Interview with Lynn Serafinn on the Risk Collective
About Lynn Serafinn,author of Amazon bestsellerThe Garden of the Soul: lessons from four flowersthat unearth the Self
The Garden of the Soul: lessons from fourflowers that unearth the Self is a book about becoming whole… Called ‘as spiritual as Deepak Chopra and as magical as Paulo Coelho,’ The Garden of the Soulis a journey on the ‘path of least resistance to the Self’ through theimagery of four flowers that represent four spiritual principles: ‘Give’ (theRose), ‘Receive’ (the Iris), ‘Become’ (the Daffodil) and ‘Be’ (the Lily). Takingthe reader on a daring and magical journey through the author’s life andimagination—from stage fright and burnout in a classical music conservatory, tolife inside an Indian temple, to a hidden life of domestic violence, tofinding inner peace atop an old English footbridge—The Garden of the Soul explores birth, death, love, art, spirituality and transformation inan eloquent, poetic and ultimately unforgettable way. It is an open invitationto readers to explore how they are already the heroes of their own lives. Within the firstfew days of its release, the book attained Amazon bestseller status in both theUKand US in the New Age, Mind-Body-Spirit, Spirituality and Self-Help categories.
Lynn's links:
SpiritAuthors Virtual Coaching and Learning Experience
Spirit Authors Fan Page on Facebook
Create-a-Life Transformation Coaching
The Garden of the Soul Blogsite
The Garden of the Soul weekly talk radioshow
YouTube Channel (with many book trailers of my clients' books)
<p>The Bible spells out in God's terms what "The Secret" said in human terms. "Christianity, The Law of Attraction and The One Command " is the bridge between God's word, His universal laws, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy and you.</p>
After having grown up in a household riddled with mental illness and violence, never being permitted to speak about it, and then living silently as a battered wife for 22 years, the author shares this tale of joy and fulfilment, showing us how the Universe is conspiring at every moment to bring us to our ultimate life purpose, and to become the heroes of our own lives.
Interview with Lynn Serafinn on the Risk Collective
Mary Akers' Blogspot
Review on BlogCritics Website
The Unexplained World Blog
Podcast: Lynn Serafinn's Garden of the Soul Talk Radio
Angelic Wellbeing Website
Grace in Gravity Blog
Interview on Live from the Universe
<em>Lynn <strong>beautifully weaves together fable and poetry</strong> with her personal journey of self-discovery. Through her <strong>lyrical style and brilliant imagination</strong>, she leads the reader on <strong>a magical adventure toward deeper understanding of the relationship between Self</strong> <strong>and the world.”<br /></strong></em> –Alan Seale, Transformation Coach<br />Author of <em>Soul Mission</em>, <em>Life Vision</em> and <em>The Manifestation Wheel<br /><br />The Garden of the Soul’ is <strong>rich in teaching metaphors and will speak to each of us </strong>according to where we are on our own path… <strong>Lynn is a brilliant and creative out-of-the-box thinker. Her impact is powerful…and her magic comes through each page of this book.</strong> Lynn offers us a message that is <strong>both simple and profound. Open up and receive her words</strong> and they will affect you in a most positive way.”<br /></em>–Patrick Ryan, Coach<br />Author of <em>The Eagle’s Call,</em> Founder <a href=""></a> <br /><br /><em>"On your most distracted days, <strong>when you need a moment of calm, step into "The Garden of The Soul....</strong>The book is indeed </em><strong><em>a gift, rich with a lovely sense of fantasy. Enlightening!"<br /></em></strong>-- Helen Gallagher author of <em>Release Your Writing: Book Publishing, Your Way</em>