Diana Castilleja

Diana Castilleja


With more than half a dozen ebooks currently to her credit and herfirst print book released in 2008 to rave reviews, Diana Castilleja haskept busy since she started writing professionally in late 2004.

Diana currently resides in central Texas with her husband and son. Whennot focusing her energy on her family and her writing, she loves totravel and haunt bookstores. She's lived in several states across thesouth and midwest, as well as traveling to Mexico. With moving everyyear or changing schools since the fourth grade to her sophomore year,she learned reading was a fast escape. The freedom to read aboutanything and everything has fueled her adult imagination. She is mostlikely currently sitting at her desk, having it out with her keyboardwriting her next book.

Through the Eyes of Maria: Consequences

Through the Eyes of Maria: Consequences

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<p>Maria’s life shifts course when destiny brings her into the arms of Christian. His earnest kindness and generosity offer the potential for a future she never imagined possible. Afraid of pushing Christian away, Maria changes her identity and buries her sordid past.<br /><br />But when the truth threatens to expose her calculated deception, will Maria find the courage to face her demons and salvage all that's at stake?<br /><br />Or will Maria be forced to accept that she simply cannot outrun the shadows that chase her?</p>

Story Behind The Book
