Angela Shelton

Angela Shelton


I am Angela Shelton - Author, Actor, OratorAs a Funny Public Speaker, Writer, Screenwriter, Blogger and Author, I Empower Women, Parents, Teachers and Mommy Bloggers and Inspire all survivors of abuse to heal and lead joyful lives.I also am Safe Side Superchick from the wonderful Safe Side Series (for which I won an Emmy, yay!) and the filmmaker who created the award winning documentary Searching for Angela Shelton. I’m so proud of what that little movie has done in the world.I wear many hats – even wrote a fantasy book series about magical hats!My mission is to inspire you to live a joyful life no matter what you’ve been through (and we all have a story).

Dark Mind

Dark Mind

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<p>A Serial Killer Plagues an Island Paradise<br /><br />Vigilante detective Emily Stone continues her covert pursuits to find serial killers and child abductors, all under the radar while shadowing police investigations.<br /><br />Emily searches for an abducted nine-year-old girl taken by ruthless and enterprising slave brokers. Following the clues from California to the garden island of Kauai, she begins to piece together the evidence and ventures deep into the jungle.<br /><br />It doesn’t take long before Emily is thrown into the middle of murder, mayhem, and conspiracy. Locals aren’t talking as a serial killer now stalks the island, taking women in a brutal frenzy of ancient superstitions and folklore. Local cops are unprepared for what lies ahead. In a race against the clock, Emily and her team must identify the killer before time runs out.</p>

Story Behind The Book

From the Author When I was a child I had a fear of the dictionary. In fact, I was so frustrated with learning new words that I ripped apart more than one Webster's. As a tween learning vocabulary lists, I actually poked holes in a dictionary when I could not find a word that I did not know how to spell. If I couldn't spell it, how could I ever find it? I pleaded in frustration. Needless to say, big words left me with a feeling of loss. I felt dumb. Sure I was placed into every gifted and advanced program in every school I attended, and I excelled, but I'd developed a hatred of dictionaries I had to keep to myself. With the help of my mother, who was a constant encourager, urging me to write down my feelings during our topsy-turvy life, I began to get what I had in my head onto paper by learning new words to express myself. I began entering writing contests, and winning them! I didn't tell the judges that it took me longer than others since I had to fight a battle with a Thesaurus and desk dictionary along the way. My fight with language was greatly helped by a few good teachers who were patient and kind. We moved so many times when I was a young girl that I cannot remember their names but I do recall their generous smiles and loving approach to teaching. As I grew older I got over the fear of not knowing the meaning of a word. I simply asked what it meant when I was among friends. When I was in the company of a more elitist crowd, I would go to the bathroom, write the word down as best as I could phonetically and find the definition later. Speaking of daunting vocabulary, I always had a deep love of science and space. It makes me giddy thinking we are all made of "star stuff". Learning about nebulas and event horizons, and being able to place Tilda and her magical hats in the Sombrero Galaxy, and knowing that it really exists, excites me to no end. Hats are also a big part of my life. They summon creativity and fun. I collect them like Tilda makes them. I started my collection of head art hitting thrift stores during my many cross-country trips with my mother. I wore them when they were not fashionable and will probably wear a Fascinator as an old lady, at the age when I finally get up the gumption to dye my hair blue. Hats to me are expressions of who you are and who you'd like to be. They allow us to show off and hide at the same time. That's why I gave Tilda the most amazing hat, and a powerful reason for how and why she wears it. Going through the progression [or evolution] of having disdain for words to discovering new ones I adore, and then writing a language-loving character like Tilda, leaves me with a strong faith in creativity and inspiration. I've also acquired a great fondness for the dictionary, letting go of my long-time issue with word searches. I no longer feel bad when I don't know something, I happily learn new things daily. Now it is Tilda Pinkerton who is the warrior for words. It is through her that I express my love of language, my adoration for our mysterious Universe and all of its galaxies, and my belief that we all have a connection to the greatest Light possible at all times. Thank you so much for reading. Angela


<span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">&quot;In her debut children's novel, Shelton offers an amusing tale of an intergalactic explorer-turned-hatmaker and her adventures on the planet Ooleeoo. Shelton uses high-level vocabulary and wordplay throughout the book, but handy footnotes will let young readers in on the jokes. Tilda often speaks in somewhat Seussian rhyme and her personality has a cheery similarity to that of Mary Poppins. She's a great fictional creation that young readers will root for. </span><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">A playful novel full of loveable characters, and a fine start to a new book series.&quot; </span><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;"><strong>Kirkus Review </strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">&quot;I love everything about this book. Reading Tilda Pinkerton brought me back to those glorious days of reading Judy Blume and Ellen Raskin, when I just loved the act of reading itself and characters became my friends. This is more than a children's book or an adult book, but something in between that can feed and delight any imagination. It is part Dr. Seuss, part Star Trek, part Matilda Wormwood, part Harry Potter. It is creative, original, intelligent, and delicious. It appeals to star-gazers and astronomy nerds, as well as word-geeks, book lovers, and more.&quot; <strong>The Pish Posh</strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">&quot;It is rare when you can find a book that the whole family will truly love. In our family a mom, a teen, and a nine year old all read the book. In fact two of us read it at the same time which created a &quot;sharing&quot; situation that got a bit heated at times. This book is incredibly descriptive. Angela Shelton has created a world I think most of us wish we could visit, if just for a day. This book is a mish-mash of adventure, mystery and science fiction that will enthrall most readers.&quot; <strong>Words by Webb book blog</strong></span><br /><br /><span style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">This is a delightful introduction to the adventures of Tilda Pinkerton; it has the wit of Dr. Seuss, the heart of Mary Poppins, with a magic and soul like nothing else. Shelton crafts a middle-grade fantasy sci-fi novel in lyrical prose that often rhymes. She brilliantly maintains a complex dynamic of unusual words, unique characters, magic, science and exquisite twists on universal themes such as love, perception, truth, and identity.  </span><strong style="font-family:verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:small;line-height:normal;">Joanna Celeste from BlogCritics </strong>