Patricia Zick

Patricia Zick


P.C. Zick’s career as a writer began in 1998 with the publication of her first column in a local paper. By day, she was a high school English teacher, but at night and on vacations, she began writing novels and working as a freelance journalist. By 2001, she left teaching and began pursuing a full-time gig as a writer. She describes herself as a "storyteller" no matter the genre.Currently, she writes two blogs and is getting ready to publish her fifth novel, Trails in the Sand.Her blog and her novels contain the elements most dear to her heart, ranging from love to the environment. She believes in living lightly upon this earth with love, laughter, and passion.She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband Robert.

The Time That's Given

The Time That's Given

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<p><strong><em>Have you ever awoken from a vivid dream and wondered which side of waking was real?</em></strong></p><p>Burt Higgins' retirement is not going well. His children have grown, and his wife has gone off to earn a late-life degree, leaving him alone in his sprawling suburban home. With too much time on his hands, he broods on the state of the world, obsessively following the worst of cable news and the Internet. Increasingly angry at the state of affairs, he nurtures a fantasy that a dark lord from another realm has foisted these problems on humankind. If only he could transport to that world, he'd confront the demon and use the magic found there to defeat the beast and end despair forever.</p><p>On a particularly bad news day, while housebound in the midst of a snowstorm, he retreats to his study to shut out the world and immerse himself in his books. When, on a whim, he lights a candle purchased in an obscure Prague curiosity shop, a magical guide appears and offers to take him on whatever quest he chooses. When he asks to become a hero in a fantasy realm, he discovers a more complex world than he expected, and battling evil with magic turns out to be far from his greatest challenge.</p><p><strong>EVOLVED PUBLISHING PRESENTS</strong> a specualtive fantasy adventure sure not just to entertain you, but to make you consider your life, your dreams, your goals. [DRM-Free]</p><h2><strong>Books by David Litwack:</strong></h2><ul><li><em>Along the Watchtower</em></li><li><em>The Daughter of the Sea and the Sky</em></li><li><em>The Time That's Given</em></li><li><em>The Children of Darkness</em> (The Seekers - Book 1)</li><li><em>The Stuff of Stars</em> (The Seekers - Book 2)</li><li><em>The Light of Reason</em> (The Seekers - Book 3)</li></ul><h2><strong>More Great Fantasy Fiction from Evolved Publishing:</strong></h2><ul><li><em>The Awakening of David Rose</em> (David Rose #1) by Daryl Rothman</li><li><em>Shadow Swarm</em> by D. Robert Pease</li><li><em>Kingdom in Chains</em> by J.W. Zulauf</li><li>The &quot;Grims' Truth&quot; Series by Isu Yin &amp; Fae Yang</li></ul><p> </p>

Story Behind The Book

It began one night over a couple of beers at a local bar. It took more than a year to plan and pull off. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do?” I asked my friend Joy one rainy night as we sat commiserating about our complacent lives. “I’ve always wanted to travel Route 66 from Chicago to L.A. But I’ve never found anyone who wanted to accompany me.” “You’ve found her now,” Joy said, and thus began more than a year of plotting and planning our escape from our lives for more than two weeks on the road. Romantic visions of Jack Kerouac and the open road, John Steinbeck and a dog named Charley, neon lights and roadside motels clouded our minds as the mundane details of the trip threatened to intrude on our starry-eyed dreams. Our daughters, both in their twenties, asked if they could join us. We were astounded. “Why would you want to spend your summer vacation with two middle-aged women?” I asked my daughter Anna. “It’ll be a blast,” she said. Joy’s daughter Hillary said something similar, and so we became a foursome of road warriors ready to set forth on one of the most historic roads in the world. Just the words “Route 66” conjures up visions of greasy hamburgers, neon signs flashing “No Vacancy,” characters out of a Sam Shepard play, and, of course, freedom to disappear into the gut of this country. Even though the trip occurred five years ago, I still see those visions. Of course, my journal became my companion on the trip. Serendipity and downright foolishness collided into one of the most memorable trips of my life. Soon after my return, I began writing a novel loosely based on the journey. All I had to do was take a small event from the real trip and amplify it into a golden nugget of a story. Amazingly, there were many stories that never came close to appearing in the book because they were just too outlandish to be believed. Those stories remain sacred, only to be pulled out when the four of us reunite to reminisce.


RR Literary Reviews:<br /><br />When Sally and Meg search for more meaning in their lives, they plan a trip, along with their adult daughters, along Route 66, from Chicago to Los Angeles. Along the way they meet up with others seeking their own personal enlightenment, and slowly, their entourage increases. All of the travelers are seeking a new start, or fighting their own demons. Through tears, laughter, and lots of singing, they all arrive at their destination changed.<br /><br />As far as the characters, Meg resonated with me the most, throughout. Having lost a son, she was searching for a way to heal, as well as to reconnect with her surviving daughter. The daughters, CC, the aspiring talent, and Ramona, often lost in C.C.'s shadow perhaps had more to deal with than they originally thought. Sally brought to the group the not-so-logical logic; &quot;Always go in the direction you're headed.&quot; There was a lot of emotion packed within this book, and a whole lot of fun, as well.<br /><br />This was your typical &quot;road to self&quot; book, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I, for one, am always enamored with stories about women who set out to redefine themselves, and what better way than a road trip? Ms. Zick perfectly balanced the turmoil of personal battle with light-hearted antics, and the story flowed quickly and beautifully. Meg sums up the entire journey with one quote; &quot;I thought I might find the perfect place to escape to when I started this trip. But the thing I needed to escape most caught up with me, and it wasn't so bad after all.&quot;