Lawrence Gold

Lawrence Gold


Dark Mind

Dark Mind

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<p>A Serial Killer Plagues an Island Paradise<br /><br />Vigilante detective Emily Stone continues her covert pursuits to find serial killers and child abductors, all under the radar while shadowing police investigations.<br /><br />Emily searches for an abducted nine-year-old girl taken by ruthless and enterprising slave brokers. Following the clues from California to the garden island of Kauai, she begins to piece together the evidence and ventures deep into the jungle.<br /><br />It doesn’t take long before Emily is thrown into the middle of murder, mayhem, and conspiracy. Locals aren’t talking as a serial killer now stalks the island, taking women in a brutal frenzy of ancient superstitions and folklore. Local cops are unprepared for what lies ahead. In a race against the clock, Emily and her team must identify the killer before time runs out.</p>

Story Behind The Book

Abbie became a psychiatrist, in part, to exorcise her own demons.


<div>  <div class="fl"> <div class="fl clearboth"> <div class="txtsmaller" style="font-size:11px;line-height:19px;">  <div class="fl histoRowthree clearboth" title="No 3-star reviews"> <div class="histoRating fl gr10 ltgry txtnormal">3 star</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p>  </p><div class="mt4 ttl"><span class="swSprite s_star_5_0" title="5.0 out of 5 stars"><span>5.0 out of 5 stars</span></span> <a class="txtlarge gl3 gr4 reviewTitle valignMiddle" href=";ASIN=B00BFOP316&amp;channel=detail-glance&amp;nodeID=133140011&amp;store=digital-text"><strong>The psychology of the abusers as well as those that are abused</strong></a><span class="gry valignMiddle"> <span class="inlineblock txtsmall">March 26, 2013</span> </span></div> <div class="mt4 ath"><span class="gr10"><span class="txtsmall"><span class="gry">By</span> <a class="noTextDecoration" href="">Charles Ashbacher</a></span> </span><span class="gr8"><a class="noTextDecoration" href=";nodeId=14279681&amp;pop-up=1#hf"><span class="c7yBadge HF-1">HALL OF FAME</span></a></span><span class="gr8"><a class="noTextDecoration" href=";nodeId=14279681&amp;pop-up=1#tr"><span class="c7yBadge TR-5">TOP 500 REVIEWER</span></a></span><span class="gr8"><a class="noTextDecoration" href=";nodeId=14279681&amp;pop-up=1#vn"><span class="c7yBadge VN-1">VINE™ VOICE</span></a></span></div> <div class="txtsmall mt4 fvavp"><span class="inlineblock formatVariation"><span class="gr3 gry formatKey">Format:</span><span class="formatValue">Paperback</span></span></div> <div class="mt9 reviewText"> <div class="drkgry">There are many crazy, as in mental, characters in this book. With so many potential perpetrators, all of which are demented enough to have committed the crimes, the reader is left to their logical devices until the candidate pool is reduced.<br /> The main character is Dr. Abbie Adler, a psychiatrist with a special interest in the sexual abuse of children. Her interest was derived from her childhood, where she was sexually abused over the course of several years. In the immediate past, Abbie has been treating two young female victims of the Chabot Rapist, a man that uses ether to render his victims unconscious before he rapes them. Abbie has also been seeing a therapist for a number of years in order to deal with her past.<br /> The timeframe of the opening is after most of this has occurred; in that section Abbie is discovered in a catatonic, unresponsive state behind the wheel of her car. Quickly shifting to Abbie's childhood and the years of sexual abuse, we get a brief synopsis of her life and then the events begin unfolding. We are introduced to many people that are presented in a way that you put them into your list of prime suspects. Abbie is no shrinking violet; she has studied martial arts and owns a handgun.<br /> What makes this an intelligent thriller is that each one of the prime suspects has a tie to other characters and none of them generates an iota of sympathy in your mind. They all suffer from significant mental problems and you are in the room when their personalities are being examined and dissected. Sometimes when they openly admit to their violent faults and deliberately try to manipulate those around them.<br /> This is one of those books that once I started it my priority list was rearranged. I could not put it down as Abbie and the people around her struggle to make sense of a complicated web of destruction, deceit and manipulation, all while she tries to regain her memory, stay alive and face the world she lives in.</div> </div>