Connie Flynn

Connie Flynn


Connie Flynn has currently released a brand new romantic suspense, KNOW WHEN TO RUN, which will soon be available on Freado.

Connie is a bestselling, award-winning author. With ten earlier novels from major New York publishing houses under her belt and several published short  stories, Connie recently decided to jump into the Indie Publishing world. She is active on Facebook and Twitter and has a blog called Imagination Gone Wild. 

She is also a co-founder of Bootcamp for Novelists a classroom style also teaches creative writing school that also appears sometimes on Savvy Author.  Her entire list of early novels is now available as e-Books.


Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

Fatal Rivalry: Part Three of The Last Great Saxon Earls

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<p>In 1066, the rivalry between two brothers brought England to its knees. When Duke William of Normandy landed at Pevensey on September 28, 1066, no one was there to resist him. King Harold Godwineson was in the north, fighting his brother Tostig and a fierce Viking invasion. How could this have happened? Why would Tostig turn traitor to wreak revenge on his brother?<br />The Sons of Godwine were not always enemies. It took a massive Northumbrian uprising to tear them apart, making Tostig an exile and Harold his sworn enemy. And when 1066 came to an end, all the Godwinesons were dead except one: Wulfnoth, hostage in Normandy. For two generations, Godwine and his sons were a mighty force, but their power faded away as the Anglo-Saxon era came to a close.</p>

Story Behind The Book

I fell in love with Lon Chaney's Wolfman when I was seven years old (go figure, then again I was just a kid) and was always drawn to the supernatural, the creatures and events that defy explanation. So when publishers began putting out calls for paranormal romance, Shadow on the Moon was born.
