Corinna Underwood

Corinna Underwood


Corinna has been a published author for more than 11 years. Her short fiction and poetry has been published in magazines including PIF, Thunder Sandwich, Dreamspace, Lexicon, Conspire, Art Imitating Life, Up the Staircase, Indieoma, Up The Staircase and Suspense. Her story Here Ever After was awarded first place in the 2011 Spinetinglers short story competition.She is also the author of Haunted History of Atlanta and North Georgia and Murder and Mystery in Atlanta and the collection of paranormal mystery stories A Walk On The Darkside.

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys

Peter and the Whimper-Whineys

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<span style="line-height:115%;font-family:Calibri, 'sans-serif';font-size:11pt;"><span style="font-family:Calibri;">Peter and the Whimper-Whineys is about a small rabbit who whines all the time. His mother cautions him that if he keeps on whining and crying, he’ll have to go live with the Whimper-Whineys. One night Peter hops into the dark forest.<span>  </span>He meets some Whimper-Whineymen and discovers that not only do the Whimper-Whineys whine all the time, but they are very ill-mannered and rude. He discovers that everything is sour in Whimper-Whineyland and decides his mother was right! If only he can get back home… a recent critique, “Though there are other books out there for children about whining, I cannot imagine any parent or guardian not wanting to read this book to their child!... <span> </span>Parents everywhere applaud you!” </span></span>

Story Behind The Book

Pearl Blackthorn is a novelist and investigative reporter for Darkside paranormal magazine. Armed with her digital recorder and accompanied by her friend and photographer Harry Raymond, Pearl is sent by her editor J.J Benson - affectionately known as Benny - to the four corners of Great Britain, (and sometimes further), to investigate stories of spirits and specters, demons and doppelgangers, prophecy and possession. The problem is, Pearl doesn’t believe in the supernatural; her creative imagination is tempered by a strong skepticism. She is immovable on her stand that there is always a simple, rational explanation behind every report of paranormal activity. But Pearl soon realizes that the intricacies of paranormal events are often far from simple and not always rational.


<p class="review_summary">Excellent book, very easy to read and hard to put down. This book is about writer Pearl Blackthorn and her photographer Harry.<br /><br />Each story takes you on their adventures solving paranormal mysteries for the Darkside magazine. The stories all flow together nicely and the writing is so descriptive that you can picture the places and events as if you are there yourself. I recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a good mystery with some supernatural flavor to spice it up. L. Hall<br /><br />What seems at face value to be one of the usual paranormal investigator stories turns out to be a series of intricately crafted mysteries with numerous fascinating twists. Pearl Blackthorn’s skepticism is as refreshing as her mysterious past is intriguing. The inter-related stories flow together well, each one giving us a few more enticing details about Pearl and her sidekick Harry. This is a riveting book from start to finish. Hopefully we will soon have more Pearl Blackthorn stories. I highly recommend this book. Joan Harver - author<br /></p><p class="review_count"> </p>