their dad in the years when he was not married before their birth.After reading this book the authors children felt that it was necessary that the book be published and be read by the generality of people. So in a nutshell it has been a while from writing to publication. In this time most who have read the book feel that it has not dated in any manner whatsoever and the issues behind the story has not dated at all.


<strong><span style="line-height:115%;font-style:italic;"><font size="2">I found the story very compelling-the plot is fascinating and the characters are well drawn.’ </font> </span></strong> <address> <strong><span style="line-height:115%;font-style:italic;"><font size="2">-Chris W. Bankole. Spectrum Books Ltd.</font></span><span style="line-height:115%;"><font size="2"></font> </span></strong> </address> <address>  <br /></address>