Subir Banerjee

Subir Banerjee


Subir Banerjee is settled in India with his family. Following his education in the country’s premier engineering college IIT, he led a successful career in information technology, culminating in various senior roles in the information technology industry, besides pursuing his hobbies of story writing and music in parallel. After a stint of work spanning two decades he decided to engage in creative pursuits on a full-time basis, resulting in the present novel With Bosses Like These, which depicts the travails of a man who encounters office politics and unfair, sadistic bosses and how he deals with them. The story is set in the backdrop of a nation ravaged by graft and infested with crime, overrun by corrupt, lawless people.

A Penny for Your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts

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<p>Have you ever loved, been loved, been confused about love, or suffered from loss of love? All these feelings have been captured and shared in the words of heartfelt poems, compiled over many years by a former teacher and award-winning author.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon now shares her thoughts in this book of feelings. &quot;As a teacher, I used poetry to help counsel many troubled teens and friends, and have continued this pattern throughout the years.&quot;</p><p>There are three sections in her book: Heads, Spinning, and Tails ... (Love &amp; Loss: Coin Toss?). The variety of lyrical poetry forms include free verse, blank verse, haiku, and sonnets. Some poems are simply plays on words.</p><p><strong>A Sign</strong></p><p>In the depths of my winter</p><p>I heard a small bird -</p><p>Braving the cold,</p><p>Bringing the word.</p><p>He gave my heart hope</p><p>As I heard him sing -</p><p>Three little notes</p><p>Promising spring.</p><p>Sherrill S. Cannon, a former teacher and grandmother of 10, is the author of nine acclaimed rhymed children's stories that have received 48 national and international book awards between 2011 and 2017. Also a playwright with seven published plays for elementary school children, her works have been performed internationally in over 20 countries. Most of her children's books try to teach something, such as good manners and caring for others. Married for 57 years, she and her spouse are now retired, live in Pennsylvania, and travel in their RV from coast to coast, spending time with their children and grandchildren.</p><p><strong>Publisher's website: </strong> http: //</p><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

Several years ago a sales colleague in a private office narrated his experience about bribing an official to have his company's tender passed for a deal. Some years later, I heard in corporate circles about the chief information officer of a company being threatened due to his honesty and refusal to oblige the corrupt officials in his office and accommodating vendors outside. To protect his life, the CEO of the company provided him special security cover. That got me thinking about crimes in private offices and I kept an eye open for other incidents. I wasn't disappointed as these seemed to take place on a regular basis in our industry. In a later job I witnessed a senior management person embracing his secretary in his cabin, and heard rumors that he bought penthouses out of embezzled funds. Thus through the years, experiences of others and my own kept accumulating inside me, bubbling to come out in the form of a story. Seeing the general decline in political conditions all around and reading about scams, I felt that the political bosses in many countries weren't too different from some of the bosses in our offices. With enough on my plate, I got down to write my novel- in the form of fiction, with its quota of romance, shady characters and suspense, starting with the loving dalliances of a carefree, college going boy whose only occupation is chasing the girl of his dreams, before moving on to a touching tale of love and endurance, over which looms the shadow of harassment at the hands of sadistic bosses, that ultimately leads to revenge in a thrilling finish.


Excellent build-up of the plot, with a smooth flowing narrative. The storyline is something many experience in the office and finally goes beyond it to paint a horrendous picture of the dangerous possibilities in one's professional life. The suspense keeps growing as the story progresses and kept me hooked till the end to find out what will happen - Air Vice Marshal (retd.) A. Chakraborty<br /><br />I liked the college atmosphere inside a typical IIT hostel. Over all, the romance described in the book is quite akin to the real life affairs which get depressing at times when your fiancee is hard to get. But as the novel gets into murky, professional areas of work life, it is scary to think how bright people are sometimes manhandled by their bosses mentally and in other ways too, leading to unpredictable outcomes - Joy (3rd year, engineering NSIT)