John Michel

John Michel


Brigadier General John E. Michel has served our nation as a member of the United States Air Force for twenty-four years. A command pilot with over 3,300 hours of flying time, he has commanded a tanker flying squadron, an expeditionary operations group in support of operations in the Middle East, and a tanker wing in North Dakota. A recognized expert in individual and organizational change, he has led several multi-billion dollar transformation efforts for the Department of Defense. His work in the area of resilience development and positive change has been adopted for use by the Air Force and reported in the Harvard Business Review. General Michel is currently stationed in Southern Illinois with his wife, Holly, and their two sons, Taylor and Brandon.



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<span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"></span><p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNoSpacing"><span style="font-size:12pt;"><font face="Calibri">JamesAlexander’s nickname was Gimme-Jimmy because he was a greedy and selfish bully.<span>  </span>Imagine Jimmy’s concern when he discoveredthat every time he said the word “Gimme”, his hand grew larger. <span> </span>Jimmy was happy to discover that when he waspolite and said “Please” and “Thank you”, his hand began to shrink.<span>  </span>He started practicing his new “Polite Rule”and found out that it was much more fun to share.<span style="color:#000000;"></span></font></span></p><p></p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"></span><p style="margin:0in 0in 0pt;" class="MsoNoSpacing"><span style="font-size:12pt;"></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Calibri;"></span> </p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"></span>

Story Behind The Book

If you were to account for your life at this moment—are you living up to your own potential? Does your present state of affairs give you reason to be disappointed or discouraged? Is your job unsatisfying…your relationships far from what they could be…your spiritual life a mere shadow of what it once was? If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, then there is a very good chance you--like scores of other Americans--have been lulled into accepting a life that is simply "good enough." What I term a Mediocre Me Mindset--a confining way of thinking about your role in the world that convinces you to settle for the perceived safety of the status quo rather than push outside your comfort zone to try and make tomorrow a little better than you found it today. Of course, it’s certainly easy to understand why mediocrity seems to be the new norm in our country. After all, take a look around. As you read this we find ourselves burdened with immense national debt, polarized political parties, sky high unemployment, and increasing levels of hunger, homelessness, and hopelessness. All while our discontent with leaders across all segments of society leaves us scratching our heads and searching our hearts to understand, “how did we end up here?” The more important question, of course, is where do we go from here? And, as importantly, what role will you play? This is where I have some good news to offer. Mediocre Me reminds us the solution to the current mess we're in is already present—“invisible” in plain sight. It’s not found in another government program nor can it be dictated merely by expert opinions. Rather, the answer to our individual and collective challenges is found in the inspiring example of those citizen-leaders in our midst who are hard at work trying to move things solidly forward in their spheres of influence. And, best of all, they are waiting for more of us to join them. Sound frightening? Challenging? Too difficult to pull off, you say? Think again. In Mediocre Me, you will find a simple, yet profoundly powerful approach to rethinking the way you view your role potential in the world. It’s a proven means of breaking free from the grasp of mediocrity so you can lead a life of true purpose, meaning, and significance. And perhaps the best part of all…it’s not a new idea! The concepts in Mediocre Me are actually anchored in an over two thousand year old legend. One that reminds us we are at our individual and collective best not when we are standing still, unwitting prisoners of the status quo, but rather, when we are unafraid to reject apathy and embrace action by leading the positive change we want to see occur in our surroundings. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “America is another name for opportunity.” At a time in our nation’s history when we seem more divided than united, more fearful than hopeful, there can be no more fence-sitting. It’s time to begin writing a different, more empowering personal leadership story of your own. One that will energize you to do what you can, when you can, where you can, to be a force for good in your part of the world when doing so is needed now more than ever.


&quot;Powerful stuff!  General John Michel captivates and motivates each of us to act on the opportunities we have every day as citizen leaders to do something to build value into our surroundings. Through the inspirational stories of everyday people leading the positive change they want to see, the reader can't help but seek the answer to &quot;what's my story?&quot;  If you're busy, oversubscribed, and finding yourself stalled out in your own status quo, this book is a MUST read. With seemingly minimal maneuver room in my own daily life as a working mother with young children, <em>Mediocre Me</em> is just the wake-up call I needed this season!  It has reoriented my thinking, reenergized my attitude and recalibrated my life by helping me realize how by focusing more on possibilities than limitations, I can help make tomorrow a little better than I found it today in my part of the choice at a time.&quot;  <br /> <br />- Dr. Jean Mahan, Associate Professor at the Eisenhower School, National Defense University<br /><br />&quot;<em>Mediocre Me</em> is a potentially life-changing book with enormous application to current and ongoing events in today's society. If you watch the news, then this is the book you need to read--Now--to help you plot a course towards being an active leader of real, lasting change. Insightful, funny, full of reference, and dedicated to a common-good cause, <em>Mediocre Me</em> stood out to me thanks to the credibility of its author: John Michel.  Brigadier General Michel stands out as a mighty leader of our generation, and this book sheds light on his thoughts for our future.  Rather than dire predictions about the gloom that might be coming, Gen. Michel exudes optimism and highlights that we are all leaders--if only of ourselves--and that we have a strong hand to play in where our families, our communities and our societies are heading.  A &quot;take responsibility&quot; theme is refreshing, motivating...and timeless.  Best of all, it becomes a handbook that can be referenced quickly with a handy &quot;Notes, Warnings and Cautions&quot; section that is sure to morph into catch phrases splattered across the walls of high-performing organizations.  In short, this book is a motivator. Gen. Michel enjoyably shares his vision for a solution and gives us the simple instructions to make it happen.  Better than a good read, <em>Mediocre Me </em>is a swift-kick in the pants to stand up, take responsibility and take action!&quot;<br /><br />-Matthew T. &quot;MONTY&quot; Fritz, Lt Col, USAF<br /><br />“I loved this book!  Page after page it informed, inspired, and perhaps most importantly empowered me to go out and make a real, tangible difference in my world.  No doubt reading this book will change your attitude—the real upside is it might just change the entire trajectory of your life.”<br /><br />-Mark Tidwell, Executive Minister, Oak Hills Church