Paige Warren

Paige Warren


Elmo's Sojourn

Elmo's Sojourn

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<p>Elmo, a retired scientist, enjoys tinkering in his basement. One day, he suddenly travels to a distant planet, and experiences a host of adventures.</p>

Story Behind The Book


<p><font size="2"><strong>Manic Readers<br /></strong>&quot;The storyline and the characters are all well written and the interaction between them is realistic. The love scenes are provocative and very steamy! If you wear glasses, keep a tissue nearby to defog them.&quot;<br />Rating: 3.5 out of 5</font></p> <p><font size="2"><strong>We Write Romance</strong><br />&quot;Paige Warren has created a short story that is sure to turn you on and keep you wondering how it will end. With her hot love scenes, romantic tale, and believable characters, you will not be disappointed...&quot;<br />Rating: 3 out of 4</font></p> <p><font size="2"><strong>The Romance Studio</strong><br />&quot;Not only would I be willing to read this story again, I intend to do so, several times. This is one of those books that will forever stay in the &quot;To Be Read&quot; file.&quot;<br />Rating: 5 out of 5</font></p>